A special two-hour edition of The Amazing Race airs tonight on CBS. Read a live recap here.
Hayley and Blair won the last leg of the race and they’re the first to learn their new destination. They must fly to Windhoek, Namibia. They are followed by the rest of the teams and they gather at the airport. They have to sleep overnight in the airport since the flight is the next morning. They all get on the same flight too.
All teams arrive at the airport in Windhoek and are greeted by an individual pilot that will fly them to their next location. Aly and Steve get on the first flight, and they are followed by Jelani and Jenny, Matt and Ashley, Laura and Tyler, Mike and Rochelle, and Hayley and Blair. Hayley is mad they are on the last plane ride and blames it on Blair for choosing a more comfortable seat on the flight instead of one that would get them out of the plane quicker.
Aly and Steve’s plane lands and they get their next clue. They must drive themselves to the bushman village and pick up a salt lick block along the way. Once there, they have a Roadblock to complete that requires them to build a grass hut from scratch using sticks and dry grass. Aly is the first to do the task, and she’s joined by Jelani and Matt moments later. Hayley and Blair were in last, but they get ahead of Mike and Rochelle due to Mike having struggles operating a stick shift car.
Laura and Tyler arrive, and Tyler begins the Roadblock. Hayley and Blair arrive, but they forgot to pick up a salt lick. They have to go back. Laura and Tyler realized they didn’t pick up a salt lick either, so they go back for one too. Both teams pick up a salt lick and return to the Roadblock before Mike and Rochelle arrive (with Rochelle doing the Roadblock). Hayley plays with the children present as Blair does the Roadblock.
Tyler finishes the Roadblock first, putting him and Laura in first place. They receive their next clue and learn they have a Detour to complete: Track or Pack. Track requires teams to locate an elephant with a radio-like device. Pack requires teams to feed wild dogs with wildebeest meat. They choose Pack, as do Matt and Ashley and Jelani and Jenny who join them at the Detour. Aly and Steve have to do Track since there are only three spots available. As the four teams are working on their Detour tasks, Hayley and Blair go to the Detour next. Mike and Rochelle are the only team still at the Roadblock.
Laura and Tyler are the first team to get on the truck on the way to feed the wild dogs after cutting up the wildebeest meat. They are quickly followed by Matt and Ashley and Jelani and Jenny. Meanwhile, Aly and Steve and Hayley and Blair are still working on the Track Detour as Rochelle finally completes the Roadblock. She and Mike can now make their way to the Detour. Soon afterwards, Laura and Tyler, Jelani and Jenny, and Matt and Ashley finish feeding the wild dogs and can make their way to the next Pit Stop: Spitzkoppe. As they make their way there, Mike and Rochelle choose the Pack Detour too and are able to do so since the first three teams aren’t working on that task anymore.
Mike and Rochelle are able to feed the wild dogs before Aly and Steve or Hayley and Blair finally locate an elephant. Aly and Steve spot an elephant first, currently putting Hayley and Blair in last place. But Hayley and Blair do find an elephant before any teams check-in at the Pit Stop.
It’s a long drive to the Pit Stop, and Laura and Tyler stop to look at their map, which freaks out Matt and Ashley. Laura and Tyler were just making sure they were going to right way, but Matt and Ashley were confused for a moment and get out of the car yelling “Why did everybody stop?!” which amuses Laura and Tyler before Matt and Ashley get back in their car realizing they freaked out about nothing. In addition, Aly and Steve get a flat tire along the way, allowing Hayley and Blair to pass them. Aly is beside herself in distress and fears she and Steve are now in last place as Steve changes the tire.
Matt and Ashley stop to ask directions, allowing Laura and Tyler to pass them. Mike and Rocchelle are lost as Steve finishes changing the tire. He and Aly can now continue on their way to the Pit Stop as Laura and Tyler found the Pit Stop. It will be footrace between them and Matt and Ashley for which team will get first place. And it is Matt and Ashley who greet Phil first (they each win $5,000), with Laura and Tyler stepping on the mat just moments later. Jelani and Jenny get lost, which allows Hayley and Blair to greet Phil as Team #3. Later on, Jelani and Jenny check-in as Team #4.
That leaves Mike and Rochelle and Aly and Steve still left to check-in at the Pit Stop. And arriving at the Pit Stop as Team #5 is Mike and Rochelle, which means Aly and Steve are the last team to arrive. However, it’s a non-elimination leg and Aly and Steve are still in the race.
Episode Summary
1st place: Matt and Ashley (Each won $5,000)
2nd place: Laura and Tyler
3rd place: Hayley and Blair
4th place: Jelani and Jenny
5th place: Mike and Rochelle
6th place: Aly and Steve
The race continues in Namibia. All the teams must sleep in tents overnight. Before so, the teams mingle and watch a sunset together. They wake up the next morning and learn they must be driven to the city of Swakopmund. There’s also a Double U-Turn in play for this leg of the race. Matt and Ashley and Jelani and Jenny want to target each other for the U-Turn.
Matt and Ashley and Laura and Tyler are the first teams to arrive at the Swakopmund. Their clue is inside a newspaper, which is an ad for a skydiving place. However, the ad is in German and they ask locals to translate it for them before they realize where they have to go. Hayley and Blair arrive at the city third and go to the skydiving place where there’s a Roadblock to complete. They all think it’s a skydiving challenge, but the task is to go run into the desert to locate a case that’s been airdropped from the sky. Laura, Ashley, and Hayley are the first three to do the Roadblock. Jelani and Jenny, Mike and Rochelle, and Aly and Steve make their way to the Roadblock too, but Jelani and Jenny get a flat tire along the way and have some locals help them change it.
Laura finds her case first. Ashley and Hayley find it next. Once they find the case, they must get a Travelocity gnome that’s left for them up on a hill. They all find the gnome and can make their way to their next location. Since Jenny and Jelani have an Express Pass, all the teams seem to want to U-Turn them. As the Top 3 teams are making their way to the next cluebox, Rochelle and Jelani get to work on the Roadblock. While they’re still working on the Roadblock, Aly and Steve finally arrive. They must build toy planes to complete their Speed Bump. Afterwards, they can continue on and do the Roadblock.
It’s time for the next Detour: Work or Play. Work requires teams to drag five enormous tires behind them on trucks. Once they have driven five miles of road, they will get their next clue. Play requires teams to ski on sand dunes. Matt and Ashley choose the Play Detour, while Laura and Tyler and Hayley and Blair do the Work Detour. Meanwhile, Jelani and Jenny and Mike and Rochelle finish the Roadblock before Aly and Steve complete their Speed Bump. Steve gets to work on the Roadblock, but he goes in the wrong direction to find his case and causes him and Aly even more time.
Laura and Tyler and Hayley and Blair attach their tires to their trucks and start dragging them while Steve finally finds his case. As they’re driving, Hayley keeps giving Blair a lot of unwanted advice about how to drive which bothers him, especially after Hayley says Blair isn’t the best driver. Meanwhile, Matt and Ashley finish their Detour. The U-Turn board is up ahead and they race toward it. Laura and Tyler complete their Detour and make their way to the U-Turn board too. Before either team arrives there, Jelani and Jenny use their Express Pass for the Play Detour and rush toward the U-Turn board as well. Which team will arrive there first?
Matt and Ashley reach the U-Turn board first and decide to U-Turn Jelani and Jenny. They get their next clue and learn that the Pit Stop is at Goanikontes Oasis. Before they can make their way to the Pit Stop, they must choose an animal and bring it to the Pit Stop with them. They can choose either a camel, a donkey, an oryx, or a zebra. Laura and Tyler reach the U-Turn board afterwards and decide to U-Turn Aly and Steve. As those two teams make their way to the Pit Stop, Jelani and Jenny see they have been U-Turned. They go back and do the Work Detour.
Matt and Ashley choose to bring an oryx with them and Laura and Tyler choose a zebra. Hayley and Blair are pleasantly surprised to see they were not U-Turned and choose to bring a camel with them to greet Phil. These three teams arrive at the Pit Stop, with Laura and Tyler finally winning their first leg of the race. They win a trip to Queenstown, New Zealand. Matt and Ashley reached the Pit Stop right after them and are standing on the mat with Laura and Tyler as Phil reveals they are Team #2. Later on, Hayley and Blair arrive at the Pit Stop as Team #3.
Meanwhile, Aly and Steve finally get to work on the Detour and they choose Play. As they’re working on that, Jelani and Jenny are busy working on the Work Detour. They complete it around the same time, and Jelani and Jenny choose to bring a camel with them and Mike and Rochelle choose a zebra. However, the zebra is too unruly and unwilling to walk with Mike, so he and Rochelle switch to a donkey. These two teams arrive at the Pit Stop at the same time, but it is Jelani and Jenny who are Team #4 and Mike and Rochelle who are Team #5.
This means Aly and Steve are the last team left. They realize they have been U-Turned and go back to do the other task before they greet Phil. They learn they have been eliminated from the race. They knew they were strong competitors with a great chance at winning the race and are disappointed to be eliminated.
Episode Summary
1st place: Laura and Tyler (Won a trip to Queenstown, New Zealand)
2nd place: Matt and Ashley
3rd place: Hayley and Blair
4th place: Jelani and Jenny
5th place: Mike and Rochelle
6th place: Aly and Steve (Eliminated)
Last week most people predicted Aly and Steve were going to win the race based on the poll, but they are now out of the race. Which team do you think will win now? Vote in the poll below.
And like always, thanks for reading and come back next week for another live recap of The Amazing Race!