A new episode of Survivor airs tonight on CBS. Read a live recap and join the discussion here.
The episode begins with the tribe returning to camp after tribal council. Will said he he came into the game a kid, but leaving this tribal council as a man. He says everyone needs him, so he feels like he can flip back and forth as necessary. Bret, however, is annoyed at Will for flipping. He thinks it was an unnecessary move for Will; he thinks Will just wants to make big moves for the sake of making moves. The next morning, Bret and Sunday talk to Adam alone. They tell him that Will, Jay, and David need to be the next three out of the game. They see them as the biggest threats. Adam says in his confessional that he is content with this since it’ll still leave him, Hannah, and Ken in the game.
It’s time for tonight’s first immunity challenge. They will have to stack discs onto a pole and then carry them across a balance beam while balancing them atop the pole. Afterwards, they must balance the discs on two sides of a pole they will have to carry horizontally as they maneuver the pole through a maze. If they drop any discs, they have to go back to the start. The last station requires them to roll the discs into a slot. The first to get all their discs through the slot wins immunity. David, Ken, Bret, and Jay take an early lead, but it eventually comes down to Jay and David. Everyone else is behind (with Will still at the first station). Jay is the first to get all his discs through. Jay wins immunity.
The tribe returns to camp after the immunity challenge. Ken bemoans the fact Jay won immunity since he would’ve been the target. Meanwhile, Jay and Will agree to vote out David. They bring this plan to Bret, Sunday, and Hannah, and Will is confident he’s the one calling the shots. David and Ken talk, and David feels like his name is on the chopping block. He realizes everyone sees him as a big target, but he hopes to survive. Adam, however, is worried about Will. He doesn’t want to work with someone who is going to flip back and forth. He wants to vote out Will, and he brings this idea to Bret. Bret agrees, and Adam is confident Bret and Sunday will join him in voting out Will. Adam brings this plan to Hannah, but she is unsure. She feels like she owes Will since he helped them vote out Zeke in the last tribal council. However, she also feels like she owes David since he drew rocks to help her stay in the game. Adam and Hannah are aware they are the swing votes tonight. They will decide to vote out either Will or David tonight.
It’s time for tribal council. They first talk about Will’s move to flip to vote out Zeke. Jay says he liked the move as a fan, but not as a player in the game. David admits he’s worried tonight even if Will voted with him last time. Adam adds that the moves going forward is all about who they would rather sit next to at the final tribal council. Adam says big moves make people big targets. David says it’s a complicated game. Either you make a big move and become a target, or you become a goat that is taken to the end that doesn’t get any votes. Jeff points out how up in the air the vote tonight is. Afterwards, it’s time to vote.
Jeff reads the votes. The first vote is for…
Will is voted out and the sixth member of the jury!
The tribe returns to camp. Jay calls himself a “black plague” since anytime someone makes a move with him at tribal council, the plan fails. Jay and Adam talk privately, and Adam apologizes for lying to him. Jay calls it a love/hate relationship. Jay tells David is not taking Adam to the end, but Adam tells him he has no plans to go to the end with David. Adam agrees David needs to go. However, Adam asserts in his confessional that Jay needs to be the next one voted out.
It’s time for the next immunity challenge. They will have to solve a block puzzle, but with a twist. While they are working on the puzzle, a ball will be rolling down a table pinball-style to work as a timer. They will have to remember to catch their ball before it drops into a slot and put it back to the top to let it roll down again. If they do not catch the ball, they will have a time penalty as the ball will slowly make its way to the bottom. While the ball is moving slowly, they cannot work on the puzzle until the ball reaches the very end and they can put the ball back to the top. The challenge begins, and Jay, David, Hannah, Adam, and Ken all get time penalties early. The challenge progresses, and Ken thinks he has it right. However, he is wrong. He has to figure out where he went wrong with the puzzle. Knowing Ken is close to winning and not wanting Jay to win immunity, Adam helps Ken. He tells Ken to keep working and he’ll keep an eye on Ken’s ball for him. Adam lets Ken know when he has to catch his ball, allowing Ken to catch it and reset it. Afterwards, Ken completes the puzzle. Ken wins immunity!
The tribe returns to camp. Adam is glad he helped Ken win immunity since it stopped either Jay or David winning immunity. David and Ken tell Hannah their plan. They’re prepared for Jay to play his hidden immunity idol, so they plan to vote out Bret. Hannah, however, wants Sunday to go instead. She fears she will become too enticing to take to the end as a goat. She thinks Adam would flip on one of them to bring Sunday to the end. Ken and David agree with the plan. Later on, Adam talks to Ken and Hannah. He wants to vote for Jay, which would make David go home if Jay plays his idol. Ken is hesitant about this. He wants David to stay in the game since he is his closest ally. Throughout the conversation, Adam knew what he wanted, but he doesn’t know what Ken and Hannah want. Adam has a private conversation with Jay, and he tells Jay that he needs to play his hidden immunity idol tonight. Adam also opens up to Jay, and he reveals that his mom has cancer. Both guys break down in tears, and Jay tells Adam his mom has had serious illnesses too. Before tribal council, Hannah tells Adam she wants to vote out Sunday. Adam disagrees with this, and says that Jay and David are the two biggest threats in the game. Hannah is now unsure what to do.
It’s time for tribal council. Jay says he is alone in the game, so he shouldn’t be voted out tonight. Jeff also points out how David has been named a big threat, but David admits that he fears he could be voted out tonight. Adam agrees that David is a big threat. Sunday, however, says she is underestimated in the game. She thinks everyone wants to take her to the end, but she thinks she can still get votes. Adam says everyone is playing their own game, and it all comes down to how the jury votes. Afterwards, it is time for the vote.
Before Jeff reads the votes, he asks if anyone wants to play a hidden immunity idol. Jay plays his hidden immunity idol.
The first vote is for…
Sunday is voted out and the seventh member of the jury.
And that wraps up tonight’s episode of Survivor! Thanks for reading, post your thoughts in the comment section below, and come back next week for another live recap.