X Factor Boot Camp Part 1 – Recap Roundup!

Here’s a roundup of recaps of last night’s X Factor. Read my recap with videos of the X Factor Boot Camp Part 1 episode HERE.

‘The X Factor’ recap: Moot Camp – As Simon might say, I am “uttah-ly” confused as to how to recap last night’s episode of The X Factor, which featured 162 acts beginning “boot camp.” It was pretty much a 90-minute visual representation of ADD, with names and faces and flails and tears flashing briefly across the screen and a series of group performances for which we viewers received no verdict…yet. EW

The X Factor Boot Camp Recap: How to Make an American (Idol) Quilt – On one hand, the 90-minute telecast featured a relentless assault on the senses, with what felt like each and every one of the show’s 162 remaining musical acts flashing past our propped-open eyes in rapid succession, their voices melding into an indistinguishable din of noise. And yet, thanks to a dozen or so truly promising voices (all of ‘em featured in brief but intriguing bursts), there was undeniable beauty to be found in the patchwork structure of the episode. Plus, there was a brilliantly/freakishly feathered jacket on display — but more on that in a minute. – TV Line

The X Factor Recap: Boot Camp Means Group Mangling of Pop Songs! – The endless audition episodes are behind us, and finally — finally! — we are on to the much-ballyhooed BOOT CAMP ROUND! Which … is kind of like the audition episodes plus some rudimentary choreography. I’ll brew a pot of coffee. As the hopefuls wheel their travel bags into the barracks (the same Pasadena auditorium American Idol uses at this stage of the game), two things are revealed: – Meth Guy has a sister who has also made it this far! Unfortunately for her, she has stayed drug-free and therefore has nothing to offer. – Vulture

‘The X Factor’ recap: Who will survive boot camp? – Over the course of two shows, the second of which airs Thursday night, the 162 acts –- some we remember vividly from their auditions, some we feel as if we’ve never seen before –- will be reduced to 32 contenders, eight in each of four categories: boys, girls, over-30s and groups. (They’ll be judged not only on their voices, but also on factors such as style and attitude.) Each of those groups will be mentored by one of the four judges, Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul, Nicole Scherzinger and L.A. Reid, whom they will meet in their homes. – LA Times

‘X Factor’ Watch: The Boot Camp Begins – “The X Factor” on Wednesday night was like an ill-advised wartime charge up a strategically unimportant hill: so much carnage, but for what? It was — more military metaphors — the first night of Boot Camp, as the show calls it: 162 acts culled from the nationwide auditions, to be cut to 32 by the end of Thursday night’s show. First, everyone sang something individually, and dozens were sent home; that made perfect sense. But then came a round that seemed made to show the performers at their worst, and to a large extent succeeded. – NY Times

Ike Turner’s widow joins ‘X Factor’ hopefuls onstage – Simon’s ego probably needed a boost after the show’s disappointing ratings (based on expectations), and he got it with Tiah Tolliver. Tolliver, who Simon had to browbeat Nicole Scherzinger for her vote just to get her into Boot Camp, nailed her part in her group’s rendition of “Feeling Good, ” notably sung by Nina Simone and used zillions of times since on “Idol.” And if you think it was a coincidence that Tolliver got into a group that offered her ample opportunity to use her power, you probably also believe in the Easter Bunny. – MSNBC

‘The X Factor’ Redux: Tears, Jeers, and Beers, It Must Be Boot Camp – To paraphrase Simon Cowell, it’s time to separate the good singers from the not so good ones on Wednesday’s episode of The X Factor. Exactly 162 people made it to the boot camp phase of the competition and only 32 will move on to be mentored by one of the judges in groups separated into guys, gals, over 30s, and groups. – THR

‘X-Factor, ’ Season 1, Episode 5, Boot Camp: TV Recap – Before the night’s singing groups were assembled, however, choreographer Brian Friedman trained all of them for one routine, after which the judges faced the difficult responsibility of dismissing the performers they didn’t think were worthy of the show’s prize of a $5 million recording contract. The first and third groups made it through, and celebrated together, but the second group went home, much to the disappointment of many of the contestants. (While a teenager pleaded respectfully with Cowell for another chance, an older contestant threw a fit in the lobby, screaming “I don’t have a life!”) – Wall Street Journal

“Boot Camp #1” – You know what would be a really good twist for The X Factor to have? What if they made good on all that “I’m putting everything on the line, I’m banking on us finding a star, ” stuff that Simon says every week, usually from the back seat of armored vehicle, and revealed that they might not necessarily pick a winner? Like, it could come down to the final two, and the votes are in and the winner is decided, but then Simon could be all “absolutely dreadful” and then we don’t get a star like we were promised! And everyone goes home sad and bitter and questioning who they are and what they live for. You guys, it would be so fun, like Joe Millionaire! – AV Club

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!