Welcome back for part 4 of The Voice Blind Auditions.
Adam Levine, Blake Shelton, Gwen Stefani and Alicia Keys will be sitting in the big red chairs this cycle, while Carson Daly returns to host.
Click for tonight’s Song Spoilers.
PLUS The Voice Season 12 Contestant Spoilers
Here we go!
Micah Tryba – 24 – Wheaton Illinois – I’m Every Woman by Whitney Houston – She’s a veterinarian. Initially, she wanted to study music but had financial problems. Her horse got sick and she realized what she really wanted was to work with animals. Blake turns right away and then Gwen, even though this lounge club version of Whitney is shaky and super pitchy. Wow. Alicia’s hand is hovering. Really? She cries as she finishes. Adam explains that he didn’t turn because of some “pocket” issues. Alicia agrees. Blake thinks she can win (!!!) “Don’t be tempted by the dimples,” teases Gwen, who appreciates the “tenderness” in Micah’s voice. Gwen’s pitch was more convincing. So Blake throws out the “I won a bunch” card. And that seems to do the trick. Micah chooses Blake – Download from iTunes
Troy Ramey – NYC by way of Woodstock Vermont – Wild World by Cat Stevens – He lost his dad to cancer when he was in high school. He used to be in a band that had some moderate success (Carson knew who they were). “Wild World” was his father’s favorite song. Blake turns around instantly. Troy’s burnished, muscular baritone is pleasing. Adam turns next! When he punches a note in the second verse, Gwen turns and then eventually Alicia. Four turns! “You are a major contender to win this thing,” says Adam. Gwen thought he made the song his own. “You have lifetimes in your voice,” says Alicia. Oooh. She’s laying it on thick. She’s good. Blake flirts with Troy’s mom, who likes his dimples. “You sing like a MAN,” says Blake, appealing to his masculinity. “I wanted to hit my button quickly, beause of the strenght of your voice.” Gwen implores, “You actually moved me today.” Troy Chooses Gwen. Nobody expected that. Troy confesses that he’s been a Gwen fan for a long time. – Download from iTunes
Blake continues to mock Adam’s stripey sweater. Every episode it’s a new joke. This week: Mime jokes.
Erica Corbin – Aberdeen Il – Wade in the Water – She’s a 31 year old mother of four. She’s waited to try something like The Voice because family comes first. She would love to work with Alicia. “I’m a mom with one last shot,” she tears up. She’s got a smooth jazzy alto. Not bad. But nobody is turning. Her upper register is a little weak and she hits a couple of wonky notes. Nobody turns. Sads. Adam thought there were some awesome vocal decisions, but there were some issues. Alicia loved her lower register. Alicia encourages her to keep singing. Hm. I thought she was better than Micah, to be honest. – No Turns
Jack Cassidy – 18 – Westlake Village CA – One of Us by Joan Osborne – His dad is Patrick Cassidy. Right. That family. Uncle David has been in the news lately. Carson travels out to his home to meet Grandma Shirley Jones and the rest of the family. Shirley has always had second thoughts about her kids and grandkids joining the family business. (Fun Fact: Late grandfather, an actor, was also named Jack). Jack has been searching and struggling to find his place in his famous family. He’s a Christian worship leader and has done mission work all over the world. Interesting. He accompanies himself on electric piano. Hm. Nothing special, really. It’s not as if any of those Cassidy boys were great singers. He’s not cute enough to be a teen idol, either. Some of his phrasing is nice, though. Alicia and Adam turn their chairs. Adam notes the imperfections, but appreciates his honesty. Blake advocates for Alicia. She loved that he played the piano. She coaxes his family story out of him. Fellow California boy Adam, feels they have much in common. Nevertheless, Jack heads for the East coast. Jack chooses Alicia – Download from iTunes
Adam is bummed that artists aren’t choosing him.
Kawan DeBose – 30 – Miami Florida – Let’s Get It On by Marvin Gaye – Kawan went to a performing arts high school and has been making his living in music ever since. We meet Kawan’s pastor. Kawan has an engaging personality. It’s obvious he’s been selling himself for a long time. Adam, Blake and Gwen turn, but curiously, not Alicia. Kawan’s got some moves and a sweet soul voice. His phrasing is nice. Click for a Preview of Kawan’s Performance. Adam pays the ultimate compliment, comparing Kawan’s falsetto to Prince’s. “You are the #1 priority on Team Adam.” Gwen touts her various experiences in show business. Alicia advocates for Adam. Hm. Blake loves Kawan’s personality. Ohh. A cliffhanger. We don’t find out who Kawan chooses until after the break. Adam is obviously being set up for the win. The whole “nobody’s choosing me!” narrative for Adam is leading up to this moment. And of course…Kawan Chooses Adam He namechecks the Maroon 5 keyboard player! Alicia says she didn’t press because she “has a voice that’s similar.” – Download from iTunes
Taylor Alexander – 25 – Flowery Branch, Georgia – Believe by Cher – He grew up on country music but sang punk music in high school. Eventually, he drifted back to country. Then, he moved to Nashville. He’s been a professional musician for almost 10 years. He’s taking a risk by flipping a Cher song. Blake will be so excited. He loves Cher. He’s got a deep twangy voice. Nice tone. He totally countrifies the song. Adam is completely delighted and pushes his button right away. Blake doesn’t turn! I’m surprised. Blake didn’t turn because he thought Adam would be a better choice – Team Adam – Download from iTunes
Gaby Borromeo – 22 – Seattle Washington – Happy by Leona Lewis – She’s from a Filipino family. She’s been singing demos in New York City since 15 years of age. She got her GED online. She met John Legend when she was 17 years old and worked with him for awhile. Her boss at the restaurant where she works encouraged her to audition for The Voice. Adam and Blake hit their buttons. Adam runs on stage to hug her. He can’t believe it wasn’t a 4 chair turn. She started off a little weak, but brought some heat in her full voice on the chorus. Still, she performs like a background singer. She needs to be coaxed out of her shell. “You can win this, no problem.” Her and the other members of his team to whom he’s said that. Hm. Blake felt she “ramped it up…it sounds like you’re smiling when you’re singing.” Adam calls “production deals” the worst. He wants to help her get to the top of the mountain. Gaby Chooses Team Adam. I think he got her with the “production deal” spiel. – Download from iTunes
Griffin Tucker – 14 – Dallas Tx – Heartbreak Hotel by Elvis Presley – He’s a 14 year old, but looks like he’s about 10. He played in a Beatles cover band, then a KISS cover band. He plays a ton of instruments. He looks like a teen idol straight out of the 70’s. Now this kid would believably come out of the Cassidy family. His singing is OK, but lacks control. His pitch problems are probably keeping him from getting a turn. “Another little boo boo!” gushes Gwen. Adam reminds him that he has 100 more years to come back.” Blake adds, “I hope he comes back.” – No Turns
Missy Robertson – 34 – Sacramento CA – Scars to Your Beautiful by Alessia Cara – She works helping people with disabilities find jobs. It’s taking a while to get a turn. She’s a little underpitch, but has a very strong voice. Blake and Alicia turn at the very last minute. Her dad’s a pastor and is in a band with her sister. Alicia loves her message and wants to help her spread it. Blake says she won’t be like anyone else on his team. Missy assures Blake he’s incredible (Adam scoffs) nevertheless, Missy chooses Team Alicia – Download from iTunes
Aaliyah Rose – 14 – Provo Utah – Rise Up by Andra Day – She comes from a “big blended family.” Mormon, probably. They live with her grandparents due to money problems. She’s been uploading songs to Youtube for a few years. Meghan Trainor helped get her cover of “Lips Are Movin” up to 5 million views. She drops in with a good luck video message. Gwen had said earlier she really wanted a young female singer, and now she has one. Aaliyah is definitely in the “not quite baked” category. But she has a strong voice, a bubbly personality and a ton of potential. – Team Gwen – Download from iTunes
Josh West – 17 – Glendale Arizona – Ordinary World by Duran Duran – He’s in a band with his dad, who has been teaching guitar for 30 years. He did musical theater in school. He graduated early so he could persue his music career. The Voice is the first time he performed on his own without dad. He’s a very articulate guy. Josh has a very pure tone. He’s got a 70’s vibe going. Adam and Gwen turn on the chorus. He seems nervous though. He’s a little flat on the high notes. Eventually he gets four turns. Adam says his voice fills the room. Blake has never heard the song. Josh admits to being a 90’s kid. Blake namechecks some 90’s country singers. I think he knows he has no chance. He’s reduced to jokes. Gwen brags about her own 90’s credentials. She LOVES his voice. Josh Chooses Team Adam Josh picked him because of similar music tastes and his knowledge of the music business. – Download from iTunes