X Factor 2 – Top 12 – Power List and Predictions

You know what? I’m not going to change last week’s voting order much in my power list this week. Tate Stevens, Carly Rose and Vino Alan are literally the only X Factor finalists who have a clear idea of who they are as artists. (Well, Lyric has a strong identity, but we’ll get to her in a bit). They need very little mentoring, which is a good thing. Because the acts who need guidance are being led by judges who aren’t very good at their jobs.

Diamond White and Fifth Harmony are interchangeable at 4 and 5. Neither is a great act, but they seem to have already amassed a following. As I said in my recap, Emblem 3 are polished and professional, but come off as asshats. Unless they have a strong fan group who kicked into gear last night, I don’t think their performance or video package demeanor helped to kick them up the leaderboard.

Jennel Garcia is still coming off as a bland rock-chick knockoff. Demi’s song choice for her “Proud Mary” was so predictable. Demi’s girl, Paige Thomas seemed ill at ease in a performance that should have had the studio on their feet. Demi is doing none of her acts any favors, to say the least.

Lyric 145 are fantastic, but as a rap/hip hop group, they aren’t connecting to the X Factor demo, which seems to be older and conservative. I don’t expect them to last very long, unfortunately.

If CeCe Frey had performed earlier in the line up and hadn’t been pimped so hard, she’d be a goner tonight. Her vocal was comically off key. She tries way too hard. And the “poor little me” backstory–that includes parents who can’t afford to fly out to LA to see her– is irritating. Unless she really steps it up, she’s gone in a couple of weeks.

Britney Spears has no clue what to do with Beatrice Miller. She could be in danger this week. Her elimination might be a blessing. It breaks my heart, that the young singer feels responsible for her family problems. A 13 year old should not feel that it’s up to her to fix her family–either emotionally OR financially. Beatrice needs to go home and have a childhood.

I will be very surprised if Arin Ray is not eliminated tonight. Unless there is a swarm of teen girls, rallying to save him, Arin is toast. He just did not connect to the Madonna song Britney handed him to sing. He’s cute, but has failed to exude enough charisma.

What do you guys think? Which two acts will go home tonight?  So far, according to our poll, You guys LOVE Carly Rose the best…

The X Factor 2 Top 12 – Recap and Videos
X Factor 2 – Top 12 – Take the Polls!

1.Tate Stevens
2. Carly Rose
3. Vino Alan
4. Diamond White
5. Fifth Harmony
6. Emblem3
7. Jennel Garcia
8. Paige Thomas
9. Lyric 145
10.CeCe Frey
11. Beatrice Miller
12. Arin Ray

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!