Meet Adanna Duru American Idol 2015 Season 14 Top 24 Contestant
Read More: American Idol Top 24 – Season 14 – 2015
Adanna Duru is an eighteen year old Nigerian-American singer-songwriter, choreographer, dancer and musician from California. Adanna has been singing since she was a child and dreams of inspiring people with her dancing and singing. In between balancing school and sports, Adanna currently is recording her first album, which she hopes to release in spring 2014. In terms of her inspirations, Adanna looks to singers like Madonna, Kelly Clarkson, Bruno Mars and more as a source of influence. In addition to singing, Adanna is an ambassador of “Stylites”, which is an organization that, through funding, raises money for support groups for victims of human sex trafficking.
In 2012, at only 15 years of age, Adanna auditioned for the third season of The Voice (Cassadee Pope’s winning season). After advancing through all the preliminary rounds, Adanna performed Edge Of Glory, by Lady Gaga for her blind audition and in the end, she joined Team Adam and was through to the Battle Round. During the battles, Adanna was paired with Michelle Thompson and together they performed Beyonce’s Crazy In Love. Michelle was deemed the winner, and since the other judges didn’t steal her, Adanna was eliminated from The Voice. While it may have ended early for Adanna on The Voice, on this season of American Idol, she has advanced to the top 24! If you are a fan of hers, look out for Adanna during the auditions, Hollywood and live rounds.
Links: Website – Twitter – YouTube – Facebook – Original Biography – The Voice 3 Audition – Studio Version of Edge of Glory
Overall Thoughts: Adanna is a great singer, but as much as I like her, there are just other singers in the mix that I enjoy more. I think Adanna has a chance of making the top 13, but if she does, unless she really shines, I’d expect her to be one of the first singers sent home.
Song Suggestions:
- Because The Night, by Patti Smith
- Diamonds, by Rihanna
Watch Adanna sing “You & I” by Lady Gaga at her San Francisco audition