Join us tonight as we watch The Voice! Our top 12 will compete in a live show. Who do you like? I’m digging Cody “Bam Bam” Belew and Amanda Brown. I see a lot of talent on the show, so that could change. We shall see.
Looks like Cee-lo dressed tame. Hmm. Carson reminds us to vote because it’s up to us now, y’all. I confess I have not picked up the phone yet. Recap of last week. No coach has a guaranteed contestant in the finale. Drama! The bottom two artists will go home tomorrow.
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Michaela Paige starts out the evening. Blake saved her last week. She’s going to sing Pink’s “Blow Me One Last Kiss.” Blake coaches her on phrasing, but warns her it’s not an easy song. The fauxhawk is gone. Not sure if that’s a good idea for her brand this early. I’m not digging this, although I like her. She’s a lot better than Cassadee and I think they will be going after the same market. Christina always enjoys her and says she’s one of her faves. She enjoys her tone and presence. Cee-lo also says she’s a fave of his. He thinks her performances are effortless and she works the stage well. Adam agrees with Cee-lo. He is impressed she held her breath. Blake says his heart was pounding because it was so good. He wants America to know he’s never worked with an artist who takes advice and translates into it what happens on stage. He says she works hard. He begs America to vote for her.
Jermaine Paul’s single gets pimped on a Samsung commercial. Blake is also in the clip.
Dez Duron, our former Yale football player, is singing “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You.” He’s going the soul route. Christina wants him to work the ladies. What is there to say about this except he doesn’t sound bad, but he’s hella cheesy. I am not sure he’s in on the joke. I’m not sure he has a lot of range, either. Not that you could tell by this song choice. The crowd seems happy. Cee-lo thought it was impeccable! Wonderful through and through. He says Dez has sex appeal and is the total package. Adam thinks he found his style. I guess cheese is his style. Blake loves the song choice and that he made it current. Christina says he has a heart of gold. She says he’s a sweet pea and has natural charisma. She thinks he has star quality. More to come for Dez, she predicts. She’s probably right.
Adriana Louise is next. She’s going to sing Carrie Underwood’s “Good Girl” and Christina wants her to bring the sass. She brings the sex but hits some bad notes. She’s working the stage and Adam. Poor Cee-lo. He must be a jellus h8er. Cee-lo likes her conviction. Adam says he enjoyed it. Blake said it was good job. Christina talks about how hard it is to sing that song live and calls her a firecracker. Okey dokey! Too bad De’borah didn’t get that spot.
Cody Belew is up now. Cee-lo saved him. Our rodeo Bam Bam is singing “Simply The Best.” Cee-lo wants him to be larger than life. He’s also cheesy but it fits him. He also sings better than Dev. Who can resist a Cher tune? Adam thinks he’s a natural performer. Reminds him of Prince. Blake says he always sounds good and owns the stage. Christina enjoyed it but wants something more uptempo. She wants more bopping. Cee-lo goes all communist and says he’s a comrade. Just kidding. He calls him fabulous and a joy.
Looks like of the “saved” peeps Michaela got to open and Cody got the pimp spot. Do you think that will matter?
Amanda Brown is singing “Spectrum.” Adam wants her to scale back on the attitude. He says she sounds good after that. I love her performance skills. I love this chick. Her eyes are pretty too. Blake is still freaking out from last week. He hears so much in her voice. He also appreciated the leg show. Christina thinks she’s an undeniable singer. She’s waiting to connect with who Amanda Brown is an an artist and is looking forward to finding out. Cee-lo calls her his favorite mistake. Adam says it wasn’t perfect. He says she epitomizes everything this show is about. He thinks she delivered and can win the whole thing. Florance and The Machine seems to be a risky song choice.
Bryan Keith is doing “Back to Black” by Amy Whinehouse. OMG. I just don’t think this will do him any service. Adam thinks his ability is limitless. Can he lose the hat? He’s doing this more loungy and not so tortured. I guess he sounds fine. I don’t like the arrangement. He will be compared to the original which has pain and soul. He failed on that. Blake thinks he took the lead for team Adam. I say shenanigans. Christina agrees and says he’s a nice guy. Cee-lo says something about Amy which I didn’t quite catch. Adam thinks he had a moment. I guess I will have to re-watch when MJ posts the vids.
Cassadee Pope reminds us she wants to be Avril Lavigne. She’s singing “Behind these Hazel Eyes.” Blake tells her she sings sharp. She’s playing guitar. I’m not a fan and she’s no Kelly. Let’s see what the coaches say. Xtina said it was her favorite performance from Cassadee and felt her heart. Cee-lo likes hot chicks with guitars. He thinks she’s sincere. Adam finally realizes her soulfulness. Blake thinks her choice of Kelly Clarkson is great because she has no limits and can cross over. Again, he reminds us people love her. Nobody really talks about her vocal.
Trevin Hunte sings “When a Man Loves a Woman.” I like him quite a bit. He’s singing it for his mom. He hopes his emotion shines through. I bet this will be good. So far so good! I like this kid. I’m pretending his bow tie is houndstooth. RTR. Maybe next time he can sing something more contemporary? The crowd and the judges seem blown away. Adam says he has a gift from God. He wants him to have confidence in life. Blake says he did everything… only left blood and guts on stage. Christina thanks him for bringing it home for her. She loves his raspieness and wants to coach him. Cee-lo calls him a miracle. He is humbled and encouraged. Says he can’t sing like Trevin. I’m feeling all gooey now! Yay for Trevin!
Melanie Martinez is up now. I guess I was wrong about all the saved peeps people going first. She’s singing “Cough Syrup.” Adam thinks she’s unique and wants her to show her emotion. She starts off sitting cross-legged on the floor. She is better than last week. She’s all emotional. Blake enjoys that she finally projected and likes the quality of her voice. Christina thinks she connected with people. Adam says she’s the only Melanie and is spectacular.
Nicholas David plans to sing “Power of Love” by Huey Lewis and the News. Cee-lo thinks he needs to be more of a star and appeal to the larger audience. I’m a girl from the 80s. So I get it. But will he appeal to the younger audience? Adam tells him he’s strange and beautiful. He loves the song. He always has fun when he watches Nicholas. Blake loves that every time he gets on stage it’s exciting to see what he does next. Cee-lo is talking about realization of self and talks about how he is so genuine. He’s art imitating life. He thinks Nicholas is necessary. I’m fine with that.
Sylvia Yacoub aspires to be a pop singer. She’s singing a Celine Dion song. “My Heart Will Go On.” Dang. WTF? Christina wants her to bring the soul and go more Beyonce. I don’t need to hear this song. Song choice, peeps. Is this going to make people listen to you on the radio? I think not. Cee-lo says it was second best compared to original. Those are the only two versions he’s heard. Yikes. Adam says it’s not a song and babbles that it’s hard and a song. I’m confused. Christina thinks she’s fearless. She says she made it her own. Ok. I did not enjoy it.
Our resident rocker Terry McDermott got the pimp spot. Carson wants us to pay more for iTunes and says the votes count more if they make top ten. Terry’s doing “More than a Feeling” and continues the trend of old songs. At least Amanda did Florence. Terry is good though. I’ll give him that! But is that his real hair? The crowd seems involved. Cee-lo says it is damn good. He enjoys his falsetto. He mentions the hair. Adam isn’t sure if we realize how special and good Terry is. Blake congratulates him. He thinks he’s special and is true to himself. He asks people to say hi to Terry.
What do you think? What do you think of the performance order? Did anyone else think we had some weird song choices tonight? Who do you expect to go home tomorrow? Have you voted yet? I haven’t. I might vote for Bam Bam and Amanda tonight.