I’ll be live blogging X Factor Here!
Tonight 60 becomes 24! The judges find out which categories they will mentor.
It’s the final day of bootcamp. Simon says today is the moment OF TRUTH! Dun dun dun. The judges meet to decide the hopefuls fate. The typical fakity fake disagreements ensue. We see a montage of hopefuls intercut into the judges deliberations.
Now it’s time to break some hearts….after the break.
Simon explains the categories: Over 25s, Teens 12-16, Young Adults – 17-24 and Groups.
The Young Adult category cuts are first. CeCe is put through. She cries. Jennel is next. The girls are crying. Paige bursts into tears when her name is called. Jillian is the last name called. She freaks out totally. Simon apologizes to those left behind, including Ally Brooke, Sophie Simmons.
The over 25s are next. When Jeffrey Gutt is cut, he says, “It’s their loss. I could have won this show.” He doesn’t know how he’ll tell his son.
Three groups advance, leaving 3 spots for manufactured groups.
The kids are next. This is especially hard. The crying begins almost immediately. Crushing all those dreams? Makes Demi cry
Now it’s time to manufacture some groups! 3 new groups are put together to round out the Groups Category.
LA Reid DOES NOT WANT the groups or the Over 25.
Phone calls are made to each of the judges, informing them of their categories.
Britney learns that she’ll be working with The Teens. “OMG THAT IS AMAZING,” says Britney. Simon “learns” he’s mentoring the groups. He behaves like he had no idea, and he’s all, “Well, that might not be too bad.” OH BITCH PLEASE. Simon is the boss. He’ll mentor who he damn well pleases, and since he’s likely hell bent on creating a USA grown 1D, he made SURE he got The Groups.
Demi will be mentoring the Young Adults. “NO WAY I AM SO STOKED.” When LA is told he’ll be mentoring the Over 25s he slams down the phone. Really really hard. He is not happy.
The groups arrive at Simon’s house in Miami on a speed boat. They are totally excited to find out Simon will be mentoring them. They act equally excited to learn Marc Anthony will be their mentor, although I’m pretty sure the young kids have no clue who he is.
The Young Adults are in Los Angeles. Demi enters the room and the kids clap and hug! She introduces Nick Jonas. The girls scream and clap. Paige Thomas says, ‘I almost passed out!” GROUP HUG to end the segment.
In Malibu CA the teens arrive. They’re standing out on the patio waiting…and it’s Britney Spears! Those kids have more control over their lives than Britney does. She introduces her mentor, will.i.am. He tells them they have to work really hard, before they scoot off to rehearsal.
The Overs arrive at LA’s house in The Hills. Do they know that he’s not happy? Oh. He admits to them that he was disappointed. Their faces fall. Mean. “Now I’ve got to figure out how to get one of you to win.” A RINGING ENDORSEMENT. LA introduces Justin Bieber as his mentor. I’ll bet they weren’t expecting that. “You’re never too old or too young,” says Justin. “He means,” says LA, “That you are going to prove me wrong. At least one of you.” LA Reid CONFIDENCE BUILDER. I would be freaking out right about now if I was in that group.
Demi explains that only 4 acts from each group can go on to the live shows. CeCe continues to be unlikable, explaining how she wants everyone else to fail. The hopefuls sing in front of Demi in Nick in what looks like a sitting room. The others are in an adjoining room so they can listen to the auditions. It heightens the tension. And it gives the real players the opportunity to freak the others out.
Jennel Garcia – “I Kissed a Girl” – She feels just one step away from victory. Demi advises her not to flip her hair too much. She sings. The others are in earshot. We see their reactions. Jennel sounds good. A little nervous. There’s still a ton of hairography. After, Jennel says it was nervewracking. Demi felt her light was a little dimmed. She worried her advice didn’t help.
Willie Jones – “Nobody Knows” Willie was worried the judges wouldn’t like him singing country. Oh Willie. Simon loves a gimmick, don’t you know! Oh. That’s the song he totally bombed at boot camp. Demi is surprised. “Make us remember this performance instead of the last,” says Demi. He sits on the piano while he croons. This is the best he’s ever sung. He’s redeeming himself nicely. His competitors are surprised…and unhappy. Nick says, “He’s a star, no doubt.”
Jillian Jensen – “Gravity” by Sara Barreilles – She felt a connection with Demi in her initial audition when she broke down over her bullying issues. Demi tells her she has an incredible voice, but to keep her emotions in check because it’s a competition.Jillian doesn’t have the best voice, but she seems to know her limitations and sings around them. And, she brings a lot of emotion to her performance. Nick thought she was really sexy. Demi is concerned she took her advice a little too much to heart.
Nick Youngerman – “Tick Tock” by Ke#ha – His version of the song is more hip hoppy than Ke$ha’s. There’s not much singing involved, to be honest. He’s got charisma, though. He’d be very marketable to the teen crowd. “I killed it,” says Nick. Nick J. really enjoyed the performance. Demi says, “I couldn’t tell if I was loving it, or super annoyed by it.”
Paige Thomas – “Turn Up The Music” – Unlike CeCe, she wears her heart on her sleeve. She’s doing it all for her 3 year old daughter. The best she’s ever performed. Her performance is a slowed up, very emotional version of the song. Demi is not sure she won’t crack under pressure. Indeed, she cries when she goes back to the holding room.
CeCe Frey – “I’m Sexy and I Know It” CeCe still feels that Paige is her biggest competition, but she intends on coming on top. CeCe is painting leopard spots on her leg. She remembers that Demi told her she had a girl crush on her. Demi tells her she’s got the confidence and the sassiness but sometimes she comes across as UNLIKABLE. CeCe begins to cry. Demi says if she can open up and show her vulnerablity, she’ll connect to the audience. She’s going to work on her vulnerability. Are at least ACTING like she’s vulnerable. Her song pick is perfect for that. She does a sexy, acoustic version of the song. She shows up her vocal chops here. She’s good. But she’s not going to last in the voting rounds. Simon’s going to have to save her over and over again. Nick says she took the advice really well. CeCe says says she’s taking off her leopard spots!
Now, it’s time for Nick and Demi to decide which 4 acts advance to the live shows.
Now we head to Miami and Simon Cowell’s Groups. The kids trash talk a little.
Playback – “Rich Girl” – This is the rap version of the song. Simon says one weak vocal could ruin everything cough1dcouldntsingcough. The boys sing and wisely avoid harmonies. They are very cute boys. But. Uhm. NO. But, I loled at 1D the entire time they competed on X Factor UK and look at them now. I’m not the demo this group is aiming for. Simon is smiling. He’s thinking “Here’s my Yankee 1D!” Marc throught they were looking for planes. He wasn’t impressed. Simon disagrees. He thinks there’s something innocent and likable about them. Marc doesn’t get it.
Emblem3 – “Every Little Thing She Does is Magic” – I don’t even feel like we’re in a contest, as long as we continue doing us! They breathe and sleep music! Wow, these guys can sing in harmony! And this is NOT an easy song to sing. Didn’t like it as much when they began to scream rap, but the singing was sweet! You can tell these guys have been singing together forever. A world of difference from Playback. Simon says, “You lost your way a bit there.” Eh. They were mostly good. Marc likes them, despite one of the singers missing his cue. I did too.
Sister C – “Leaving” by Shelby Lynne – They are just little Texas girls! They want to make their parents proud! Simon feels they come across a little stand-offish. Simon says they’ve got to make people vote for them. The lead singer has a great voice. She could probably make it without her sisters. Their country harmonies are nice, though.
Lyric 145 – “Party in the USA” – Everybody tries to out hood each other. “Well where I come from, I go to more funerals than weddings”, says Lyric Da Queen. Ha. This song ain’t Miley Cyrus. The party goes to the ‘hood and it’s pretty fly. Lyric is a late addition, but they meld together really well. Marc LOVES Lyric Da Queen. Simon loves them too.
Dope Crisis – “Super Bass” These guys has had very little screen time. And they get very little here. Cannon Fodder? Marc thinks they had a good audition, but Simon thinks they gave all that they have.
Lylas – “Impossible” by Shontelle – Marc reminds them. If one messes up, they all go home. There goes Dinah Jane again about living in 1 house with 23 people. Like the manufactured boys, the girls sing mostly in solo, but at least they are attempting a little harmony. Each of the girls have strong voices. They are WAY better than the manufactured boys. Marc and Simon agree “Unbelievable.”
Tomorrow night, it’s the Over 25s and the Teens.
Young Adults:
CeCe Frey
Willie Jones
Jennel Garcia
Nick Youngerman
Paige Thomas
Jillian Jensen
Over 25s
Jason Brock
Daryl Black
David Correy
Tara Simon
Tate Stevens
Vino Alan
Sister C
Dope Crisis
One4Five + Lyric Da Queen added in (Lyric 145)
Lylas (Dinah Jane, Ally Brooke, Lauren Jauregui, Camila Cabello & Normani Kordei)
Playback (Austin Corini, Brandan Hassan, Johnny Maxwell, Josh Metzler & Owen Stuart)
Beatrice Miller
James Tanner
Carly Rose Sonenclar
Diamond White
Reed Deming
Arin Ray