Survivor Philippines – The Premiere! Recap

Welcome Brandon to the team! He’ll be recapping Survivor Philippines for all of you fans out there. Here’s your discussion post. But watch for Brandon’s recap later!


Hey everyone it’s about that time again! Everyone’s favorite show involving involving 18 castaway’s returns with it’s 25th season this time situated in the Philippines. Past seasons have included gimmicks such as Exile Island, One World, and Redemption Island. This season follows a new format with three tribes each headed by a past castaway that was removed from the game in their respective seasons either due to illness or injury. Those castaways are Jonathan Penner, Russell Swan, and Michael Skupin, for those of you who are not familiar with the players, this is Jonathan’s third time playing he was removed from the game in Micronesia due to a knee infection. This is Russell’s second time playing as he was removed from Samoa when he blacked out twice from high blood pressure. This is Michael’s second time playing as well, many of you may remember him as the guy that fell into the fire in Australia the second season.

15 of the 18 castaways line up on the island when Probst tell them that they will be joined by 3 returning castaways, and they are brought in on boat. Russell is assigned the blue team (Matsing), Jonathan the red (Kalabaw), and Skupin the yellow (Tandang). Jeff then tells each team to gather as many items they can in 60 seconds to help them back at camp, which results in Kalabaw castaway named Jeff hurting his knee.

Each tribe then retreats to their respective camps, and some strategy is already being discussed within moments of castaways arriving. Highlights include knee-popping Jeff trying to explain to his cast-mates that a returning player shouldn’t win, and Abi, Pete, RC, and Skupin forming what seems to be an alliance back on Tandang where there are talks of targeting Lisa to Michael’s protests.

Zane who is on Matsing, immediately immerses himself into the game by trying to making an alliance with what seems like everyone on his tribe, only to tell Malcolm that he has an alliance with all the girls. Malcolm reports what Zane said to Denise, and they seem to be developing a relationship (big no-no Zane! too early for this type of gameplay imo)

Kalabaw ends up winning first immunity challenge, which is your typical get the chest holding the puzzle pieces and then bring it back to solve type of challenge. Tandang takes second and Matsing is headed to tribal council tonight. (uh oh Russell!)

Meanwhile back at camp Zane sticks with his targeting of Russell, and Russell takes notice of this as he is anxious of the vote about to take place. In what was a quick and very predictable vote, Zane is the first person to be eliminated from Survivor Philippines. What does he have to say about it?

“Son of a B*$#!”

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!