Tara Simon Says X Factor Edited Her Sophie Simmons Remarks Out of Context (VIDEO)

You might have caught contestant Tara Simon snarking on Sophie Tweed Simmons, the daughter of Gene Simmons back stage after the celebuspawn’s X Factor audition?

Tara took to twitter to call bullcrap on the editing!

“i dont think @tarasimonsings meant what she said on @XFactorUSA editing can be weird sometimes,” tweeted Sophie.

Tara responded, tweeting, “girl, they spliced my convo with that girl together and totally twisted what I said. Such crap. Love you girl, youre great!”

Tara added, “they painted me in a very poor light. I am not like that. And am still friends with Sophie today.”

Sophie also insists that she “only sang at three places” including Hollywood’s W Hotel before performing on X Factor. She thanked the judges for the “opportunity to show myself as an individual.”

“Did you see Gene Simmons’ daughter…What’d you think?” Tara asks a fellow contestant, who answers “She was good.”

“Yeah…I’m sorry. Just NO,” said Tara. “If that were you, and you didn’t have a Gene Simmons, Do you think you would have gotten through?”

“Probably not.” admits the contestant before breaking out into giggles.

X Factor may have spliced in Tara saying “No…” out of context. But still. The exchange rings true, because Sophie was mediocre and probably would not have advanced without her famous family backstory. She’s a celebrity in her own right, having starred on her Dad’s reality show, Family Jewels, with the rest of her clan.

Via The Hollywood Reporter

Sophie’s Audition. Check Tara’s comments at the End


About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!