The Voice 8 Top 10 Live Blog and VIDEOS

The Voice 8 Top 10 take the stage tonight with the help of a slew of guest mentors. Dave Stewart will assist Adam Levine, Mark Ronson helps Christina Aguilera, Ryan Tedder and Pharrell Williams will work together and Blake Shelton will bring in Scott Hendricks. We’re live blogging the performances right here.

First up, is a video package introducing the four “superstar advisers” to viewers. The show opens with an Elton John medley. The songs were chosen by fans on twitter. Deanna and India struggle. Joshua shines, which shouldn’t be a surprise.

Kimberly Nichole – Team Christina – Somethings Got a Hold on Me by Etta James – Christina wants to “dirty it up” for Kimberly. Mark says the song is about the attitude rather than the melody. He wants the band to be “tight and tough.” like the Ramones. Christina coaches her on working the stage. Mark can’t think of anyone in music right now singing that combo of rock and soul. Kimberly begins the song lounging on a red chair. Very regal! Really comfortable working the crowd, she sounds incredible! I hope the song isn’t’ too old-fashioned for viewers, cause she’s killing it. Kimberly is that perfect blend of rock and soul, like a contemporary Tina Turner. Waves of energy coming off this gal. The crowd and coaches on their feet! Pharrell says she reinvents 10. “Unbelievable,” he says. “That was lights out,” says Adam. He thinks she’s gaining momentum. He hates to admit it. She could win. (Nah. A guy is going to win). “You slay it every time,” says Christina, “You look beautiful tonight. You did it again.” – 1-855-864-2301 – Text Sprint #1 to 8642Download from iTunes

Joshua Davis – Team Adam – Hold Back the River by James Bay – Adam, once again, encourages Joshua to do more with his voice. Dave notes how his sincerity comes through. I’m looking for more dynamics from Joshua. These early verses are whispery. It’s like he’s having trouble getting sound out. But, finally, on the bridge he goes full voice, and I feel something! It’s full on for the chorus, and the song comes alive. Some pitchy stuff on the back side, but Josh’s energetic delivery makes up for it. Blake feels the song really challenged him vocally. “Good job dude,” he says. Pharrell agrees. He felt it was a good exercise for America to see the true colors of his voice. Adam felt they needed to take a risk. He felt his upper register stuff was great. That’s what he was looking for. – 1-855-864-2302 – Text Sprint #2 to 8642Download from iTunes

Hannah Kirby – Team Blake – Shout by Tears for Fears – Hannah chose this song. The pick perplexes him. Scott calls her a “vocal monster.” They work on getting the energy up and making the performance contemporary. It was Blake’s idea to use a military theme to stage the performance. There are drummers on stage. She’s wearing a Janet Jackson style military coat. Hm. I will say her bellowing vocals and weird dancing kind of work here. I mean…the song is called “Shout” which pretty much sums up her vocal style. Shouting the lyrics of shout. More like screaming, actually. The last time a Voice contestant did the drum thing, he was suddenly eliminated. Christina calls her style “infectious.” Pharrell thinks it’s awesome how she makes a song her own. Blake calls Hannah a freak of nature, “How can you give it everything you have? Literally my eyeballs would be coming out of my head.” He adds, ” You aren’t going anywhere.”  I wouldn’t be so sure about that. – 1-855-864-2303 – Text Sprint #3 to 8642Download from iTunes

Meghan Linsey – Team Blake – Home by Marc Broussard – Meghan, of course, knows who this producer is, and is excited to work with the hitmaker. Having grown up close to the bayou, this song hits Meghan where she lives. Scott feels like there’s something missing lyrically. Blake doesn’t think she feels invested in the verses.  They work to pull out a dirtier performance from the singer.  Scott remembers her from Steel Magnolia, and feels like he’s working with a very different singer.  “Home” is a good song choice for her–soulful but with that southern flavor that she wears so comfortably. This girl can SANG. Meghan had a rocky start, but is really finding her place in the competition. She’s turning into a contender. Standing o from the coaches! Christina calls it the best performance she’s done on the show. “Killer,” she says. “I was thoroughly entertained.” She blew Adam away too. He felt the performance threw her way to the top. Blake loves her growing confidence. – 1-855-864-2304 – Text Sprint #4 to 8642Download from iTunes

Koryn Hawthorne – Team Pharrell – Make it Rain by Ed Sheeran – The lyrics brings forth painful memories from her childhood. Ryan is really impressed. He suggests she add a little falsetto, she’s not sure she can do it. But of course, she can! Koryn is reaching deep. She’s wise and fearless. The grit in her tone brings so much realness to her interpretation. It’s like a punch to the gut. Vocally, she’s exhibiting control that has escaped her in earlier outings. Wow. This is literally the performance of the night so far. Amazing. Pharrell is on his feet. “I don’t know if you could have done any better than you did,” says Blake. “Welcome to the Top 8.” Christina calls it incredible. “Your heart was just out there.” Pharrell calls on the gospel community to vote for her tonight, because she lifts people up and is an “inspirational” singer. – 1-855-864-2305 – Text Sprint #5 to 8642Download from iTunes

Deanna Johnson – Team Adam – Somebody to Love by Jefferson Airplane – Adam says she has to do something BOLD after almost being eliminated last week. He wants to arrange the song Florence + the Machine style. Dave sees her as a rock singer. If she goes all the way, she could bring the house down. She’s ready to take a risk. Her breath control is a problem. She got that really interesting tone, but the urgency this song requires is lacking. It needs to feel PROPULSIVE. She’s not in the pocket, as they say. This song is bigger than she is. It’s like she’s chasing the song, and she can’t keep up. Woah. Those last notes were super pitchy. Nope. Christina called the song “challenging.” She’s dissing her is a gentle way.  She compliments her outfit. SHADE. Deanna admits the song was challenging. Adam is just happy she’s having fun, and that she can deliver a vocal without losing her mind. Actually Adam, she did sort of lose her mind. That song owned her, rather than the other way around. 1-855-864-2306 – Text Sprint #6 to 8642Download from iTunes

Rob Taylor – Team Christina – A Song For You by Leon Russell – His absent dad came back into contact with him after he appeared on TV. He feels blessed. Rob chose this song for himself. Mark suggests Rob NOT play the piano. It might distract him. He gives him some advice on his phrasing. Well, Rob is playing the piano anyway. This is a beautiful and heartfelt vocal. I like him at the piano, too. It shows off his musicality. He gets up at the second verse, where he shows off that falsetto. He’s POURING himself into this song. He ends in his higher register. I think I would have prefered if had stayed at the piano. But that was good. I hope it keeps him in the competition. Pharrell is amazed by his masterful octave jump. “Immaculate,” he says. Christina felt like it showed a different side of him. “I was totally inspired, so moved, so touched.” – 1-855-864-2307 – Text Sprint #7 to 8642Download from iTunes

Corey Kent White – Team Blake – Unwound by George Strait – Corey wants to go old school this week. Scott hears energy, but he doesn’t see it. Blake plays the riff for him. It needs more of a rock edge, he says. He needs to loosen up. Maybe put the guitar down, they suggest. ‘It’s not adding anything to what you’re doing,” says Scott. He hits the crowd, playing to the girls. That’s where the votes are! Actually, this is a decent vocal. I like his raspy tone. In a few years, and a few rough edges, he could be a great singer. He’s better than that Hunter Hays dude, so why not? Adam calls him “captain consistent.” That’s a half-baked compliment.  Blake says, ‘You sing incredible.” Ohhh. He messed up the lyrics, and Blake makes a point of mentioning it. I don’t know that song, so I didn’t notice. But apparently, the country fans will. That could hurt him. – 1-855-864-2308 – Text Sprint #8 to 8642Download from iTunes

Sawyer Fredericks – Team Pharrell – Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls – Ryan is jelous of his “Ray Lamontagne thing” Sawyer isn’t feeling comfortable. He wants to tone down the chorus. Pharrell agrees. I think this is an odd song choice for Sawyer, but lets see how he does. A big 90s pop song is a bit of an awkward fir for him, but he’s managing to “Sawyerize” it. The band and lush strings are swalloing him up a bit. This WOULD have been better toned down overall. He sings the last verse like his heart is utterly broken. Man, Sawyer’s soul is SO deep. A stripped back version would have been amazing. But his is very good. Sawyer can’t go wrong, really. Blake manages his power and “natural fader.” He’s “freaking good,” he says. Christina liked “Tedder’s collaboration.” She’s struggling for compliments. Pharrell felt it went totally the way he wanted it to go. “The whole room felt it,” he says. “We need more 16 year olds in the country like you.” – 1-855-864-2309 – Text Sprint #9 to 8642Download from iTunes

India Carney – Team Christina – Run to You by Whitney Houston – Christina chose this song for India. Oh. She auditioned for the Lion King with “Run to You,” and it bombed. Oops. That’s why she should sing it, says Christina. No. It’s a horrid song choice. Mark tells her to forget all that stuff she learned in school, so she can just let it go. I love her hair! Eh. I think India’s instincts were right. I don’t think a big, old fashioned Whitney Houston song lends an opportunity to really highlight her vocal gifts. Singing last will probably save her from landing in the bottom, though. Adam can’t believe she didn’t get the part with this song! “You made this song your own beautiful thing,” says Christina. “You conquered it.” – 1-855-864-2310 – Text Sprint #10 to 8642 – Download from iTunes

About mj santilli 35180 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!