Why is ABC Giving Chris Brown a Pass?

So…Chris Brown pouts his way through a Robin Roberts interview on GMA yesterday after she asks him (pre-approved) Rihanna questions.  The shamed singer storms off the stage, intimidates and frightens producers and staff, rips off his shirt and smashes a window in his dressing room.

ABC’s response to Brown’s bad-boy behavior?  Roberts  invites  him back on the show! And his Dancing With the Stars performance is still on for Wednesday.

“We wish [Brown] the absolute best and…we’ve extended the invitation to him and I sure hope that he takes us up on it, ” says Roberts, ” because we’d love to have another chat with him.”

I don’t get it. Any non-celebrity behaving in this way would have had the police called on them…kicked off the premises and banned. Is Chris Brown such a big star now that he gets a pass? I must have missed that memo.

When Adam Lambert’s invitations to appear on ABC shows were withdrawn after his AMA performance, I kinda got that–not because he’d done something naughty onstage, but because he didn’t play by ABCs rules.  Considering his terrible behavior, I fully expected Brown’s DWTS appearance to be withdrawn–and it should be.

Bad behavior like Brown’s (and Charlie Sheen’s for that matter–I’m so over him–but that’s another blog)  shouldn’t be rewarded by the media.  Brown needs to be smacked down, HARD. Ugh.

About mj santilli 35173 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!