The Top 11 return this week. Two contestants will be sent home tonight on the American Idol 14 Top 10 Redux performance/results show, after Qaasim Middleton was saved last week. The finalists will sing songs from the 8os. Boy George mentors and will perform his hit, “Karma Chameleon” with the contestants.
Read More: American Idol 14 Chat With M&M- Top 11 Redux Power List
Check out the results from last week’s poll.
Clark Beckham and Joey Cook take the #2 and #3 spots on the favorites list, respectively. I have to admit, that I’m surprised that Rayvon Owen has taken the #3 spot ahead of Quentin Alexander and especially JAX. Statistically, all three entries are pretty close, however. Clark and Joey have clear leads. There’s another gap between Jax and Nick Fradiani. Qaasim Middleton, Maddie Walker, Adanna Duru, Daniel Seavey and Tyanna Jones, languish at the bottom. Ugh. It hurts to see Tyanna fall so far! I hope the talented singer fares better this week.
Once again, and overwhelming 60% of you feel that Daniel Seavey should be heading home this week. I can’t argue with that! Qaasim came in a distant second. I don’t think he’ll be leaving the competition on the heels of a Save. He’s got at least one or two more weeks.
Maddie Walker, Daniel Seavey, Qaasim Middleton and Rayvon Owen are at the top of the WILL go home list. Take Qaasim out of the equation, and that looks just about right to me. Adanna Duru is more at risk this week than Qaasim. I wouldn’t be super shocked if she got the boot.
My Prediction: Heading home will be two of either Maddie Walker, Daniel Seavey or Rayvon Owen. Will Daniel’s fans save him again this week? We’ll see tonight!
American Idol 14 Top 10 – Favorite Performance
- Clark Beckham – “Sunday Morning” 30.45%
- Joey Cook – “Mad World” 21.56%
- Rayvon Owen – “Stayin’ Alive” 10.63%
- Quentin Alexander – “You’re the One That I Want” 10.22%
- Jax – “Grow Old With You” 9.3%
- Nick Fradiani – “Danger Zone” 4.27%
- Qaasim Middleton – “Come Together” 3.86%
- Maddie Walker – “Let’s Hear It for the Boy” 3.1%
- Adanna Duru – “Love You I Do” 2.34%
- Daniel Seavey – “Lost Stars” 2.34%
- Tyanna Jones – “Circle of Life” 1.93%
American Idol 14 – Top 10 – Who SHOULD Go Home?
- Daniel Seavey 59.75%
- Qaasim Middleton 14.99%
- Maddie Walker 9.92%
- Jax 2.94%
- Adanna Duru 2.48%
- Tyanna Jones 2.42%
- Quentin Alexander 2.31%
- Rayvon Owen 2.13%
- Joey Cook 1.9%
- Clark Beckham 0.63%
- Nick Fradiani, Jr. 0.52%
American Idol 14 – Top 10 – Who WILL Go Home?
- Maddie Walker 25.02%
- Daniel Seavey 20.31%
- Qaasim Middleton 19.73%
- Rayvon Owen 17.06%
- Adanna Duru 7.89%
- Tyanna Jones 5.03%
- Quentin Alexander 1.65%
- Jax 1.53%
- Nick Fradiani, Jr. 1.02%
- Joey Cook 0.51%
- Clark Beckham 0.25%