Here are the adjusted Monday ratings from TVBYTheNumbers. The Voice rose over 6% from last week’s 3.4 18-49 rating. Is that the power of Swifty? Or maybe the start of a new round. Or a combo of both! ETA: A commenter reminded me that Big Bang Theory moved back to Thursdays this week, so that probably helped too.
Dancing with the Stars fell from last week’s 2.0 ratings (adjusted in the afternoon for a MNF game in Dallas).
NBC The Voice 3.7/10 12.48
CBS 2 Broke Girls 2.4/7 8.43
FOX Gotham 2.2/7 5.89
ABC Dancing with the Stars 1.9/5 12.62
CW The Originals 0.6/2 1.318:30
CBS The Millers 1.7/5 6.94
CBS Scorpion (9-9:59PM) 2.3/6 10.39
FOX Sleepy Hollow 1.6/4 4.62
CW Jane The Virgin 0.4/1 1.0910:00
NBC The Blacklist 2.5/7 9.57
ABC Castle 1.6/5 8.75
CBS NCIS: Los Angeles (9:59-11PM) 1.6/5 8.68