The Voice 11 Live Blog and Recap Knockout Rounds 3 VIDEOS

THE VOICE -- "Knockout Rounds" -- Pictured: Brenden Fletcher -- (Photo by: Tyler Golden/NBC)

The Voice 11 Live Blog and Recap Knockout Rounds 3 – VIDEOS

We’re LIVE BLOGGING the FINAL night of The Voice 11 Knockout Rounds. If you’re wondering who is singing what, Click for The Voice Song Spoilers. Key advisers Tim McGraw and Faith Hill will assist the coaches, Adam Levine, Blake Shelton, Alicia Keys and Miley Cyrus to get their teams ready for the next match ups.In the Knockout Rounds, team members face off by performing songs of their own choosing. It’s up to their respective coaches to pick which contestant moves on to the Live Playoffs. The eliminated singer is eligible to be stolen by another coach. Each coach has only ONE steal in this round.

Alicia has the final steal!

Next week…it the LIVE PLAYOFFS. And the format is WACKY. Performances, Voting and Results all in real time, all in ONE NIGHT. Click for details.

Austin Allsup vs. Gabe Broussard – Team Blake

Austin Allsup – Breakdown by Tom Petty – Austin has been pursing a music career for over a decade. He opened for Blake several years ago. He’s seasoned.  I like Austin a lot. He’s got a gritty rock voice that really cuts through. His years playing stages shows. He’s a comfortable and charismatic performer.  Poor Gabe.  – Download from iTunes

Gabe Broussard – It Will Rain by Bruno Mars – Ah. Blake has set Austin up against another green contestant (It was teen Preston James in the Battles). Gabe is only 15. Tim works with young Gabe on conveying emotion. The singer is your classic example of an artist who should have waited a few years before auditioning. He has a distinctive, soulful voice, but he’s not quite sure how to use it yet. Against a lesser talent than Austin, he might squeak through to the lives. But really, I think Blake set him up to fail.

Coaches comments: Alicia loved Austin’s tone and energy.  She was impressed with Gabe’s control. “You sing like you lived these lyrics,” says Miley. “I was fangirling!” She loved Austin’s song choice. Austin’s young daughter is cooing in the audience. Adam compliments Austin for nailing the high note. He compliments young Gabe for his vocal control. Blake chooses Austin. Gabe is eliminated. Gabe delivers a teary goodbye. Aw.

Darby Walker  vs  Maye Thomas – Team Miley

Darby Walker – Shake it Out by Florence and the Machine  – Her father passed away when she was 13. The song helped her through that time. They advise the 17 year old to sing with emotion, while keeping her quirky style intact. Faith calls her a “real artist.”  Darby picked the perfect song. Maybe too perfect? She’s kind of a Florence clone. She’s not really imprinting an original style here. But her voice is clear and strong. Good pitch and her ability to sing complicated phrases is impressive. – Download from iTunes–Q

Maye Thomas –  Closer by Tegan and Sara   – Her dad is a country music DJ. She can’t believe she’s meeting Tim and Faith. The team gives her pitch and enunciation tips. They note Maye is a stylist as well. Maye is talented, but she seems doomed. Darby has been pimped since day one–including  being featured on the Olympic preview–while Maye was montaged during the Battles. Her vocals aren’t as strong as Darby, but with age she has developed a stronger identity. Honestly, I’d advance her.

Coaches comments: Adam thought they were both fun to watch. Blake calls the performance very “Miley.” Blake thought Maye had the more consistent vocal. Alicia is impressed with the 17 year old’s individuality. But she was riveted by Maye. She calls her a “beautifully rounded artist.” Miley notes Maye’s experience. But Darby and her potential got her excited for the show. Miley Chooses Darby. Maye is Eliminated.

Brendan Fletcher vs Nolan Neal – Team Adam

Brendan Fletcher  – Soulshine by The Allman Brothers – Brendan has gone from working open mic nights to competing on The Voice. He feels that his confidence is growing. Faith tells Brendan to smile more…it’s a happy song! “Show us a connection to the lyric,” says Tim. Brendan reminds me a lot of James Morrison. His voice is rough and soulful, but with an essential sweetness at its core. It’s a good song choice for Brendan.  He’s sounding effortless here. – Download from iTunes

Nolan Neal – Love is Your Name by Steven Tyler – In season 10 he didn’t get a chair turn. This is the song he wished he’d sang. Adam thinks he should put down the guitar. “You’re a real soul singer,” says Faith. Tim thinks he needs to milk more out of the melody. Nolan has a powerful voice. But Brendan has more charisma. He picked a better song, too. Nolan is terrific when he belts out a chorus, but he doesn’t do subtle as well.

Coaches comments: Blake thought Nolan treated it like a knockout round. Alicia thought he did a beautiful job. She wishes Brendan had picked a song with a better range. She felt Nolan was good when he caught his stride. Brendan is what Miley listens too at home. Adam respects that Brendan isn’t an extroverted guy. Adam Chooses Brendan. Nolan is Eliminated

Michael Sanchez vs Sa’Rayah – Team Alicia

Sa’Rayah – Ain’t Nobody by Chaka Khan – She’s a single mom. Her own mother struggled with drug addiction. She started out on Team Miley. Alicia and Faith have a little disagreement over how Sa’Rayah should hit the big note. “Keep us engaged with those lyrics,” says Tim. The performance is all about the big notes. Her lower register is unremarkable. The idea of choosing a contestant because of a “star search” note? Meh. – Download from iTunes

Michael Sanchez –  Just the Two of Us by Bill Withers – He had a speech impediment as a kid. He plays at a piano bar, currently, and will be accompanying himself fully on piano for this performance. He reminds me a little of another soulful piano player, American Idol’s Matt Giraud. Alicia advises him NOT to speed through the song. Tim was surprised by Michael’s soul and gravitas. Faith didn’t see it coming! This matchup was previewed over the weekend. Michael pours his heart and soul into the performance. The song choice is a little corny and smooth jazz. But Michael elevates the performance with pure passion.

Coaches comments: Miley says Sa’Rayah lit up the room. But Miley thinks Michael won the round.  “You’re the illest duo of all time!” gushes Adam. He’d also give it to Michael. Blake has been a huge Michael fan all along, but he can’t deny Sa’Rayah, the note hitting machine. Alicia calls Michael a “special” artist. But Alicia Chooses Sa’Raya. Michael is eliminated. I COULD NOT DISAGREE MORE BOOOOO.

Dana Harper vs Karlee Metzger – Team Blake

Dana Harper – You Give Me Something by James Morrison – She lives with her dad, who used to play with the NBA. Blake stole her during the Blinds. She picked the song because she considers herself a smooth soul singer. Faith gives Dana some tips on “intimate” singing. I’d prefer Brendan covering this song. Ha ha. Dana’s rendition is a little loungey for me. She has a nice warm tone, but I’m not feeling any urgency from her. Sleepy. – Download from iTunes

Karlee Metger – Invincible by Kelly Clarkson – She’s a college student currently. She was originally on Team Miley and lost vs Darby in the knockouts. Blake told Karlee to work on her diction. She’s bitten off a lot to chew, he says, singing Kelly Clarkson. Karlee started off well enough, but she’s obviously nervous. She’s way pitchy on the high notes. She picked an ambitious song. I will say, she brings more emotion than Darby to her performance. But the latter wins on technicals.

Coaches comments: Miley feels Karlee came out of her cocoon. She’s glad Dana didn’t go for the big notes. Adam believes Karlee has improved so much. He loves Dana’s taste (AND HE LOVES BLAKE) He’d go with her.  Blake calls Dana’s voice “relaxing.” Hm. Blake Chooses Dana. Karlee is Eliminated.

Sophia Urista vs Josette Diaz – Team Miley – The duo get a quick montage. Sads. We don’t even know what Josette sang! Miley Chooses Sophia  (She  sings “I Can’t Stand the Rain) Josette is Eliminated. – Download from iTunes

Alicia, obviously, steals the loser of the last pairing.

Josh Halverson vs Aaron Gibson – Team Miley

Josh Halverson –  Whiskey and You by Chris Stapleton –  Josh’s dad owns a ranch. He started with Team Alicia and was stolen by Miley. He gave Miley goosebumps! Oh. Tim recorded a version of this song. He sings a little for Josh. “Put us in the movie” he says. I wasn’t crazy about his Battle round performance. But this song gives him space to work his unique phrasing. This performance is more intimate, less contrived. He’s feeling it. Miley is mesmerized!  – Download from iTunes

Aaron Gibson – Team Miley – Die a Happy Man by Thomas Rhett – Aaron quit his job with a company that did background checks. He considers himself alt/rock but wanted to show Miley a different side. Bonus Tim and Faith! Tim suggests Aaron add a dash of happiness. Faith says he has to convince us he’s content. Miley helps him work on his phrasing. I like Aaron, but I’m not in love with his song choice. It’s too conventional! The song doesn’t give him an opportunity to show a range of emotions. Zzz. Josh won that round! But Aaron is good. He deserves to advance.  Download from iTunes

Coaches comments: Adam digs Aaron’s voice. But Josh had an authentic folk moment, he says. Blake believes Aaron has a gift. He calls Josh “chill.” Oh. Apparently Josh waited a beat before beeginning the performance. He’s totally zen! Alicia is “buggin” for Miley. She loves the layers in Aaron’s voice. “Beat to your own drum,” says Alicia. Miley Chooses Aaron. Ok. That surprised me.  She’s not ready to let Aaron go yet. Alicia Steals Josh BACK!



Nolan Neal – Team Adam
Gabe Broussard – Team Blake
Karlee Metzger – Team Blake
Michael Sanchez – Team Alicia
Maye Thomas – Team Miley
Josette Diaz – Team Miley

The Voice 11 Top 20

Josh Gallagher – Stolen by Team Adam from Team Blake
Simone Gundy – Team Adam
Riley Elmore – Team Adam
Billy Gilman – Team Adam
Brendan Fletcher – Team Adam

Jason Warrior Stolen by Team Blake from Team Adam
Sundance Head – Team Blake
Austin Allsup – Team Blake
Courtney Harrell – Team Blake
Dana Harper – Team Blake

Belle Jewel – Stolen by Team Miley from Team Alicia
Ali Caldwell – Team Miley
Aaron Gibson – Team Miley
Darby Walker – Team Miley
Sophia Urista – Team Miley

Josh Halverson – Stolen by Team Alicia from Team Miley
We McDonald – Team Alicia
Christian Cuevas – Team Alicia
Kylie Rothfield – Team Alicia
Sa’Rayah – Team Alicia

About mj santilli 35186 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!