X Factor Top 9 – The Results!

Live blogging the X Factor results RIGHT HERE.

There’s a double elimination! Dun dun DUN

Next week? ANOTHER DOUBLE ELIMINATION!  Seven will become 5.  Looks like the final will be 3 contestants.

Lakoda Rayne is eliminated
LeRoy Bell is eliminated (via DEADLOCK-lowest number of votes)

Simon Cowell is such a wuss. There’s no way he doesn’t know the results ahead of time. So, instead of eliminating LeRoy like I’m sure he wanted to, he allowed the public vote to take care of it. Because, LeRoy blew Marcus off the stage tonight in the sing-off. But Simon would rather keep the younger, more marketable guy–that would be Marcus–regardless, but WITHOUT looking like the bad guy. Bah.

It really didn’t matter which of them went home. They were both existing on fumes. Lakoda Rayne were lucky to have lasted as long as they did. I chuckled when they told Steve they’d be performing across the country…we haven’t seen the last of them yet. Blah Blah Blah. I expect them to break up as soon as they realize there’s no one banging down their door to sign them.

Speaking of Steve Jones. Gah, the dude is like a walking talking robot. I’m waiting for make-up to reveal that he’s really got pointy ears and is from the land of Vulcans. Dude has NO personality, chemistry with the judges or ability to empathize with the contestants. I just cringed when he bellowed at Lakoda Rayne after they were eliminated, “HOW DOES IT FEEL TO HAVE THE DREAM DIE”. Yikes Steve.  Simon has got to be considering a replacement for him.

Also, I hope that Simon thinking of ways to retool the groups category, because America ain’t buying what he’s  selling right there.

And Kelly Clarkson takes the stage first to sing her next single “What Doesn’t Kill You (Stronger)” Standing O from the judges.  Kelly was awesome as always. Too bad she was on so early in the hour.  She took the stage at the very top of the hour and was done before 8:05.  Anyone who tuned in even a few minutes late missed it. 

Now, it’s time for the pointless and boring recap of last night’s show. Thank you mom, thank you rents, THANK YOU GOD!!! LISTEN TO ME ISLAND PATOIS! Young Homie again PLEASE DON’T VOTE ME OFF. Thank you Taylor Swift, we don’t have an original thought, My mom died TEARS, SORRY SORRY SORRY…but it’s all about MEEEEEEE. WTF? What you talkin about LA, Thank you tween daughter for the inspiration. The end. Next?

The final 9 take the stage to sing a Pink medley “Raise Your Glass/So What”. Uhm. They’re going to the circus. A circus of REALLY BAD SINGERS! I’m so happy the lead vocals are live. Chris and Astro begin randomly rapping and it’s like they dropped in from a different medley. This is so damn entertaining. Love me some train wreck pointy poses!


Lakoda Rayne and Drew join Steve center stage. IDOL STYLE BABY. Both are thoroughly confused. One of the acts is going home. The other is safe. GEE I WONDER WHO IT IS. I CAN’T HANDLE THE SUSPENSE Y’ALL. *EYES ROLL*

Lakoda Rayne, are of course, going home. Steve to the girls “How does it feel to have the dream die?” Nice! The girls: “The dream is not over! You’re going to see us everywhere!” Delusion!

The next two acts in the bottom will sing for their lives. The judges will choose who goes home.

Howie Mandel stops by to pimp his show “Flash Mob” He describes it as “Glee” meets “Punked”  Erm NO THANKS.

Next up is Bruno Mars to sing “It Will Rain”.  FANTASTIC says Steve.

The remaining 7 acts take the stage.  Safe, in no particular order…Chris Rene, Rachel Crow and Josh Krajcik. Time for break.  Astro, Marcus Canty, LeRoy Bell and Melanie Amaro still await their fate.

Back from break. Who else is going through?  Melanie Amaro is safe.  Astro, Marcus and LeRoy are left.  Astro is safe!

LeRoy Bell and Marcus Canty are in the bottom 2. They will sing for survival!

LA Reid introduces Marcus Canty “You Lost Me” by Christina Aguilera – A little off pitch, but he’s working it out. He pours a lot of emotion into his performance.

Nicole Scherzinger introduces LeRoy Bell: “Don’t Let Me Down” by The Beatles – LeRoy knows how to croon a classic rock tune–with a ton of soul. He’s performing better than Marcus. But, will they ignore LeRoy’s awesome singout and keep youth over age?

LeRoy is performing better than Marcus, but they may send him home anyway, because he’s the least marketable of the two.


LA is sending home: LA likes both acts, but he has to stick with his own. He goes further to plead with the other judges to save Marcus. He sends LeRoy home.
Nicole is sending home: She thinks Marcus is a star, but she of course will stick with her act. She sends Marcus home.
Paula sends home: She refuses to answer quick. Paula didn’t think Marcus delivered as well as his song. She thinks both will sell lots of albums. She sends Marcus home
Simon sends home: He likes them both. Simon thinks Marcus is nudging ahead of Leroy. But Leroy sang better tonight. SIMON SENDS TO DEADLOCK

The act with the lowest number of votes is…LeRoy Bell.



  • Drew
  • Chris Rene
  • Rachel Crow
  • Josh Krajcik
  • Melanie Amaro
  • Astro
About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!