Following up yesterday’s report that America’s Got Talent’s contestant, Timothy Poe lied about his military service for sympathy. His wife tells the New York Post that she never heard him stutter. Plus, America’s Got Talent producers said they first learned only yesterday that Poe had been lying.
Poe’s ex-wife, Kelly Ballard, said she has never heard her former spouse stutter like he did on the show.
“There were no combat injuries,” said Ballard from her Texas home. “I think he developed a ‘feel sorry for me’ stutter.”
Also, Ballard claims that he was the lead singer in a band called Crawlspace, contrary to Tim’s claim that he never sang until his speech therapist suggested he use singing as therapy for his stutter.
ETA: Ballard tells AGT news
Ballard says she caught her husband cheating in 1991 and after that the relationship headed straight down hill. “I had him arrested in June 2002 for domestic violence. After that, he vanished to Minnesota. He didn’t help out with our son at all.”
She also claims Poe has lied about his education.
“The whole time I have known him, I have never known him to be enrolled in any college,” she tells us. “There is a possibility he may have an associates degree from before I met him. On his Facebook page he says he has a Masters degree in project management.”
Oh, and that bit about how he never sang before a speech patholigist suggested it to help with the brain injury?
B.S., she says: he was the lead singer of a band in Rochester, Minnesota for four years.
Tim Poe was a guest yesterday on You Served podcast. Tim’s interview begins at the 105 mark. He’s sticking to his story, claiming that the army never got the proper paperwork together. He backpedals when confronted by statements that are contrary to his claims, but admits that he embellished his story. Also he admits that he doesn’t have a purple heart or a bronze star.
Howard Stern responds, presumably on this Sirius talk show.
“You could be the most f***ed up liar on the planet, but you never lie about your military service,” said Stern. “It messes it up for every real veteran who comes back from the war. Now no one believes you…This lie is so wrong on so many levels…This really sickens me…What as this guy thinking, that he was never going to be discovered?”