American Idol Season 8 – Top 13 Results – VIDEO

Jasmine Murray and Jorge Nunez are eliminated tonight.   These weren’t shocking boots, so no, the judges didn’t use their new “Judges Save” rule to bail them out.

To add to the drama, Megan Joy Corkrey and Anoop Desai stood center stage with Jasmine and Jorge respectively, but Ryan never called the pairings “the bottom two.”   I suspect neither of them were near the bottom.   Anoop certainly wasn’t cause he’s got peeps.

What is this “Judges Save” you’re asking? The judges get one opportunity to save a contestant from elimination, between now and the Top 5.   The vote has to be unanimous, and they only get to use it once.   Needless to say, the judges didn’t waste their save on fodder tonight.

Jasmine barely made it into the Top 13, and she didn’t stay long.   Jorge’s sweet nature alone couldn’t sustain a long run into the Top 13, so bye bye.   With Jorge and Jasmine’s exit, the cast just got a little less diverse. Season 8 Top 11–chock full of white guys!

After the jump, video goodness, and my semi-live re-cap…

Videos and re-cap after the JUMP…

  • “Judges Save” rule explained – VIDEO
  • The kids move to the mansion – VIDEO
  • Jackson 5 Medley – VIDEO
  • Ford Video featuring “We Will Rock You” by Queen – VIDEO
  • Jasmine Murray and Megan Joy Corkrey are Bottom Two. Jasmine is eliminated – VIDEO
  • Kanye West performs “Heartless” – VIDEO
  • Kelly Clarkson performs “My Life Would Suck Without You” – VIDEO
  • Anoop Desai and Jorge Nunez are Bottom 2 – VIDEO
  • Jorge Nunez is eliminated – VIDEO

Double elimination tonight…and the “new rule” is explained!

Plus, Kelly Clarkson and Kanye West perform…

33 Million votes–the highest they’ve ever had at this stage of the competition.

Ryan is name-checking all the shocking boots…. Tamyra Gray, Michael Johns, Chris Daughtry and Jennifer HudsonNow, the new rule is explained!   It’s called “The Judges Save”   The judges can save one contestant from elimination, up until the Top 5.   The vote has to be unanimous, and they can only use it once during the season. The week the judges use it, nobody goes home, the next week, 2 will be eliminated.

Ryan uses Chris Daughtry as someone who could have been saved and gone on to win.   But the rule would not have helped Chris or Tamyra Gray, who both went out in 4th place.

After that nifty explanation, is a video clip of the kids moving into the rented mansion they’ll be living in during the competition.   They’re all agog and wide-eyed.

Next the kids sing a medley of   Jackson 5 hits.   Look, Scott MacIntyre is dancing, and he’s not plowing into anybody. I’m impressed.   Fav line “I was blind to let you go.” Lolz!   Danny Gokey is dancing too, and it’s, uhm special. And, Megan Corkrey has no rhythm. Whatsoever.

Blah blah recap from last night…

Ryan chats up “Sarver” (after he was talking to “Lambert”…what’s with the last names, Ryan?) about this week’s Ford video featuring Queen’s “We Will Rock You.” And I’m underwhelmed.   Ford is back, but their budget is not.

Now, for some eliminations.

Dim the lights, here we go.   Michael Sarver is first…Ryan runs his deets…and he’s SAFE.   Allison Iraheta is next…and she is also SAFE. Michael grabs her and says, “You were scared!” “I was!” says Allison. Jasmine Murray is asked to stand…Ryan asks her to take center stage.   Ryan asks Matt Giraud to stand up, and he’s so nervous he heads straight for center stage before Michael and Allison push him back. “I wouldn’t be so quick to jump up there.” And he shouldn’t be because Matt is…SAFE.

Kris Allen stands up, and after Ryan rattles off his deets, he asks Megan Joy Corkrey stand up next.   After her deets, Ryan begins, “Kris…, ” Kris heads to center stage…before Ryan finishes, “you’re safe” Back to your seat, Allen! Ryan sends Megan down to join Jasmine center stage.   Ryan says that one is safe, but the other is going home, “Unless the judges save you.” Ryan tells Megan she’s SAFE.   Jasmine is going home, but while she performs her sing-out, the judges, supposedly, are to discuss whether to use their new found powers to save her. Oh, Jasmine pitchy pitchy! While she sings, the judges don’t seem to be discussing…anything. Yet, after she’s finished, Randy tells her, “Sorry, It’s not going to work.”   Jasmine begins to cry–Ryan tries to comfort her as her journey vid begins. We hear Carrie Underwood singing the boot song, “Home Sweet Home”.

Next, Kanye West sings “Heartless”   He’s touching hands with the mosh pit!   Kanye rules.

Ryan asks Scott MacIntyre to stand…Scott is SAFE. Alexis Grace is next…and thank Jeebus she’s SAFE, with that wonky phone number and all. Ryan asks Danny Gokey to stand up…and of course he is safe.   Next, Anoop Desai is asked to stand….Ryan finishes his deets, Anoop smiles and nods his heads toward center stage.   Ryan says, “Go ahead.”   Poor Anoop knows the drill by now. Adam Lambert is asked to stand, and naturally, he is SAFE. Danny gives him a hug. Jorge Nunez is next and after his deets, Ryan asks Lil Rounds to stand. As she does, Jorge knows in that moment he’s heading for center stage. After Lil’s deets, Ryan sends Jorge to center stage and tells Lil that she’s SAFE.

The results will have to wait until after two breaks and a performance by Kelly Clarkson.

Ryan announces that the each results show will feature a performance by a former Idol (Yay!) This week, it’s Kelly performing her big hit single, “My Life Would Suck Without You.” She’s totally fab. But not before Ryan chats her up. Kelly says you’ll find a little bit of everything on her new album, All I Ever Wanted.   Kelly tells Ryan the song is about him, then Ryan begins to sing badly.

After the break, Ryan keeps it short. He tells Anoop he is SAFE, and that Jorge is going home…maybe. Ryan asks Jorge to sing while the “judges deliberate.”   Simon and Randy chat during the performance while Paula dances and Kara sings along. That’s some deliberating, right there.   After, Simon says, “No, sorry.”   More Carrie Underwood, as Jorge’s journey vid plays…   The End.

About mj santilli 35048 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!