Join us while we dish about the last of the battle rounds on our cheesy fun show, The Voice!
Warning: This live blog may be bad. I’m having some issues.
Adriana Louise vs Jordan Pruett. Team Xtina. They are nervous when meeting with Billie Joe and Xtina. She chooses “Hot and Cold” by Katy Perry. Billie Joe wants them to find the balance between a duet and a battle. Xtina wants Jordan to take more risks. She wants them both to be more aggressive. She wants them to exude power and presence. She thinks it’s neck and neck at the last rehearsal. Commercial break. We’re back. Does swinging your hair make you a pop star? Just wondering. I like the Adriana better than the Disney chick. The hand clapping above the head annoys. Can y’all tell I’m in a bad mood. I say get rid of both of them. Xtina looks happy. Cee-lo thought it was great. I was annoyed. He goes with Adriana. Adam says the battle was so even and they are equally good. He thought Jordan peaked at the end, so chooses her. Blake thinks Jordan is unique and picks her. Xtina picks Adriana. I think Xtina is the only one who has a steal left, so no luck for Jordan.
Blake and Buble welcome Kelly Crapa vs. Michaela Page. Country girl vs. rocker. Micheala loves Buble. Does she know he’s an asshat? They are doing Joan Jett’s “I Hate Myself for Loving You.” Blake thinks Micheala oversings. Of course. Rocker chick is fodder. Kelly needs more attitude, they say. Blake says the battle will come down to which one is most seasoned since they are both teens. Now I’m not sure he’ll choose the country girl. Guess we will see after the break. These girls are better than first two from Team Xtina. Xtina is taken aback –she thought a brawl would break out. She likes Michaela better. Cee-lo thinks Kelly will shine on a different song. He says it’s a tie. Adam thinks it was awesome and the cutest thing he has ever seen. He’s stumped. Blake praises Kelly and chooses Michaela because she has more of an edge.
Avery vs. Chevonne . Team Cee-loo. “Titanium.” Youth vs. Experience. Avery is worried after hearing her sing. Cee-lo thinks he needs to loosen up. Final rehearsal he brings it. Now for the battle. Chevonne loves Avery but isn’t going home, she claims. Off to a commercial. This is the end of the night so we know Xtina will steal one of them. Not a great way to build suspense. Here we go. Both are talented. I think I’d pick Chevonne. Damn. Avery can dance. Oh yeah, we knew that. I would still pick Chevonne. Let’s see who Cee-lo picks and Xtina steals. Adam was engaged. But he thinks Avery took it hands down. Blake thinks she was great, but agrees with Adam. Xtina thinks Chevonne’s stage presence was amazing and hit some great notes. Cee-lo picks Avery. Xtina steals Chevonne! We don’t have any time left, duh. I know it was pre-recorded, so who know what order it was decided.
It’s a wrap. Hope y’all enjoyed the show. Post your thoughts in comments.