Hi all! Who’s ready for another 2 hour epic showdown?? It’s going down in less than 15 minutes, and there seems to be a good buzz going over tonight’s show!
The coach’s advisors:
Team Adam – Stevie Nicks
Team Pharrell – Alicia Keys
Team Blake – Little Big Town
Team Gwen – Gavin Rossdale
Pharrell has used both of his steals, Gwen and Blake have each used one and Adam has not used any at all.
Heeeee the coaches are talking about Adam’s competitiveness and how Pharrell has “killed” Adam’s soul.
The first battle of the night is Team Adam’s Damien Lawson versus Kelli Douglas. I remember both of their blind auditions, and enjoyed them both. Damien and Kelli are overwhelmed at seeing Stevie Nicks. Adam decides to give them “Knock on Wood” by Otis Redding and Carla Thomas. Adam likes Damien’s passion and Kelli’s mysteriousness. Of course, he also tells them that people who have FUN on this show do the best.
Kelli is struggling a bit with the song in rehearsals. Stevie wants her to listen to older r&b singers and how they sing. Adam wants Damien to sing it solid but to embellish a bit too.
And here we go! Damien is confident on stage, he’s got swagger. Kelli sounds good but she’s a little shaky. Her styling is beautiful tonight! Damien’s voice is just phenomenal, I have to say. They both are bringing a lot of fun, playful, flirtatious energy to a song that is, and I say this lovingly, a little dated.
Blake says that Damien has an explosive voice, and that Kelli has a such a smooth, warm voice. Pharrell said Damien sings so effortlessly and took him back to the 60s. Gwen is admiring Kelli’s body (lmao!!) and that it wasn’t the perfect song for her. Adam agreed with all the coaches and that both of them stayed in the pocket.
The winner of this battle is… Damien Lawson!! – Download from iTunes
Next up is Team Gwen’s Jessie Pitts versus Ryan Sill. I love her breathy voice. Ryan’s blind audition also went very well. I hope she picks a good song for them lol. *crosses fingers* And yes Jessie, be glad to meet Gavin. He is wonderful. They are singing Ellie Goulding’s “Need your love.” Jessie sounds verryyyyyy similar to Ellie’s. Gwen wants to see how they work with each other on stage. Gavin feels the words that Jessie is singing.
The contestants changed the harmony in rehearsal, but Gwen and Gavin decide against it. Ryan seems stiff (boybandish moves ha!), so Gwen tries to teach him how to move more natural. Gavin wants Jessie to look out into the crowd and find that one person to sing out to.
I might prefer Ryan’s voice. Jessie is sounding too close to Ellie for my taste. I think Jessie has more stage presence and command over her performance. Both are very green and could do well in this competition given the right amount of coaching.
Blake says Ryan is right in the pocket, his pitch is perfect. Blake also thinks Jessie’s voice is unique (eh?). Pharrell said it was the most dramatic battle of the season so far. He would choose Ryan. Adam thought the opposite of Blake, in that the song was better suited FOR Jessie and that it was more of a challenge for Ryan. Adam would also have chosen Ryan.
Gwen loves Ryan’s attitude and Jessie’s spirit.
The winner of this battle is…Ryan Sill!! – Download from iTunes
Awwww Blake pushes his button to steal Jessie! She is breaking down in tears right now. Blake says he swears to learn who Ellie Goulding is lol. He thinks Jessie can win The Voice. Welcome to Team Blake Jessie!
Now the next battle is Team Pharrell’s Blessing Offor versus Katriz Trinidad. Blessing and Katriz are ecstatic to meet Alicia Keys. Pharrell says they both sing from the heart, and the song he gives them is “Do I do” by Stevie Wonder. He wants Katriz to “let go” when she sings, and he wants Blessing to push his vocals. Katriz is not as sure of herself (she’s ONLY 17) but she’s got an amazing voice technically.
In rehearsals, Pharrell wants Blessing to hit the right notes (he went a litttttle off scale) and Alicia wants Katriz to sing without a mic stand.
This song is obviously in Blessing’s wheelhouse. Katriz is doing a lot of runs, but I prefer Blessing’s. I think he definitely won this battle.
Gwen likes how bold Katriz’s voice is, and Blessing’s tone is so natural and effortless. Adam said this song was a challenge for Katriz, but that she still did a great job with it. Blake knew that Pharrell must have had a lot of confidence in them to give them such a song. He was impressed with Katriz.
Pharrell said they both rose to the occasion.
The winner of this battle is… Katriz Trinidad!! – Download from iTunes
I was wayyyyy off base lol!
Alright Adam!!! He pressed his button and has stolen Blessing Offor! Ahahaha and there goes Gwen Stefani for the steal too!
Gwen loves his voice and wants to get to know him. Adam says he’s positive that he knows what Blessing likes.
Blessing chooses Team Adam!!
Next battle pairing is Team Adam’s Ethan Butler versus Matt McAndrew. Aw I like both of these guys! Alright coaches, there had BETTER be a steal coming for one of them! Adam chooses Coldplay’s “Yellow” for them to sing. Stevie loves Ethan’s choir-like voice, and thinks Matt has a compassionate voice. Adam wants Ethan to sing it full voice, and wants Matt to commit to doing the falsetto.
They both sound really good in rehearsals. Their harmonies are on point. Adam wants them to master the harmony to show dynamics and range. Stevie wants them to not just be rockers but to “break hearts.”
Coldplay’s songs are always challenging to sing. Damn Chris Martin and his unique voice. Both Matt and Ethan are sounding pretty good so far! This might turn out to be my favorite battle of the season so far. Both are emotionally invested and sound fabulous together. I think Matt may have won this battle.
Blake says both have done a great job and got lost in the moment. He feels like they could be a duo, that they work that well together. It’s a draw for Pharrell. Gwen felt like it was more suited for Matt, there is something magical about him.
Adam is so happy with both of them. He regrets putting them together (duh Adam).
The winner of this battle is…Matt McAndrew!! – Download from iTunes
For the love of god, someone steal Ethan!
No?? *headdesk*
The next battle pairing is Team Blake’s Bree Fondacaro versus Taylor Brashears. Why are we getting shortchanged on a lot of Team Blake battles this season? Hmmm. Blake has them singing “You’re no good” by Linda Ronstadt. Both girls sound a little off to me? Blake thinks Taylor needs to push on some of the notes and breathe. Taylor is worried about being up against Bree because of her uniqueness in her voice.
In rehearsals, Bree seems to be too breathy and Taylor is sounding loud. I’m a little worried. :/ What do you guys think? Blake wants them to get angry in the song. Bree needs to sing grittier to get her point across. It’s sounding much better than it was previously.
I like when Bree sings OUT more so than the “smokey” affect that she has. Taylor sounds good, she needs to do more to stand out. It will all come down to whether Blake wants a pop singer or a country singer to stay on his team.
Pharrell wanted Bree to lose herself more, and to have that conviction. He likes Taylor’s confidence and how she dove right in. Gwen thought that she loved the song so much, but that they didn’t do the original melody justice. Adam thought Bree was singing the song “alone in her bedroom” and that Taylor was like “dude you’re no good, I hate you.” He also would have went with Taylor.
Blake is proud of both of them. He likes Bree’s lower register, and that Taylor’s strength/upper register will suck you in too.
The winner of this battle is…Taylor Brashears!! – Download from iTunes
The last battle of the night belongs to Team Pharrell’s Toia Jones versus DaNica Shirey. They will be singing “Halo” by Beyonce. They’ve been showing sneak peaks of this battle all day on Facebook & Twitter so it better be a good one! Pharrell paired them together because their voices are similar and that they both would relate to the song. Toia has a habit of doubting herself and Alicia wants her to follow her instincts. Alicia wants them both to connect to the song.
During rehearsals, Pharrell thinks they are standing there like background singers but they are STARS. Toia breaks down crying during rehearsals and is comforted by Alicia and Pharrell. He says this is “THE” moment for her. The next take on their rehearsal sounds really, really good!
I love love love Toia’s voice. DaNica is doing very well on this song too! It’s a diva-off right now you guys, who will win??
Goosebumps at that note Toia hit. Wow.
Gwen thought they both have beautiful and powerful voices. She’s inspired! Adam said doing a Beyonce song is like trying to slay a dragon. He said they slayed it and then slapped it in the face to show it that it was dead (LOL). Blake thought the performance was a 10, said it’s going to be a tough one.
Pharrell said both sang with conviction and sang for themselves.
The winner of this battle is…DaNica Shirey!! – Download from iTunes
Adam wants to steal Toia!! He goes to say hello to her and Gwen hits her button lmaooo! His face was absolutely priceless.
Toia chooses Team Adam!
The Teams are as follows:
Team Adam:
Beth Spangler
Toia Jones
Blessing Offor
Matt McAndrew
Damien Lawson
Mia Pfirrman
Alessandra Castronovo
Chris Jamison
Rebekah Samarin
Team Blake:
Jessie Pitts
Fernanda Bosch
James David Carter
Allison Bray
Taylor Brashears
Reagan James
Kensington Moore
Tanner Linford
Grant Ganzer
Team Gwen:
Craig Wayne Boyd
Mayra Alvarez
Ryan Sill
Bryana Salaz
Taylor John Williams
Sugar Joans
Troy Ritchie
Anita Antoinette
Gianna Salvato
Team Pharrell:
Brittany Butler
Luke Wade
Elyjuh Rene
Danica Shirey
Jean Kelley
Menlik Zergabachew
Taylor Phelan
Ricky Manning
Katriz Trinidad
Oooh tomorrow night looks drama filled, I look forward to it! I’ll see you guys tomorrow night at 8!