The Voice 8 Battle Round #3 Live Blog and VIDEOS

The Voice - Season 8

The Voice 8 Battle Rounds continue tonight! We’re live blogging all the performances right here.

Pharrell seems to have no interest in working with fully formed artists. What else would account for him ditching the incredibly talented Kimberly Nichole for the young and inexperienced Lowell Oakley? He thinks he’s going to steal Kimberly back in the Knockouts? What if Christina doesn’t want to give her up? Pharrell continues to be a knucklehead.

I’ll tell you though, that India Carney, from Team Christina,  is a force to be reckoned with. She’s a beautiful singer. I think she helped her battle partner, Clinton Washington, raise his game. He might want to thank her for the steal. I’m glad he chose Adam over Pharrell, who would have probably sacrificed him in the knockouts. Clinton came out of nowhere because he was montaged. we’ll see the extent of his talent when he sings a solo.

Tomorrow’s episode is ONLY ONE HOUR ya’ll.  See you then.

Briar Jonnee vs Caitlin Caporale – “Fallin” – Team Pharrell Battle – Lionel Richie mentors.

Mentoring Session: Pharrell picked a song both super soulful singers knew. Pharrell thought Caitlin was “cheating” with her head voice. He really thinks she can sing the high notes in her full voice. He advises Briar to get out of her head and connect. “Briar’s a sleeper” says Pharrell. Pharrell and Lionel are both impressed with the rehearsal performances. It’s down to who can take the pressure, says Lionel. Caitlin struggles to hit those high notes, but Pharrell is positive she can do it. Lionel gives them pointers on stage presence. Never go out of character, he says.

Performance: These two are really similar singers. Pharrell probably figures that he can’t use both. Caitlin is the slightly stronger singer. They are both pretty good, though. This is going to be a hard decision, they’ve both got amazing pipes. Will be surprised if somebody doesn’t scoop up the loser. Blake calls Briar more of a loose cannon, but Caitlin has a strong voice. Adam thinks Caitlin could win the show. But they were both wonderful. Christina loved them both. Pharrell felt they both improved so much. Briar really gained confidence. Pharrell has a tough time deciding. He dithers, but finally chooses. Caitlin Caporel wins the Battle Briar Jonnee is eliminated. Too bad for Briar. She’s better than some of the others who made teams.

Barry Minniefield vs Jack Gregori – Feeling Alright – Team Adam Levine – Ellie Goulding mentors

Mentoring Session – Adam pits two older contestants against each other. Can’t have them both! Jack wants to rely on his lower register, but Adam and Ellie encourage him to push himself. The song needs to be casual and fun. Adam gives Barry advice on staying in the pocket. Jack, a country singer, is a little uncomfortable. Adam suggests that he fully embrace the song. “Pull some Blues Brothers stuff” says Adam. Sure, why not turn them into a joke while you’re at it?  Nevertheless, they both sound decent in rehearsal.

Performance: These two are having fun and have an easy rapport. The song is really in Barry’s wheelhouse, but they are both solid performers. They are also both cannon fodder. It hardly matters which one wins. I doubt either one will escape the Knockout round. Blake calls it a lot of fun to watch. He compliments Barry on pulling back. He gives it to Barry. Christina enjoyed it thoroughly. Pharrell loved the way Barry let loose. They are both strong singers. Adam says it’s not about who is better or worse. He goes by his gut. Barry wins the Battle Jack Gregori is eliminated. So much for all that blather about wanting a country singer on his team.

Katelyn Read vs Treeva Gibson – Addicted to Love by Florence + The Machine Vers – Team Christina Battle – Nick Jonas mentors

Mentoring Session: Christina picked the song for them, because they both phrase songs so uniquely. Katelyn is a little intimidated by Treeva because she’s got such a powerhouse voice. She needs to step out of her box a little. Nick gives great technical advice! Christina thinks they are singing it too sweetly. She wants them to find the darker aspects of the song. Nick suggests they mine emotions from their own lives. Christina asks them to scream as an excercise. But they aren’t that forthcoming, until she prompts them. She wants them to be a little nervous, in order to invoke passion. She wants “crazy girl.”

Performance: Hm. This is pretty boring. Then it gets kind of screamy. I don’t think they got to that place where Christina wanted them. Pharrell liked it when Katelyn broke out in the 3rd verse. He sees a lot of “potential.” (Code for: “You aren’t good, but maybe you could be).  Adam felt like the style and influence of the original was overwhelming the raw talent.  Kudos to Adam for being honest. Blake thinks Katlyn is the more developed vocalist.  Christina has some constructive criticism for both. Neither are really ready, but Christina has to pick. Treeva Wins the Battle. Katelyn is eliminated – Not surprised. That big yelly note won the battle for her. Treeva is the contestant with the deaf parents. They sign that she’s “amazing.”

Kimberly Nichole vs Lowell Oakley – Hound Dog – Team Pharrell Battle – Lionel Richie mentors.

Mentoring Session: Kimberly is the fashionable NYC club singer. Lowell is a young standards crooner. This is an odd pairing. Pharrell calls them both “Old Souls.” Lionel reminds them that the original was sung by Big Mama Thornton, Elvis Presley only covered it.. Kimberly describes herself as a “raw” singer, while her competition has a smooth voice. Lionel advises them both to stick to being themselves, despite their differences. Pharrell wants a growl from Lowell. Elvis was a crooner too, but he could rev it up when he had to. How will Lowell stay true to himself and compete with the masterful Kimberly? Poor kid is kind of outmatched.

Performance: Kimberley’s performance is organic and natural. She’s been singing for years. She knows who she is. Lowell is still discovering himself. His bluesy growls feel a little contrived, thrust upon him by his mentors. Still, he’s managing to keep up with Kimberly, which is no easy feat. She’s clearly the winner. She can sing! Wow. She’s throwback, while being thoroughly contemporary. Adam felt the duet was perfectly executed. Adam thinks Kimberly took it, even though Lowell had once been on his team. Blake calls her “infectious.” He says, “I’m obsessed with you. You might want to get a restraining order.” He thinks Lowell occupies a space nobody else does. He pleads the fifth. It’s Christina’s favorite battle. So much charisma, she says. Pharrell wants to keep both of them. Blake reminds Pharrell that he beat Adam with a singer (Craig Wayne Boyd) that he lost and then got back. Pharrell takes FOREVER to make up his mind. Pharrell calls them both winners. “She probably has to pee or something! You’ve had her up there for 45 minutes!” Everybody has to pee. Carson throws to commercial. We’re back. And Pharrell is still dithering. Finally, Pharrell choses Lowell! Geez. He promises to get back Kimberly. She has to be stolen first though. Madness. Lowell wins the Battle Christina steals Kimberly. Hm. Kimberly might be a little disappointed not to be on Pharrell’s team anymore.

Brenna Yaeger vs Kelsie May – Fancy – Team Blake Shelton – Meghan Trainor mentors

Mentoring Session: Brenna grew up in a log cabin. Kelsie is all about old school country. Blake pairs two teenaged country singers. He only has room for one. Hm. This song, about a mom turning out her daughter to sell herself to the highest bidder, isn’t exactly age appropriate. It’s a tough song to sing, because the phrases are so long. Meghen confesses she would have been too scared to try out for The Voice. When she’s really nervous, says Meghan, she pretends that she’s Beyonce, and it really works! They fare better with the full band. But both still need to come out of their shells. Kelsie is having trouble singing harmonies.

Performance: Both singers are pretty green, and seem pretty nervous. I can’t see either performer making it to the live shows.  I actually had trouble telling them apart.  Christina thinks they both need work on dynamics. Pharrell loves Kelsie’s strong tone, but both are incredible. Adam noted Kelsie’s confidence. He would pick her. Is a song about a mother pimping out her daughter really appropriate for teenagers to sing? Kelsie wins the Battle Brenna is eliminated.

Clinton Washington vs India Carney – “Stay” – Team Christina Battle – Nick Jonas mentors

Mentoring Session: India is a classically trained vocalist. She killed with a Billy Joel song. Clinton was montaged. Hm. Clinton knows he has a ton of work to do to match India, who was a 4 chair turn. Nick thinks Clinton’s phrasing is great, but he swallows his words. India knows she’ll have to dial it back some for the duet. Christina reminds them that they don’t have to out-belt each other. Christina has faith in Clinton, he needs to turn down the self doubt. Nick thinks India may be overthinking her performance. Some of that technical training has to go out the window.

Performance: A very emotional performance from both. India is the superior singer. Man, she’s a pro. She’s got the pipes and knows how to portray the emotion in a song. But Clinton is very connected here. He’s present–right there with her. Pharrell has a new favorite battle. He congratulates both. Adam felt their adlibs were so precise. Adam thought the rest who didn’t turn for Clinton during the blinds were stupid. Blake got completely wrapped up in the performance. Christina takes a minute to choose, but you know she’s gonna go for India. India Wins the Battle Adam and Pharrell steal Clinton. Clinton Chooses Adam. Clinton feels that as a coach, Adam can teach him a lot and is more in line with where he wants to take his career.

The Voice 8 Top 48

Team Adam

  • Tonya Boyd-Cannon
  • Blaze Johnson
  • Deanna Johnson
  • Michael Leier
  • James McNeice
  • Bren’nae DeBarge
  • Nicolette Mare
  • Barry Minniefield
  • Lexi Davila
  • Josh Bastone
  • Jack Gregori
  • Nathan Hermida
  • Joshua Davis – Stolen from Team Blake
  • Clinton Washington – Stolen from Team Christina

Team Pharrell

  • Lowell Oakley
  • Meghan Linsey
  • Sawyer Fredericks
  • Anthony Riley
  • Mia Z
  • Kimberly Nichole
  • Travis Ewing
  • Noelle Bybee
  • Ashley Morgan
  • Briar Jonnee
  • Paul Pfau
  • Caitlin Caporale
  • Hannah Kirby – Stolen from Team Blake

Team Christina

  • Rob Taylor
  • Treeva Gibson
  • Gabrielle Wolfchild
  • Joe Tolo
  • Sonic
  • Clinton Washington
  • India Carney
  • Koryn Hawthorne
  • Katelyn Read
  • Ameera Delandro
  • Jeremy Gaynor
  • Vance Smith
  • Ashley Morgan – Stolen from Team Pharrell
  • Kimberly Nichole – Stolen from Team Pharrell

Team Blake

  • Sarah Potenza
  • Cody Wickline
  • Joshua Davis
  • Brooke Adee
  • Kelsie May
  • Jacob Rummell
  • Matt Snook
  • Bay Brooks
  • Brenna Yaeger
  • Brian Johnson
  • Corey Kent White
  • Hannah Kirby
  • Travis Ewing – Stolen from Team Pharrell
  • Meghan Linsey – Stolen from Team Pharrell

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!