X Factor 1 – Top 11 – Recap and Videos

The Top 11 perform songs from the MOVIES tonight!

The connection between the songs and the “movie themes” was so tenuous, you could barely call tonight a “movie theme.”  What was the criteria? That the song appear somewhere in the movie at some point, even if it was on someone’s iPod?  And the movies? “You and Me and Dupree”. Say what?  I used to mock Idol movie week, but X Factor has ratcheted up the ridiculousness a notch.

Tonight’s best performers were the youngest contestants. Astro and Rachel Crow. Go tweens!  Rachel sang the Etta James song, “I’d Rather Go Blind” as if it were a second skin.  Astro performed a creative remix of Eminem’s “Lose Youself”.  He pretty much kicked ass on stage tonight.

Stereo Hogzz, I’m afraid, will at least be in the bottom 2 on Thursday, and I have a feeling the judges will send them home.  I hate to say, Drew was a little boring this week.  She didn’t make much of “Fix You”. Melanie was solid, but I found her a little predictable too.  LeRoy Bell made a comeback this week, but I would not be surprised to see him in the bottom 2. He’s had to many mediocre weeks.

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Steve Jones enters the stage to a big Bond-sounding theme.   The x Factor judges enter to…the Star War theme. What else? Simon needs to be dressed as Darth Vader.

Blah blah blah prize cakes. YES WE KNOW 5 MILLION Pepsi COMMERCIAL.

Filler: Video package featuring the Top 11 excursion to the Jack and Jill premiere.  Hey When are we gonna hear some sanging? This is results show stuff.

Stacy Francis – Nicole Scherzinger – Over 30s –  “The Queen of the Night” – (The Body Guard) “Ive had a lot of opportunities in my life, but they haven’t amounted to anything.”  DISSEMBLE ALERT.  The judges are de-pimping her, because to be honest, I thought this was one of her better performances. I liked that she went uptempo and she the OTT shouting to a minimum. It was upbeat and fun.  Nicole gives her a standing O.  LA:   He wrote this song. But he wondered why she didn’t pick one of the more popular songs from the movie, “I didn’t want to like it, but you did much better with it than I thought you would.”  Paula: You are a Diva. You are singing for your life. I never really liked the song. (Disrespectful! shouts LA) BURN. You delivered it in a big way. Simon: You look cute, but I’d have you wearing that somewhere else.  I liked you last week. It’s like Nicole has combined you and Paula into one person. Nicole: I think you look gorgeous. You shined from within tonight. I’m so proud of you. – 1-855-843-9301 Text vote to 9301VIDEO

Marcus Canty – LA Reid – Boys – “I’m Going Down” – No dancing this week. We’re going to see Marcus as a singer. He’s doing the Teddy Pendergrass thingy, stripping off his jacket. But I’m not sure he knows what to do if he’s not dancing. He’s got this spastic thing he does with his hands.  He sure can sing though. Very sexy and soulful.   LA is in GROOVE HEAVEN.  I’m still calling dark horse. Nicole: Two words: Maj Ic.  O really Nicole? You taste and you need and you enjoy every single word. You are a classic superstar my love.  Paula: everything about you from head to two resonates start. Simon: That was a 1000 percent better than last week. He thought the jacket made him look like a cabaret singer. LA: You look great. You sound great. You have better taste than some people who sit at the end of this desk. You’re a massive star. – 1-855-843-9302 Text vote to 9302VIDEO

Drew –  Simon Cowell – Girls – “Fix You”  (You and Me and Dupre)  She needs to do a “big epic vocal performance”  Will she be able to handle it?.  Hm. This song may be too big for her. I have to agree with LA. She attacks each song in exactly the same way. Drew is a performer who needs to sing her own songs. The huge stage sometimes swallows her, like tonight.  She’s wearing a cray cray looking dress that she designed herself.  Wind machine!  LA: That was really good. But I don’t know the difference between the 3 performances. I need some diversity. Simon and LA begin arguing over the movie STFU. It’s about Drew! Nicole: You are simply brilliant. Beyond your years. I love that you take your time. You are just a little slice of Heaven.  Paula: That means I’m sitting next to hell.  Drew, you always give an honest performance. Didn’t like her crazy outfit. And then felt bad when she found out Drew designed it. OOPS. Simon: I like that you take risks.  This is the kind of record she would make. I think your trying to get inside her head. – 1-855-843-9303 Text vote to 9303VIDEO

LeRoy Bell – Nicole Scherzinger – Over 30s – “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For” (Runaway Bride) – LeRoy calls U2 one of his favorite bands. This is MILES better than last week, beginning with a song that’s relevant. LeRoy is singing the crap out of this. He’s got a soulful rasp that can sing R&B or rock. This is awesome. Love LeRoy. LA: You finally got it right. Congratulations. Paula: I’ve been waiting for this performance. Great song for you. So in your element. America has found what they’re looking for. Simon: The fact that you, at 60 years old, sounded like a 20 years old. Dignified, classy. Your best performance by a clear mile. Nicole: You’re just great, is what you are. I felt we were at LeRoy’s rock concert, but you took us to church at the same time. – 1-855-843-9304 Text vote to 9304 –  VIDEO

Lakoda Rayne – Paula Abdul – Groups – “Somebody Like You” – (How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days) – Well, yeah, this is way better than last week. The girls individually as lead singers sound OK, but together? They sound like crap. LA thinks they’ve finally become country. The song is a country hit, but the girls singing it aren’t by any stretch. Adding twangy guitar doesn’t help.I LA: You decided to be one or the other. You’ve become my fav girl group in the competition. Oh ha ha. Nicole: Your presence together is so natural, good chemistry. Simon: Last week you were the musical version of the stepford wives. You have become the group I would always hope you would become. Paula: Girls I am so proud of you. You are clearing your path to an imminent Pepsi spot. WHAT? – 1-855-843-9305 Text vote to 9305VIDEO

Astro – LA Reid – Boys – “Lose Yourself” – (8 Mile) – Astro always writes his own raps. Whoa, he tossed in n a Joe Frazier/Heavy D shout out. Hm. He usually bores the crap out of me, but that was really fabulous. REALLY fabulous. The rap he wrote was fantastic. It’s risky to toy with a classic song like “Lose Yourself” but Astro pulled it off. Nicole: I’m just in awe of you right now. That was so heavy. Separates the amateurs from the real contenders. You are a champion. Paula: That level of focus is what creates Superstars. Simon: “This is so irritating,” he says to LA, “You’re like the cat whose got the cream.” You have that work ethic. You are incredibly creative and a great role model. You have the X Factor. LA: I could not be more proud of you. You have the audacity to re-write Eminem’s lyrics and doing a great job. – 1-855-843-9306 Text vote to 9306VIDEO

Melanie Amaro – Simon Cowell – Girls – “Man in the Mirror” – (This is It) – She’s on vocal rest at the moment, so we’ll see how she does. Welp. She sounds great.  She does a heartfelt powerful performance of the song.  But it’s solid– not spectacular. I found her take a little generic.  She does have the potential to be a successful R&B artist. Not convinced she has star quality, though.  LA: That was really good. You’re a great singer. I didn’t find it that inventive, but predictable. She does the same kind of song every time. Nicole: It’s a brilliant song choice. I love this song. The whole world needs this song. Her voice is the vessel of the light the song was created for. Music heals the world. Your voice does that. Well done Melanie. Simon: You were bloody fantastic. LA that is called a tribute. This was your best performance in the whole competition so far. – 1-855-843-9307 Text vote to 9307VIDEO

The Stereo Hogzz – Paula Abdul – Groups – “Ain’t No Other Man” – (Get Smart) – The gender switch on this Xtina song is tres awkward. They’re awful this week.  The background singing isn’t their strong suit, but it’s really off this week. The extra backup didn’t help.  They’ll be making another trip to the bottom 2 this week, I think. LA: You did a song I’m not that familiar with. (Really? Is he serious?) Nicole: Bananas. That was my fav performance from you all yet. Smooth and Sharp. Simon: Here’s my problem. Your work ethic is amazing. You’re not performing the record you would make. You’ve got to become less cabaret. Paula: Disagrees! She thinks it’s a great song for them. – 1-855-843-9308 Text vote to 9308VIDEO

Josh Krajcik– Nicole Scherzinger – Over 30s – “A Little Help From My Friends” – (Across the Universe) This song is a no-brainer in many ways, but I wish Josh had done more than just channel Joe Cocker.  I was waiting for a twist that would have made the song his, but it never came. I do love his soulful growl. Too bad Nicole is so terrible at picking songs. LA: Really strong. You are one of my favorite voices.  Paula: Your voice is Chicken Soup for the Soul. Amazing. Simon:  Loved the song choice. Didn’t work in the beginning, but I loved the second half. You were like Dracula and the brides up there. You have to lose all the gimmicks next week. Nicole: Don’t hate, just congratulate, Simon. You are so worthy and ready for a 5 million dollar recording contract. – 1-855-843-9309 Text vote to 9309VIDEO

Chris Rene – LA Reid – Boys – “Gangsta’s Paradise” (Dangerous Minds) –  Not sure why it took Chris so long to switch back to a rap-heavy performance, because, as tonight proved, that’s where he really shines. Like Astro, he embellished a classic rap song with a self-written rap.  He managed to re-capture some of the magic of his initial audition. But how does he differentiate himself from Astro, who pretty much does the same thing?  Nicole: You just up there channeling.  She asks him to repeat some of his lyrics. Paula: Tonight you were real, honest, truthful, amazing. Simon: Welcome back Chris Rene. This is what were meant to do.  You’ve stuck to what you promised. I think you are a potential star. LA: I’m proud. You did a great job. – 1-855-843-9310 Text vote to 9310VIDEO

Rachel Crow –  Simon Cowell – Girls – “I’d Rather Go Blind”  The package touches on the backstory that’s been on the news lately. Simon admits he hasn’t done a good job with her so far.  Rachel has said in interviews she really wanted to sing some Etta James. I’m glad Simon let her, because this is one of Rachel’s best performances yet. She really felt that. Amazing. LA: I wasn’t sure if you were a true contender, but tonight you proved you have your eye on the target. My favorite. Nicole: Simon I’m so glad you took my advice.  (Rachel picked her song this week) Paula: Boy do I love you. I’m so glad you are teaching this man humility. This is who you are on this stage. Simon: I’m not afraid to admit when I’m wrong. You reminded me of a mini-little Beyonce. You are back in the game. – 1-855-843-9311 Text vote to 9311VIDEO

About mj santilli 34974 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!