The time has come ladies and gents! This is pretty much my favorite part of the entire competition, it’s time for the battles!
Here we go!
First up is Team Pharrell’s Elyjuh Rene versus Maiya Sykes. Maiya has got one powerful voice, but I wouldn’t count Elyjuh out just yet. He’s very entertaining.
Aw Alicia Keys and Elyjuh is FREAKING OUT LOL! They are singing Alicia’s “If I ain’t got you” and they both are super nervous (which duh I mean it’s Alicia Keys). Elyjuh is taking creative liberties with the melody but is he taking too much of a chance?
Maiya is teaching Elyjuh how to hit the high notes, which is cool despite the fact they are competing against each other. Kudos, it’s really nice to see contestants supporting each other. Pharrell says he is looking for the emotion more so than the technicality.
They both start out strong. I loveeeeee watching Elyjuh. Their harmonies are on point. He struggled a little bit with that high note. Will that effect winning the battle for him?
This is SUCH a close call! I feel like Pharrell can be safe and go with Maiya, but I’m going with Elyjuh because of his voice, spunk, and personality.
Adam and Gwen both said they would go with Elyjuh, Blake said that Maiya and Elyjuh are both world class singers. Coach Pharrell said that Elyjuh hit that note, but Maiya’s voice was “shooting out like lightning bolts.”
The winner of this battle is….Elyjuh!!! – Download from iTunes
Wow. No one stole Maiya. I can’t say I am too surprised though. Pharrell said she didn’t sing for her life like Elyjuh did.
Next up is Team Adam and his advisor, Stevie Nicks (what a legend, how much are they paying her for this lol). The next battle pairing is Chris Jamison versus Jonathan Wyndham. Cue the fangirls screaming “nooooooo” but I am sure one of them will end up stolen.
They are singing “Young Girls” by Bruno Mars. Adam feels like they both occupy the same sort of space/vibe on his team so that’s why he put them together. Stevie is telling Chris not to be nervous. She’s intimidating and I love her. :P
In rehearsal, Adam tells Chris to stop playing it safe with the notes. He also Jonathan to stop straining to hit the notes. Hmmmm I’m not sure who’s actually going to win this.
I really like the tone of Jonathan’s voice. Chris just has that IT factor in my opinion. He looks like Channing Tatum too if I’m being honest LOL. His runs are consistent, he has a lot to offer. However Jonathan seems ready NOW, where as Chris would need more coaching (which hey, isn’t that what this show is about?)
Blake likes Jonathan’s voice, Pharrell admired Chris’s runs and would choose him, Gwen thought they both worked very well together. She liked Chris’s stage presence. Adam said Chris DEFINITELY projected and thought Jonathan was fantastic.
And the winner of this battle is Chris Jamison!! – Download from iTunes
Now from Team Gwen we have Jean Kelley and Sugar Joans. There’s Gavin Rossdale aka Gwen’s husband and team advisor. Now THAT is someone I would geek out meeting. The girls are singing “Survivor” by Destiny’s Child. Gavin likes Sugar’s approach to the song, and he wants Jean to break out of her shell.
Gwen wants Sugar to open up her eyes more when she’s singing. She wants Jean to slow down and take her time on the song.
Alright everyone, let’s all take a shot every time Sugar mentions her dad. You ready?
Anddddd I am unimpressed so far with Sugar. Jean is already carrying this song. I don’t like the growl in Sugar’s voice.
This is sort of a hot mess. What do you guys think lol?
Adam said that song is SO hard to sing, he sees potential in both. Blake agrees with Adam, he also thought Sugar’s hair was mad long but it was her dress lol. Pharrell liked the dynamics of working the stage, he liked them both. Gwen said they both had great chemistry.
The winnter of this battle is… Sugar Joans!!
And we have a steal!!! Adam AND Pharrell both push for her. Adam says there’s a break in her voice he would use less. Pharrell agrees, and plays his producer card (and rightfully so).
And Jean chooses…Team Pharrell!! – Download from iTunes
Next battle pairing is Team Blake’s Craig Wayne Boyd versus James David Carter. His advisers are Little Big Town, and they are HUGE in the country music industry. He gives them a song by Pat Green called “Wave on Wave.” Blake knows that they both are similar and only has room for one artist with that particular sound on his team.
They sound good together in rehearsals, both are playing guitar. They don’t want James to pull away from the mic on the high notes. Craig has to hone the edges in his voice.
James is sucking up and playing a Little Big Town song for everyone, and now it’s like a big kumbaya on Team Blake.
They both have fantastic stage presence. Both of their vocals are on point, this is going to be a CLOSE battle. A steal perhaps? I’m thinking YES. Such a good battle!
Pharrell said they were both so distinctive, he can’t choose. Gwen said James voice was shining, and that he’s so comfortable on stage. Adam said it almost sounded like a duo, that’s how good it was. Blake thinks Craig’s voice projects so well, and James’ runs are so effortless.
The winner of this battle is… James David Carter!!
No one stole Craig??? WTF man.
OH MY GOD Gwen pushes her button at the last possible second!! Welcome to Team Gwen Craig – Download from iTunes!
Next is Team Gwen’s Amanda Lee Peters versus Taylor John Williams. Gwen feels like they are both alternative artists, that’s why they’re paired together. They are singing “Jolene” by Dolly Parton.
Gwen feels Taylor is holding back. She also wants Amanda to project more. I’m not sure how I feel about Gwen’s song choices for her team lol. I do really love Taylor’s voice in general though. Gwen is trying to help them both with stage presence and how to work the mic stands.
Oooh a capella in the beginning, nice! Amanda AND Taylor are BOTH bringing it. I still feel like Taylor is stronger though. I’m unsure of who Gwen will pick.
Adam said they nailed the song. He’s surprised by Amanda, and thought she had more passion than Taylor. Blake thought they both sang great but he thought Amanda seemed more invested in the song. Pharrell liked Amanda’s ad-libs, but feels like Taylor is a star.
Gwen thinks Taylor has come so far, and she really also believes in Amanda.
The winner of this battle is… Taylor John Williams!! – Download from iTunes
The last battle pairing of the night is Team Pharrell’s Luke Wade Vs Griffin. I go into this battle rooting for Luke Wade. He was the very first audition of the season and his voice gave me INSTANT chills. They are singing Paul McCartney’s “Maybe I’m Amazed”, which is one of my all time favorite songs.
Luke is struggling with his falsetto. Pharrell says it’s necessary for him to win this battle. Griffin isn’t to familiar with the song.
They sound good in rehearsal, but Pharrell wants more from them. Alicia changed the song to fit more of a jazz/blues vibe and it is literally AMAZING. Good call Alicia!
Alright here we go! I’m crossing my fingers that this will be the best battle of this season.
Luke’s voice just cuts right through you. Griffin’s got such a great voice though too. I know one of them will be stolen though lol, but still! Damn Griffin, that falsetto!!
This battle did NOT disappoint!
Gwen thought it was amazing, she loved Griffin’s voice. Adam feels like Luke is the best singer in the competition right now. He said that Griffin hit a crazy HIGH note. Blake thought it was one of the best battles ever on the show (can’t say I disagree!).
Pharrell liked how Griffin let loose.
The winner of this battle is…Luke Wade!!!
Blake pushes his button! He wants to steal Griffin! And there goes Gwen Stefani!
Adam wants Griffin to go with Gwen lol. Gwen thinks he’s a fighter. And BLAKE SHELTON is bringing the claws out, and I love it!
Griffin goes with Team Blake! – Download from iTunes
And the teams stand as follows:
Team Adam:
Beth Spangler
Matt McAndrew
Clara Hong
Damien Lawson
Joe Kirk
Kelli Douglas
Mia Pfirrman
Alessandra Castronovo
Ethan Butler
Chris Jamison
Rebekah Samarin
Team Blake:
Justin Johnes
Fernanda Bosch
James David Carter
Allison Bray
Taylor Brashears
Reagan James
John Martin
Kensington Moore
Bree Fondacaro
Tanner Linford
Grant Ganzer
Team Gwen:
Craig Wayne Boyd
Mayra Alvarez
Ryan Sill
Bryana Salaz
Taylor John Williams
Sugar Joans
Menlik Zergabachew
Jessie Pitts
Troy Ritchie
Anita Antoinette
Gianna Salvato
Team Pharrell:
Brittany Butler
Luke Wade
Elyjuh Rene
Danica Shirey
Jean Kelley
Taylor Phelan
Ricky Manning
Blessing Offor
Jordy Searcy
Katriz Trinidad
Toia Jones
And that’s all for tonight! I’ll see you guys tomorrow for another round. Thank you so much for joining me, feel free to follow me on twitter @loveoutloud.