Melanie Amaro, Josh Krajcik and Chris Rene face off tonight for the X Factor crown.
Tonight’s 3 song set from the contestants consisted of a half-assed duet with a “music star”, a weird and out-of-place group number with the Michael Jackson Immortal World Tour, and a predictable audition song reprise.
Who is worthy of the 5 million dollar prize? Melanie comes the closest, but I’d say–none of them.
The duets were ill advised. Why pair up contestants who are competing for a prize with big stars who are destined to overshadow them? Makes no sense. Also, the pairing were obviously put together by the marketing department and made no sense (I guess the newly-signed Avril needed some face time) Duets are best left as a finale thing.
Josh looked super uncomfortable and unrehearsed duetting with Alanis Morisette. But, thank God she was a goddess, and carried him through her song. Chris and Avril Lavigne were like the blind leading the blind–a total trainwreck. The duo didn’t sing a note in tune and were LAUGHABLY bad.
If the judges were being honest, they would have ripped both duets. But instead, both questionable performances were praised. Hilariously, Chris Rene is told, basically, that the fact that he can’t sing in tune is totally unimportant.
Melanie sings her duet with the icky R. Kelly. She’s more relaxed. Probably because she’s familiar with the song–the corny “I Believe I Can Fly”. (The most important song in the last 15 years, LA? REALLY?) She belts her heart out with R. Kelly, basically blowing the boys off the stage. But LA tells Melanie he’s disappointed in her performance. Paula and Nicole throw shade on her duet as well. Of course, they are attempting to make her look bad–to pump up their favorites. But when it’s a clear case of “The Emperor Is So Butt Naked It’s Not Even Amusing”, the judges are fooling no one, and look ridiculous. Hello judges’ panel–American viewers are REALLY NOT THAT STUPID.
Host, Steve Jones tells us that the contestants will sing when we return from break. Michael Jackson Immortal World Tour takes the stage. Wait…what? The three contestants join them for a totally AWKWARD CAKES performance. Josh, in particular, forced to do “dance moves” looks like he’d rather be anywhere else. What the hell was the point of that? Are we supposed to judge the trio on a bizarre group number? Again. Group numbers? Finale material.
The show improves when it’s time for the 3 to reprise their audition songs. At least the contestants are comfortable and in their wheelhouse. Josh performs a very soulful “At Last” with his acoustic guitar. Yes, he smartly pulls out his guitar to please his base (I don’t think it added to his performance).
Chris reprises “Young Homie” for the 3rd time, and at this point, it’s lost it’s charm. The judges praise him like he’s a total genius and some special, special snowflake. Chris has some songwriting talent and charisma, but I’d give him above average marks on both counts. Chris turned 8 months sober yesterday, and it’s all well and good. But pimping his sobriety for votes is gross and will NOT help him recover. Some of his fellow rehab patients are interviewed via satellite–which also makes me a little uncomfortable. His recovery process NEEDS to be separate from this three ring circus he’s in. But I digress.
Melanie shines on the big, belty “Listen”. It’s obviously her go-to song, and she pours a ton of emotion into it. It’s the perfect closer. But again, we’ve heard this before. Melanie also lacks unique star quality. At least the judges give Melanie her due. Maybe the bad remarks for the first song were part of a redemption arc? I don’t know. I’m not even sure who the judges are pimping to win.
So, to sum up: Tonight’s performances ranged from predictable but good to complete trainwreck. There were no “aha” moments to speak of. The judging was laughably ridiculous. I saw nothing on stage tonight that screams “5 MILLION DOLLARS!” at me. Who should win? Melanie Amaro. Who Will win? Hm. Ask me tomorrow. I’m really not sure.
Each contestant will sing 3 songs, including a duet with a star recording artist.
I’ll be live blogging right here.
It’s time to face the music, Y’ALL.
Here comes Dead Man Walking er, I mean, host Steve Jones. Here come the X Factor judges. Wow. Paula looks >>>>>>>>>> than Nicole.
The Final Three take the stage. Josh Krajcik, Chris Rene and Melanie Amaro. This is the order the contestants will perform their 3 songs. Cut to shots of hometown revelers via satellite.
LA is feeling PROUD AND GREAT. Great and proud. Nicole: These are the 3 that are meant to be here tonight. Paula? ALSO PROUD. Simon thinks it’s going to be the closest final they’ve ever had. Well, since this is the 1st I GUESS SO. THE BATTLE BEGINS AFTER THE BREAK.
#NoPointsforSecond is the hashtag. UGH.
Josh Krajcik and Alanis Morissette – “Uninvited” – Nicole’s Over 30s – Josh gets off to a pitchy start. The minor key is tough. Josh introduces Alanis. She’s hitting the notes beautifully. Why have the contestants sing with music stars that overwhelm during the competition? This performance is obviously not well rehearsed. It’s kind of a trainwreck–Josh is having trouble staying in key throughout. The duets would have been better in a more relaxed setting–like the finale. Alanis says Josh is a “deeply soulful man.” LA: That was surreal. That was such a natural pairing. You seemed right at home. That was great. Paula: I couldn’t think of a better way to open. You held your own and kept your identity. Good luck to you. Simon: We got to judge this. Alanis is amazing. I thought you were a little bit intimidated at the beginning. As the song got into gear, I heard the old Josh back. An 8 out of 10. (Josh admits he might have been a little intimidated). Nicole: You are giving and wonderful as an artist. – 1-855-843-9301 Text vote to 9301
Cut to Ohio and Josh’s grandma. “You make my heart swell up with pride. WE LOVE YOU WE LOVE YOU WE LOVE YOU.” Grandma is excited!
Chris Rene & Avril Lavigne – “Complicated” – LA’s Boys – Chris celebrated 8 months sober yesterday. Good for him. This is the most random, weird duet I can think of. Wow. They are BOTH off key. YIKES. THIS IS HILARIOUSLY BAD. Again, obvious there wasn’t much rehearsal here. Chris rapped some stuff. Just thrown in there as an afterthought. AWFUL. “That’s fabulous” says Steve. I’M DYING. Avril: He definitely kicked ass. Well, that’s one way to put it. Nicole: It was a little shaky in the take off. By the end, your energy, and the light around you is so infectious. You shine up there. Paula: It’s not about note for note being perfect (How about just ONE note, Paula). You’re built on simple, transparent truth. I love you. Simon: When it kicked in, what I felt was your total joy and confidence. That could be a record (BWAHAHAHAHA) LA: You looked really at home with Avril. That could be a record that could be released tomorrow. – 1-855-843-9302 Text vote to 9302
Cut to Santa Cruz. Introducing his friends from REHAB? SERIOUSLY? So much for anonymity.
Melanie Amaro & R. Kelly – “I Believe I Can Fly” – Simon’s Girls – Melanie is definitely winning this round, and unlike her fellow competitors, I’ll bet any money this song is in her repertoire. She’s VERY comfortable singing this tune. Confident, ON KEY. And she’s got SOME chemistry with R. Kelly, who also sounds really good. R. Kelly says it’s the first time he’s ever performed the song in a duet. So? LA: That is one of the most important songs ever written. I feel like you got a little bit overshadowed by R Kelly ( blow smoke up the boys asses, but criticize Melanie, who was clearly better? I know your game LA, but you sound like an idiot.) Nicole: She did the best that she could in that key. She put a 1000 percent into that performance. She soared on it. Paula: It’s fitting that you are singing with R. Kelly. I wanted more emotion. (Everyone but Simon throwing shade on Melanie, who was clearly the best) Simon: That is what’s called showing respect with the person you are singing with. You looked like someone who could be a really important established artist. – 1-855-843-9303 Text vote to 9303
Now, a performance from Michael Jackson’s Immortal World Tour. Oh. The Top 3 join the performance. Not sure what the point of that was.
Josh Krajcik – “At Last” by Etta James – Nicole’s Over 30s – Interview with his mom, a recap of his journey. Josh accompanies himself on acoustic guitar. Because, your average voting reality show fans LOVE A WHITE GUY WITH A GUITAR. Smart move. Now that he’s back in his comfort zone, he’s doing great. Josh is a super soulful guy, albeit a total blast from the past. LA: You look so at home up there. You are such a rock star. You made it your own. That’s what this is all about. Paula: Authentic, real, kind hearted. You own that stage. Great job. Simon: This is what we call the 5 million dollar song. Playing guitar was massive risk. (Really??? I’d say it was the opposite) This is really going to be a close call tonight. Nicole: You’ve been you, yourself, I’m honored to be a part of this journey with you. I’m so proud of you.
The mayor and Josh’s best friend from Wooster, OH are on screen now. It’s Josh Krajcik day. Whoopie. Josh’s friend is screaming like a crazy person. I think the child he is holding is frightened.
Chris Rene – “Young Homie” – LAs Boys – 3rd time’s the charm? He’s changing up the lyrics a little at least. Adding a bit about hitting 8 months sober. Oh look. Dancers. Yes. I’m bored now. Really bored. Nicole: We all have a purpose in life. You’re serving your purpose with that song. Paula: Starts screaming like a looney person “You make everyone fall in love with you.” Simon: Chris, that was your 5M dollar song. Simon congratulates him for “sticking to his deal”. You are a true gentlemen and a really nice guy. LA: You poured all of yourself into that song. I love what you just did. (I’m sorry. A 5 million dollar performance? Really? Geez that was very average.)
Back to Santa Cruz…it’s Chris’s friends, Mark and Bruce.
Melanie Amaro – “Listen” – Simon’s Girls – Melanie is also smashing her second performance. Lot’s of emotion, and she hits those big notes with ease. A showstopper. If the win was based on tonight’s performances, Melanie wins, hands down. Melanie gets a standing ovation. LA: That is the Melanie that I loved. That was a FIFTY million dollar performance. Nicole: I told myself that I wouldn’t do it. You brought tears to my eyes. You empowered me. That’s what music is all about. Paula: Take it all in. You delivered a stellar performance. Simon: I am so proud of what you just did there. I brought this show to America. Some of the greatest performers in the world are from America. You should be the winner of the X Factor.
Some people from Melanie’s church scream incomprehensibly into the camera.