In an interview with EOnline last week, Adam Lambert revealed that he spent the day before in a secret recording session:
I recorded all day yesterday [Wednesday] in L.A. But that’s a secret. It’s not for my record, possibly for a soundtrack. That’s all I can say. It’s not for New Moon, but that would be cool.
That got the fans speculating! But, only a week later, and it looks like the “secret” may be out–spilled by John Miceli, the drummer of 70’s rock balladeer, Meatloaf. From Miceli’s blog:
I just finished a track with Adam Lambert and Rob Cavallo (producer) for the movie 2012. What a great tune and amazing vocals.
Many of you should be familiar with Robert Cavallo–he produced David Cook’s debut, as well as American Idiot for Green Day and My Chemical Romance’s Welcome to the Black Parade.
The movie 2012, according to its wiki, is a big budget “science fiction disaster film”(Check out the trailer…stuff blows up real good) directed by Roland Emmerich. The ensemble cast includes John Cusack, Danny Glover, Thandie Newton, and Woody Harrelson.
The distributor, Columbia Pictures is owned by Sony Entertainment, the parent company of Adam’s record label, RCA. The film, according to the 2012 website, is expected to be released worldwide on November 13, 2009–just in time to cross promote with Adam’s post-Idol debut album! Synergy! See how that works? Sweet, sweet promotion for Adam, especially if the movie is a hit.