X Factor UK 2018 Recap – Live Shows Week 1 Results – Live Blog and VIDEOS

It’s the first live results show of 2018 on The X Factor UK! And I honestly have no idea what is going to happen. Last night, all 16 acts performed. Some did great, some didn’t. I personally think the three standouts were Shan Ako, Scarlett Lee, and Dalton Harris. I love Misunderstood but they didn’t do as good as they could have done yesterday. And while I liked Brendan, Simon was really harsh on him.

But anyway, as discussed at the end of last night’s show, we will have a double elimination. The act with the lowest number of votes leaves immediately. The second and third from the bottom will sing off and the judges will send one of them home.

The show starts at 3 PM Eastern, so join me then!

After a quick introduction, Dermot is introduced. He says the vote is only open for 20 more minutes. He then tries to get the judges to predict the results. Shan, Dalton and LMA choir are namechecked.

For our first guest performance of the season, we see Keala Settle performing This Is Me. Dermot says The Greatest Showman is Simon’s favorite movie. In other news, the sky is blue and water is wet. Keala’s got a great voice. I have no idea what’s happening behind her, but it’s circus themed. At the end, she goes a bit off the rails, but it was still good. Simon clearly is in love with this movie – he stood before the performance was even done, and then he gushes over Keala after Dermot asks him. Dermot tries to get her to announce a sequel so that Simon has more music for next year’s competition shows.

Next, a recap of last night, followed by a 5 minute warning.

Rak-Su are up now. I was never a fan of Rak-Su last year – they were the first winning act since I started watching X Factor UK that I didn’t like. But I have to say, it is astonishing how mediocre they are compared to the majority of this year’s acts. There are some really weird visuals going on for this performance making it really hard to watch and even harder to describe. I want them to do well, but I don’t think they will if this is what they’re delivering. Dermot asks who they like and the one singer in the group says Anthony Russell because of his perseverance. Ok then.

Time for the results! The acts and judges are introduced.

In no particular order, the safe acts are:

Scarlett Lee
Acacia & Aaliyah
Molly Scott
Brendan Murray
Dalton Harris
Shan Ako
Bella Penfold
Giovanni Spano
LMA Choir
Anthony Russell
Danny Tetley
United Vibe

The act with the lowest number of votes is:

Olatunji Yearwood

I’m totally fine with that result.

The sing off is between Janice Robinson and Armstrong Martins.

Janice is up first, singing The Climb. Last night wasn’t a good vocal from Janice. This is better, but still not that great. At the end, it’s really really rough. I hope it’s enough to save her, simply because I really don’t like Armstrong’s voice. 

Armstrong is up next, singing True Colors. It starts off stronger than Janice’s performance and ends up the same. I’m indifferent between these two acts at this point. I don’t care who stays and who goes. Neither of their vocals were very pleasant at all.

Ayda sends home Armstrong.

Louis sends home Janice.

Robbie sends home Armstrong.

Simon sends home Armstrong.

Armstrong Martins is eliminated. No complaints here.

Next week’s theme is Guilty Pleasures and the guests will be Kylie Minogue and Little Mix.

About Eric Ascher 106 Articles
I cover X Factor UK for Mjsbigblog. I love writing about any show that could help me find an entertainer to follow in the real world. I watch these shows obsessively and love keeping up with amazing talent.