X Factor Los Angeles Live Auditions – Photos & More


3-piece boyband called Best Kept Secret in LA fr small moutain town in Northern California. Sang Bob Marley. (Via @pebblesnpoprock)

: @blkeener is tweeting the show HERE. @SnapCracklyPop HERE.

As Paula Abdul arrives at today’s X Factor live auditions, FOX releases a press release officially announcing that she is joining Cheryl Cole, LA Reid and Simon Cowell on the X Factor USA judges panel. WELL DUH! Read it HERE.

In the meantime all the judges have arrived. Paula made her grand entrance after Cheryl, L.A. and Simon arrived.

Photos via @XFactorUSA and @LyndseyParker, @pebblesnpoprock, @snapcracklypop

Seating order: Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul, Cheryl Cole, LA Reid.

@TheXFactorUSA: Simon Cowell encourages fans to share their opinion while in the audience at #TheXFactorUSA auditions saying “You’re the 5th judge”.

First act finaaaaaally makes it through! After 90+ minutes!, tweets Lyndsey Parker.

According to The Hollywood Reporter L.A Reid is way meaner than Simon Cowell! “When was the last time you performed? Eighteen years ago?” Reid asked at 51 year old hopeful,   “Whatever made you stop then, you should’ve stuck with that decision.”  Simon told her, “”It’s very brave, and I don’t mean this disrespectfully, but you’re someone who should be singing at home.”

“I am beyond thrilled!” Paula Abdul tells TV Guide Magazine during the first day of auditions in Los Angeles. “I am exhilarated. I am terrified… of Simon. I’ve really missed him, and I have no idea what to expect.”

Simon Cowell tells the Hollywood Reporter that he never offered Cee Lo Green a job on X Factor, “I had a meeting with him, ” Cowell said ahead of X Factor’s first round of auditions in Los Angeles. “I just said hello. I didn’t offer him the job. The next thing I’m reading that he turned me down. We saw tons of people; nobody turned us down.”

A report from the Hollywood Reporter from inside the Galen center. Explained Simon Cowell to the audience: “The idea is we’re trying to find a superstar. … And you’re our fifth judge. Basically you’re here to tell us who you like. You can be as badly behaved as you want, actually. The whole reason for doing this is I trust you guys for being able to judge this process. There’s $5 million at stake.”

Quipped LA Reid: “To be clear, I’m not the Randy [Jackson] of the panel. Don’t say ‘dog.'”

“On the Scene” report from Entertainment Weekly: “From a nuts and bolts standpoint, The X Factor looks kind of like American Idol, except with Pepsi cups on the table. (Cowell and Abdul seemed happy to be reunited: During one break he lovingly petted her hair.) But one of the biggest differences was apparent the minute the first contestants hit the stage. The first act to audition was a duo (though not a very good one), comprised of two twentysomething male friends. Reid was fairly tough right off the bat: “It looked like you guys were having a good time, ” he said of their rendition of TLC’s “Waterfalls, ” “but I’m not sure you’re cut out for the big time.”

Lyndsey Parker interviews Cheryl Cole:

Cheryl Cole at the First ‘X Factor USA’ Live Taping from Yahoo! Music on Vimeo.

Lyndsey Parker interviews Simon Cowell and Paula Abdul:

Simon Cowell at the First ‘X Factor USA’ Live Taping from Yahoo! Music on Vimeo.

Paula Abdul at the First ‘X Factor USA’ Live Taping from Yahoo! Music on Vimeo.


About mj santilli 35184 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!