The Voice 9 – Battle Rounds #2 – Take the Polls!

THE VOICE -- "Team Pharrell Battle Reality" -- Pictured: (l-r) Siahna Im, Ivonne Acero -- (Photo by: Trae Patton/NBC)

Of the three battles that were featured on tonight’s The Voice one hour Battle Round, it was the matchup between Chris Crump and Krista Hughes that really left me scratching my head. Chris was better in battle (Really, Blake should steer him into country music) and Krista shone brighter in her audition. But Krista still came out the winner when the two battled singing Brad Paisley’s “When I Get Where I Am Going.” Technical performance aside, she’s just the superior artist. She’s got grit and soul, and I’m sorry we won’t be seeing more of her. He’s a piece of Wonder bread. Totally most robbed.

The match up between Ivonne Acero and Siahna Im didn’t give them the opportunity to be there best. Really, Pharrell, you gave these kids a Supremes song? Ivonne was much better than I remembered her audition. She could be a nice surprise if she goes further. Hopefully Blake won’t treat her like cannon fodder. Gwen seemed more interested in mentoring her.

The Manny/Keith match was basically two adult contemporary guys, both of whom would be dropped by Republic records before their debut album, if either of them won. In that sense, it didn’t matter who prevailed. But I think Keith was the more interesting vocalist of the two. Correct decision, Adam. See you at the karaoke bar, Manny.

What do you think? Who were your favs? Take the polls NOW. I’m not going to include the montages. There’s not enough performance available upon which to form an opinion. There’s a “Most Robbed” category. We’ll just assume montaged contestants are ultimately the most robbed, and move on from there.

Favorite Battle

Favorite Contestant

Eliminated Contestant Most Robbed

Grade the Episode

About mj santilli 35173 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!