The Amazing Race 27 Recap – Week 6 Live Blog

A new episode of The Amazing Race airs tonight on CBS. Read a live recap and join the discussion here.

Last week the race continued in Africa, and Jazmine and Danielle were eliminated. Seven teams remain in the race. How will they fare tonight? Let’s find out.

Denise and James Earl won the last leg of the race, and they thank Tanner and Josh for giving them the Express Pass. They then learn they have a Roadblock ahead. One team member must bungee jump off Victoria Falls Bridge and record their heart rate with the fitbit tracker on their wrists. The Roadblock won’t start until 7:00am the next morning, so all teams are on equal footing. The seven to bungee jump are Denise, Diana, Tanner, Joey, Krista, Rick, and Chris. Tanner is afraid of heights, but managed to do the Roadblock without too much hesitation. After everyone jumped, they learned their new destination: Paris, France. All seven teams get on the same flight to Paris.

Once they land in Paris, the teams must go to Aerodrome Musée Volant Salis. Justin and Diana get on first train there and learn there is another Roadblock to do. While being flown on a plane, they must spot three words: Liberté, égalité, and fraternité. The team member who didn’t bungee jump has to do this Roadblock. After they complete this task, they must go to Square Louise Michel. Justin finishes the Roadblock first and can now go to the square with Diana. Josh, Logan, and Tiffany are flying while Justin and Diana are trying to take a taxi to the square. Logan misses the third word, so she has to redo the Roadblock. James Earl and Cindy are flying while Tanner and Josh and Tiffany and Krista are making their way to the train station. Logan has to wait for her turn on the plane before trying again. She and Chris are currently in last place.

Justin and Diana are bickering while waiting for their train. Diana believes they wasted too much time waiting for a taxi driver to figure out where to go. Diana kept telling Justin to go to the train station, but he ignored her while waiting for the taxi driver to figure out where to go. However. since the taxi driver just took them to the train station, Diana is still mad when they board the train. Meanwhile, Tanner and Josh and Tiffany and Krista are trying to find the train station together, but they get lost. By the time they finally find the train station, Denise and James Earl, Rick and Cindy, and Joey and Kelsey show up at the station after them. They are disappointed they managed to have caught up. However, Logan and Chris are still behind. Logan successfully completes the Roadblock on her second attempt, but they miss the train. They have to wait an hour for the next train.

Next is a Detour to complete: Drops Mic or Bust a Crab. Drops Mic requires teams to correctly rap French lyrics with acceptable rhythm and vibe. Bust a Crab requires teams to split seafood and arrange them in the restaurant’s signature way. Justin and Diana are the first to do a Detour. Diana wanted to do the seafood task, but Justin insists on doing the rap. Diana is not pleased. After struggling learning how to pronounce the lyrics, Diana wants to switch. However, they choose to stay. The other teams struggle finding the man in the white costume at the square that will hand them their next clue. When they finally find him, they choose which Detour to do. Tanner and Josh, Denise and James Earl, and Cindy and Rick choose Bust a Crab; Kelsey and Joey and Tiffany and Krista choose Drops a Mic. Justin and Diana are still rapping, but finally pass on their fourth attempt.

Tanner and Josh begin the seafood task while Kelsey and Joey and Tiffany and Krista begin practicing rapping. Cindy and Rick arrive at the seafood restaurant too, but Denise and James Earl are lost. Meanwhile, Justin and Diana maintain their lead and find the bridge where the next clue box awaits. They learn the Pit Stop is across from the Arc de Triomphe.

Kelsey and Joey perform the rap, but they fail on their first attempt. Tiffany and Krista, however, pass on their first attempt. They are now in second place. They can now make their way to the bridge. Denise and James Earl are still lost as Cindy and Rick pass the seafood task. They manage to finish before Tanner and Josh and are now in third place. Tanner and Josh get their seafood arrangement inspected next, but they fail. Denise and James Earl are still lost, and both teams are seemingly giving Logan and Chris a chance to catch up.

Kelsey and Joey are finally successful with the rap and are now in fourth place. Denise and James Earl wanted to do the Bust a Crab Detour, but they find Drops a Mic and choose to go ahead and do this Detour. Meanwhile, Tanner and Josh finally pass the Bust a Crab Detour just as Logan and Chris walk inside the seafood restaurant.

Tiffany and Krista and Joey and Kelsey find the clue box on the bridge and learn they must go to the Arc de Triomphe. Tanner and Josh manage to get ahead of Cindy and Rick too as Cindy and Rick’s taxi driver drove the wrong way. Denise is struggling with the rap and Logan and Chris fail their seafood arrangement inspection as the five teams ahead of them look for the Pit Stop.

Justin and Diana are the first to greet Phil, but the leg is not over. Phil hands them a clue telling them to go to Amsterdam. The other teams start greeting Phil afterwards, with Tiffany and Krista currently in second place, Kelsey and Joey in third place, Tanner and Josh in fourth place, and Cindy and Rick in fifth place. Logan and Chris are finally successful with the seafood task and are the sixth team to greet Phil. After seventeen attempts, Denise has yet to master the French rap. The episode ends there with “To be continued” written across the screen.

Episode Summary

1st place: Justin and Diana

2nd place: Tiffany and Krista

3rd place: Kelsey and Joey

4th place: Tanner and Josh

5th place: Cindy and Rick

6th place: Logan and Chris

7th place: Denise and James Earl

And that wraps up tonight’s episode of The Amazing Race! Thanks for reading! So what are your thoughts on the episode? Post in the comment section below and come back next week for another live recap!

About Steven Curtis 562 Articles
Steven is a graduate of the University of West Florida with a bachelor's degree in communication arts. He enjoys watching reality competition shows, such as American Idol, Survivor, Big Brother, and The Amazing Race.