Adam Lambert tells E Online in a recent interview that the fan devotion on tour is a bit overwhelming.
“Every night is such a big event. You have tons of people who are superexcited and passionate, which feels incredible. But at some point, I can only give so much and have enough energy to go out the next day. It really is draining. I’m not complaining about it at all, but it really is. There’s a point where you’re like, “Wow, I’m exhausted right now. I just gave a show. I met like 200 people and took pictures with everybody. And now I’m out signing autographs and people are, like, screaming insanely.” It feels great, but yeah, it takes a chunk out of you.
Adam has been spotted on the after show M&G line wearing neon-colored ear-plugs. He’s also been pleading with the crowds not to scream so loud…
After the concert in Newark, NJ Sunday night, Adam apologized to his fans via twitter, for not making it out to the buses to sign autographs.
When he received a few negative messages in response, Adam lashed out:
Thank you Newark! Sorry I didn’t make it outside to sign autographs’ ¦ Had lots of ny friends and family inside I never see. Plus rain!
A bit later:
Hey guys. I have gotten a few negative messages about not signing autographs. Sorry If anyone is dissapointed.
I feel bad but please understand that I try to give you guys 110% on stage. Your ticket is to see us perform! Entitlement is not sexy’ ¦
After a deluge of commiserating tweets from fans, Adam twittered:
I Loooooooooove and am deeply grateful to my fans who made idol a dream come true. I feel that I express that love in my performance.Thank u
Thanks to those of you who ‘get it’ You guys are so rad. The messages were really thoughtful. A few of you need to quit being so negative.
Do you sense a bit of frustration? It’s Idol tour fatigue setting in. Typically begins happening for the Idols at about the half-way mark. These guys are unprepared for how demanding some quarters of the Idol fandom can be. The bus meet and greets are a bonus–some fans don’t get that.
Kris Allen has to deal with the crazy too. He told MTV’s Alexa Chung on Monday about a creepy fan who tried to stick her tongue down his throat while posing for a photo.
When asked by Newsday what surprised him on the tour, Kris admitted, “I think the fans are a little bit crazier than I thought they were going to be. They like to touch you and sometimes in ways that maybe they shouldn’t”
He adds, “. . . but those people buy records, too.”
Indeed, they do.