Tatiana Nicole Del Toro – San Francisco – 23 – Los Angeles – Audition – H’wood “I’m Your Baby Tonight – H’wood “chair” – Semi Final Week 1 – AI Hollywood Video AI Top 36 Video
Holy Mother of God. This chick is so freaking annoying. In fact, she so annoying, I’m not at all surprised she made the Top 36, as the producers seem hell-bent on making Season 8 …Big Brother with singing. Her vocals are average, but her over-the-top antics are just made for TV.
You can see Tatiana in all her OTT glory in these clips from the Hollywood group round. Here she is, with her nutty laugh, driving her groupmates crazy- VIDEO. Here, she abandons her group, and then decides “nevermind” – VIDEO. Do not miss Tatiana thanking Jesus and all the little people after her group advances (despite sucking) – VIDEO
And here’s the MySpace blog post she wrote, that was quickly taken down (contestants still in the competition are not supposed to be blogging) but saved via JoesPlace, HERE.
so in response to all the judgment as in ¦I am a drama queen, crazy, fake. Honestly, I dont think anyone can imagine the kind of hurt people were trying to inflict on me during the taping of hollywood week and how long it went on and how intesne and relentless it was. Seriously that was ten minutes of DAYS HOURS OF PEOPLE HUMILIATING ME AND STABBING ME. Alot of people were ganging up on me ¦calling me hurtful sick names, speaking ill of me, and overall attempting to ruin my career that I have been working on for 24 years since I have been born.
…and it goes on and on like that.
This girl has been cast for the dramz, no doubt about it. She’s studied acting at the New York Film Academy, which really tells you all you need to know about Tatiana.
Tatiana’s MySpace.