American Idol 14 Final 2 Polls – Who Will Win American Idol?

AMERICAN IDOL XIV: TOP 2: L-R: Clark Beckham and Nick Fradiani. CR: Michael Becker / FOX. © FOX Broadcasting. This image is embargoed until 10:00PM PT.

In case you haven’t heard. Jax was eliminated from American Idol tonight. Clark Beckham and Nick Fradiani performed 3 songs for your votes. One of them will be crowned the American Idol 14 winner at 8/7c tomorrow night on FOX.

Read More: American Idol 14 Recap – Final 2 Performance Videos

Holding the elimination at the top of the show was so…abrupt. I wish American Idol could have done what Dancing with the Stars did this season. The last 3 weeks of competition featured results shows. I really feel for Jax. She worked so hard all week on 3 songs and didn’t get to sing any of them. Not even a sing out. At least she got a goodbye video package.

So we got our inevitable white guy battle. Notice that limiting votes hasn’t changed the demo of the winner. I never believed unlimited voting was the cause for all the white dude winners. And guess what. The same thing is happening over on that other show too. It’s just like life. Girls have to work harder to succeed. Always.

Anyway. Like I said over on the blog. My favorites are gone. I’m not really invested in who wins. But I’d like the winner to have some measure of success post-Idol, and I think that will be Nick Fradiani. I’ve already voted for him every way I can. I wouldn’t be surprised if Scott decided to sign Jax anyway. He really seemed to appreciate her talent. Good luck to her. She still has the finale, where she can shine. And then comes the tour.

Kudos to both Clark and Nick for fighting a really hard battle. Clark was handicapped somewhat by a coronation song that didn’t suit him. But he may win anyway. I’m not ready to make a prediction. I have to think about it.

So, that’s my take. What’s yours? Vote in the polls below!

American Idol 14 – Final 2 – Favorite Performance

American Idol 14 – Final 2 – Who SHOULD win American Idol?

American Idol 14 – Final 2 – Who WILL win American Idol?

American Idol 14 – Final 2 – Grade the Episode

Which Was the Best Coronation Song?

About mj santilli 35180 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!