The X Factor 2 Top 12 Performance – Recap and Videos

A couple of thoughts on tonight’s show:

The performances were miles better than last week! The contestants seem  more comfortable on the big stage. But also, the song choices were, in most cases, better suited to the contestants. Simon was smart enough to allow both Emblem3 and Lyric 145 to choose their own songs. He needs to get ad stay out of the way of these two talented acts.

Britney also calmed down some of her crazy staging and allowed her teens to shine. Carly and Arin were much improved over last week.  Beatrice had an interesting song, but she had some vocal problems.  Diamond White was kind of a disaster. Why give that kid a Whitney song? She couldn’t handle it. I’m not convinced she was brought back for any other reason than for the dramz.

As much as I love me some Demi Lovato, I’m beginning to think she’s not a great mentor. CeCe and Jennel were both disasters tonight.  Demi has no clue what to do with either one and she’s making horrible song choices for both.  Paige was the best of the three, but it was mostly on the strength of her performance rather than anything Demi did for her.  Also, her banter with Simon is beginning to verge on the annoying.  You know. Sometimes Simon knows best. Like tonight. It might be smart to pay attention to his criticism.

And finally–Jason Brock isn’t a good enough singer to compete seriously in this competition. And he’s not campy-cheesy enough to be entertaining.  However, LA has two very good singers–Tate Stevens and Vino Alan.  I hope he learns to trust their instincts. These two mature artists know who they are. They don’t need a lame ass mentor to tell them.

LIVE FROM HOLLYWOOD IT’S THE X FACTOR!  It’s time to vote for the very first time!  The judges enter to the James Bond theme, “Live or Let Die”.  Demi looks so pretty with dark hair!

Hosts Mario Lopez and Khloe Kardashian take the stage. What is Khloe wearing?

Simon about to make an important announcement!  Simon watched the show back. But HE BELIEVES THEY MADE A MISTAKE WITH ONE ACT!!!! OH MY GOSH. IT’S A TOP 13!!!! Who is it?

Diamond White!

Tonight’s songs are from the greatest movies ever made.

Arin Ray – Britney Spears – Teens – “American Boy” – Arin performs a smooth, Michael Jackson-inspired take on the song. The Usher-lite deal works perfectly for Arin–I can see exactly the kind of artist he’d be on the pop charts. The choreography does not overwhelm Arin this week. A big improvement from last week. LA says, “Your a different person than when I first met you. Great job.” Demi says, “I’m a little speechless. You really took the advice that we gave you. You were definitely more smooth. You look like a star. Simon says, “Britney you’ve done a really good job with this guy. You’ve got your confidence baqck. You’re turning into a little star.” Britney says, “YOU’RE AMAZING” – Text Vote to 9301 – 1-855-843-9301

Time to pimp the Verizon app. Simon calls it THE BEST APP IN THE WORLD.

Paige Thomas – Demi Lovato – Young Adults – “Take My Breath Away” – Paige wants to make her daughter -proud. Wow. The production on this–Paige descends from the heavens, in a harness, gown billowing behind her. I love her vocal on this. She’s hitting every note. Fantastic vocal. There are no dancers, but there is a dude kissing her neck as she sings. I could have done without that, but otherwise, once again, a big improvement from last week. I disagree with LA and Simon that the performance left something to be desired. LA says, “The production was amazing. The song was good. I’m not completely blown away. I want great from you.” Brittany says, “The beginning was the best part.” Simon says, “I don’t think you could have put any more on that stage. The beginning was great, but it needed to go somewhere. You don’t want to turn this into a karaoke competition.” Demi says, “There should have been flames. I’m so sorry I let you down. You did so amazing. It was so great.” Demi and Simon spar a little more. – Text Vote to 9302 – 1-855-843-9302


Vino Alan – Over 25s – LA Reid – “When A Man Loves a Woman” – Vino was born on a military base. He tried to get in the army, but they didn’t like his tattoos. But, Vino has been singing for the troupes.  LA wisely gave Vino a soul song, but the bad news–it’s the oversung and overplayed “When a Man Loves a Woman.” Vino brings his own passionate flair to the tune. At least LA is on the right track now. At the finish, Vino shouts “Love will conquer hate. East coast I’m with you.” That made me laugh.  Demi says, “That was a phenomenal performance. It left me speechless. I have a hard time seeing you as a number 1 artist.” Simon says, “You went from zero to hero in one week. You are a soul singer. You put your heart and soul into it.” Simon calls Demis remarks stupid. He cites the success of Susan Boyle. LA says, “I’m really really proud of you. Simon was right. You nailed it, I couldn’t be happier.” – Text Vote to 9303 – 1-855-843-9303

Emblem3 – Groups – Simon Cowell – “My Girl”/”California Girls” with a “What Makes You Beautiful”  sample. Oh wow. They’re playing it like they’re poor surf dudes from Huntingdon Beach. The truth is the boys have deep Hollywood connections. They are hardly broke.  How many songs did Simon think he could wedge in one tune? That was busy as hell. The guys sing and rap different parts of both songs, against the 1D riff. It verges on being a hot mess, but the boys are professional and manage to pull it off.  It turns out they only had a day to rehearse.  LA says, “I really want to be critical. But you guys were actually perfect.” Britney says, “I was blown away by the way you made the song your own” Demi says, “I thought you guys were really great. I would have made sure not to plug one of my other artists they could be compared to.” Simon calls it “being clever.” hm. Simon says, “It’s energy, it was fun. We changed this song in one day. You did an outstanding job.” – Text Vote to 9304 – 1-855-843-9304

Beatrice Miller – Teens – Britney Spears – “Iris” by the Goo Goo Dools – Beatrice has two mommies. How about that. Her vocals are still scratchy. Uh. Beatrice was under pitch during much of the song. And I still don’t get the sense that she understands what she’s singing. I found the entire performance, including her strutting around the stage and “emoting” awkward.  LA says, “The tone of your voice sounds like a hit record. Your voice is sensational.” Demi says, “The way you pour your soul into your songs blows my mind.” Simon can’t believe she’s only 13, “You’re like a great performer. A few vocal issues, but I can see you working. You’ve got more confidence this week.” Britney says, “I feel like you’ve got the best personality out of everyone in this competition. I’m so proud of you.” – Text Vote to 9305 – 1-855-843-9305

Jennel Garcia – Young Adults – Demi Lovato – “I Love Rock n Roll” – ROCHESTER IS NOT A SMALL TOWN. IT’S A SUBURB OF BOSTON.  Oh Demi. Listen to LA and Simon. You are trying to turn Janell into something she’s not. She looks silly in leather playing the “rocker” chick. She needs to be stripped down and allowed to sing from her heart.  LA says, “It was a Joan Jett parody. I didn’t see the originality.” Britney says, “I have one word for your performance. HOT HOT HOT.” That’s 3 words, Britney. Simon says, “I don’t like what Demi has done with your look. You were fun and charming. This is a bit of a parody.” Demi begins to argue with Simon. “You’ve got to challenge yourself on these songs.” Demi says, “That’s why I’m her mentor and you’re not! I think you did amazing.” – Text Vote to 9306 – 1-855-843-9306

Tate Stevens – LA Reid – Over 25s – “Dead Or Alive” – PERFECT song to showcase Tate’s clear pure vocals. That was a fantastic vocal. I love the crystalline quality of his vocal tone. I can hear this guy on country radio right now. Britney says, “You definitely are a true cowboy.” Demi says, “I love you on and off stage. I really think you have what it takes.” Simon says, “It feels like you’e arrived back in this competition. I love giving this guy a break.” Demi thinks he looks like a pop star. Really? LA tells everyone to vote for Tate. If they’re in a voting mood. – Text Vote to 9307 – 1-855-843-9307

Lyric 145 – Simon Cowell – Groups – “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” – That was totally wack and gave me a headache. But it was also brilliant. Holy shit, Lyric sang every word at a breakneck speed and did not miss a beat. It was like an English nightmare, but I could not look away. Simon wisely let them do their own thing this week, and they proved they’ve got what it takes. Inventive, creative, CRAZY. Simon needs to step back and allow these guys to do their thing. LA says, “I hated it. The truth is, I think I’m going crazy because it was really good. Not my cup of tea, but it was perfect.” Britney says, “Very entertaining.” Demi says, “Who knew in that crusty old brain there was some hip throughts.” Simon clarifies that they chose the song. “You were bloody fantastic.” – Text Vote to 9308 – 1-855-843-9308

Diamond White – Britney Spears – Teens – “I Have Nothing” – We see Diamond break down as Britney gives her the good news via phone that she’s back in.  Sorry. That performance does not scream “It was worth bringing Diamond back!”  It was an overambitious song choice and the song was way way too big for 13 year old Diamond.  She was better last week singing that horrible train song.  When Diamond tries to go big, she often has vocal issues. LA says, “Welcome back. I thought that was an ambitious song choice. You brought it home.” Demi says, “I’m trying hard not to cry. That just tugged at my heart.” Simon says, “This proves that dreams can come true. Great vocal. Great song. Great performance.” Britney says, “You definitely channeled Whitney in that performance.” NO SHE DIDN’T. – Text Vote to 9309 – 1-855-843-9309

CeCe Frey – Demi Lovato – Young Adults – “Eye of the Tiger” – Oh my gosh. This is really off pitch. And she looks like a pirate clown. Ridiculous. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT OUTFIT? The leopard spots are back. This is a TERRIBLE song choice. WOAH CRAZY OFF KEY NOTE. That was painful. Like a joke performance. I love Demi, but it’s becoming clear that she’s not a great mentor to these artists. LA says, “The ending was really strong. The sum total of it all didn’t blow me away.” Britney says, “I thought you were a little rebel out there.” Simon says, “Anything recognizable about you in the beginning has been thrown away. No imagination. The song choice was horrible. I think you should be making your own song choices.”  Demi says they chose the song together. “I’m going to help you go in whatever direction you want.” Mario had to ask her how to pronounce her name. Oy. – Text Vote to 9310 – 1-855-843-9310

Carly Rose – Britney Spears – Teens – “It Will Rain” – A superb vocal from Carly! She is definitely my favorite out of the teens. There is something preternaturally mature about her, but without seeming creepy or annoyingly precocious. This Bruno Mars song was a perfect pick for her, and she really poured her heart into the performance. So much, she was in tears at the end. She’s got a natural, effortless talent. LA says, “That was really heartfelt and really honest. I loved it.” Demi says, “This is you in your element. You’re incredible.” Simon says, “The difference between last week and this week is a huge improvement. You’ve got real guts. We’re watching a star in the making.” Britney says, “I feel like you should have closed the show. Nobody can follow that.” – Text Vote to 9311 – 1-855-843-9311

Jason Brock – LA Reid – Over 25s – “I Believe I Can Fly” – I hate this song SO SO MUCH. LA picks such obvious, overplayed tunes. Jason has an OK voice, but he’s karaoke through and through. He’s supposed to be “Mr. Entertainment” but I would hardly call him that. Zzzzz. Britney says, “It’s way better, but it still feels like a Vegas lounge act.” Demi agrees, “It’s very predicable and very cabaret. You’re so much better than that.” Simon says, “I don’t feel you can fly. You do have a good voice, but the way you’re dressed, you look like a singer in an Italian restaurant. There’s a lot of work that needs to be done.” LA says, “I think you did an excellent job. You can fly my friend.” Britney would have him do something more urban like “Scream” from Usher. Hm. – Text Vote to 9312 – 1-855-843-9312

Oh. We’re going to find out the Lylas-1432-whatever goups new name after the break.

FifthHarmony – Groups – Simon Cowell – “A Thousand Years” –  Eh. The vocals were OK, but their performance did not do this beautiful Christina Perri song any justice.  The group is still kind of a hot mess when they go for harmonies. And considering their new name, it would be ironic if they didn’t at least attempt to sing together. There is one really good singer in this group. She blows solo artists like Diamond White and Paige Thomas out of the water. LA says, “I was impressed with your singing. You guys nailed it.” Britney says, “You guys just shined the whole way.” Demi says, “You guys are all powerful vocalists. I wasn’t crazy about the arrangement of the song.” Simon says, “The transformation has been enormous. I can feel something special. The vocals were stunning. I could not be more proud of you girls.” – Text Vote to 9313 – 1-855-843-9313

About mj santilli 35184 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!