Adam Lambert: Producer Rob Cavallo Spills Album Details, Song Titles

Lindsey Parker of Yahoo music sat down earlier today for an interview with producer Rob Cavallo, who worked on 6 tracks for the upcoming Adam Lambert album. He also produced the 2012 soundtrack theme, “Time For Miracles”.

Finally, we’ve got some song titles. Cavallo leaks a few: “Winners”, “Music Again” and “Suburban Decay.”

Cavallo is full of praise for Adam, calling him one of the most gifted singers he’s ever recorded, in addition to being a great guy and fun to hang out with. Cavallo promises “amazing” songs, and calls the album, “a whole new thing.”

When pressed for a release date for “Time for Miracles”, Cavallo settled on October 18, but he didn’t seem entirely sure.

A glam rock, electro pop, glam robot invasion–classic rock, but with a lot of pop and dance elements to it is how Cavallo describes the album. He says his songs have the rock element, but with something new.

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