The Voice 11 Live Blog and Recap Top 10 Performance VIDEOS
We’re LIVE BLOGGING The Voice 11 Top 10 performances here. If you’re wondering who is singing what, Click for The Voice Song Spoilers. Tonight, the Top 10 sing for your votes. Vote by The Voice App, online, iTunes and Apple Music. Results will be revealed tomorrow night when TWO singers are eliminated.
Coaches Adam Levine, Blake Shelton, Alicia Keys and Miley Cyrus will be on hand to introduce their team members and comment on the performances. For more information on how to vote, head over to VOTING IS OPEN AT THE TOP OF THE SHOW.
Also Adam Levine and Maroon 5 perform their latest hit, “Don’t Wanna Know.”
Billy Gilman – Team Adam – Anyway by Martina McBride – Martina was the reason Billy got a record deal at 10. Adam thinks it’s the right time to pull out a country tune. He thinks it bridges the gap between what he was and who he’d like to be. Adam tweaks the arrangement. BIG NOTES BABY. Billy does his thing with the soaring notes. If he were still going down the country road, big ballads would be his thing. But, of course, a country career is out of the question at this point. And just when you thought Billy hit all the high notes he hits some more and even higher! The crowd cheers. Standing O from the coaches. Blake is happy to see Billy go back to the country well. He can’t imagine him singing anything else. Uhm, Blake, country fans are not ready for an out gay singer. “You just made me really nervous!” says Miley, about her remaining contestants. “It was so beautiful…maybe the winner of The Voice.” Billy still astounds Adam. “I’m blown away, man.” – Download at iTunes
Courtney Harrell – Team Blake – If I Could Turn Back Time by Cher – Courtney AND her coach love this song. Ha ha. Soft rock from the 80s is her favorite music. Hm. Blake mentioned that Cher was his mentor once. Courtney didn’t have the same taste as the neighborhood kids. She loved rock and classical. She never felt good enough! She’s finding the courage to be herself. (A person with terrible taste in music? I KEED I KEED). I hate to be mean but…Zzzzz. She hits some impressive notes, but the song is so so DATED and at this point cheesy. If she wants to be the queen of soft rock she could impress with some jazz. I’m going to forget this performance the minute it’s over. Alicia thought the pyro on stage represented her. “I love the way that you take the expected, and turn it on its head.” Blake feels a brand new contestant just stepped into the Top 10. Download at iTunes
Josh Gallagher – Team Adam – Real Good Man by Tim McGraw – This week, they’ve picked a song that’s “boot stomping.” Adam suggests he sings as if he were a beat behind. Adam thinks he’s one of the better performers left in the competition. True, he’s comfortable performing on stage, but his presence and voice are generic. Josh has a radio-ready voice, but he has yet to deliver a really compelling performance. His competitors Brendan Fletcher, Sundance Head and Austin Allsup have managed to distinguish themselves. Josh hasn’t yet. Alicia feels Josh is in his element. She and Miley are complaining about the Pyro. They had no idea it was an option. Adam feels that a country star finally emerged on The Voice stage. I’m not noting a big difference from prior weeks. He’s consistent and competent, but I’m still waiting for something special from him. – Download at iTunes
Aaron Gibson – Team Miley – Rocket Man by Elton John – He made a bet with a friend that if he made the Top 10 he’d shave his legs. Eep. Ha ha. He’s going ALL Phillip Phillips on Rocket Man. His dad introduced him to the song. Even Miley compares his version to Dave Matthews. She reminds him that people want award show worthy performances at this point. Yeah, if you dug they way P2 flipped songs, you will love this version. All kidding aside, it’s smooth and jazzy. But I’m not sure I like Rocket man –a song full of pain and longing–done laid back and upbeat. Adam says regardless how far he goes, he’s establishing the artist he is. Sounds like a kiss off to me. Miley says, “You don’t need the pyro glitter and glam! That’s why we all respect you.” – Download at iTunes
Next, Adam Levine puts on his performer hat and takes the stage with his band Maroon 5 to sing their latest hit “Don’t Wanna Know.” WHERE’S KENDRICK.
Christian Cuevas – Team Alicia – Million Reasons by Lady Gaga – His church has been totally supportive. “I’ve got to make Gaga into Christian!” Good luck with that. The arrangement is string driven. For Christian, the song is about his faith. Alicia is encouraging vocal restraint. I’m going to stop snarking, because singing a brand new Gaga song was a risk, but it’s a decidedly non-cheesy pick. He’s delivering a heartfelt and credible version. He’s a little weepy and emotional on the last chorus, he wobbles off pitch a bit, but it actually adds to the drama. Blake calls the performance “timely.” He delivered a “moment” says Blake. Alicia feels an artist was born on stage right now. – Download at iTunes
Austin Allsup – Team Blake – Missing You by John Waite – Bob Seeger tweeted him last week! His mom played 80s music while he was growing up. His dad, the musician, wasn’t around so much. Blake thinks America needs to see a softer side of Austin. An out-of-the-box song choice, will Austin pull it off? Truth time: I love this song. OK? Don’t mock me. This isn’t the kind of artist Austin really is? The arrangement is so poppy and a tad cheesy, but he manages to rise above it with a vocal that cuts through. Miley notes Austin’s “camo tuxedo.” She admits becoming teary during the performance. “I really believed you.” Austin’s family is in the audience. Blake congratulates him on taking a classic song and making it his own. ETA: Austin asked for prayers on twitter today–he’s been sick the last couple of days and was worried his voice would not hold up. – Download at iTunes
OMG Adam Lambert is in the HOUSE! He’s with Season 10 winner, his BFF, Alisan Porter. Hm. I wonder if Adam will end up mentoring The Voice or maybe even coaching?
Wé McDonald – Team Alicia – God Bless the Child by Billie Holiday – Wé has studied opera! Alicia tells her to unleash the opera diva, and she does. She switches the pronoun “got his own” to “her.” She says “I think I like that a little bit better!” Heh. Near the end she breaks out a little bit of that opera head voice, and it doesn’t quite work. And I could have done without the talky parts. But the jazzy parts of the song that highlighted her burnished alto were wonderful. I wish she hadn’t tried to stuff so much into that song. She could have had a moment here. “There’s nobody like you!” exclaims Alicia. “There is no boundary for you.” – Download at iTunes
Brendan Fletcher – Team Adam – True Colors by Cyndi Lauper – Brendan loves the idea of singing an earthy version of “True Colors.” Imagine Bruce singing Cyndi, Adam suggests. The song reminds Brendan of his parents, who have supported his musical aspirations all along. Actually, the rendition is very Cockerish? It’s rough, yet soulful and sweet. Brendan is no middle packer. This tender cover is beautiful. He’s peaking at the right time, earning himself a shot at the finals. The oboe is a nice touch. Miley looks teary! “You just sang about a rainbow…I’m so happy!” she says, “Your version is my new favorite song.” Adam says Brendan is the first artist to create a cover that was special and original. “What an incredible night for you,” he says. – Download at iTunes
Ali has the pimp spot!
Sundance Head – Team Blake – Me and Jesus by Tom T. Hall – Sarah Silverman tweeted Sundance. #Random. He’s looking forward to bringing bluegrass to the table this week. Blake sings a bit to demonstrate. He speeds up the tempo. “We might have a religious mosh pit,” Sundance quips. His wife got him turned around and gave him a beautiful family. He’s dedicating the song to her. YEEEE HAW. This isn’t my jam, but the song suits Sundance. It’s cool to see him pull off a traditional performance. He ends with some big soulful notes. Then a fast, foot stomping bluegrass coda. “You got my heart,” says Alicia. Blake congratulates him. “We’ve never experienced a performance like that in 11 years!” Blake puts in a word for secular humanism “Everyone has their own way to relate to God…I know I do.” – Download at iTunes
Ali Caldwell – Team Miley – Without You by Badfinger/Mariah Carey – Aw. She and Aaron have a cake for Miley’s recent birthday. Ali feels like she’s getting back to basics. Miley thinks, this week, she’ll show America the kind of artist she is. Dressed in a pink gown with a flowing train, billowing smoke and wind, Ali delivers a beautiful and highly dramatic vocal. It reminds me a little of the way Dusty Springfield delivered big ballads back in the 60s. Simple, but powerful. “For the world’s biggest voice, we needed the world’s biggest train!” says Miley. She’s so honored to be her coach. As her coach lavishes compliments on Ali, the singer wipes away tears. – Download at iTunes