Survivor 32 Kaoh Rong – Week 10 Live Blog

A new episode of Survivor: Koah Rong airs tonight on CBS. Read a live recap and join the discussion here.

The tribe returns to camp after tribal council. Jason, Scot, and Tai are happy that they survived the vote. Jason points out they still have the super idol and Julia on their side. He’s confident they are sitting pretty right now. The next morning, the guys try to make amends with the girls. He thinks if he does this, everyone will turn against Cydney since he believes she has an attitude problem. Scot tells Aubry that camp life will go back to normal if things go according to his plan. There will be no more hidden tools and the fire will not be put out if she joins his team. However, Aubry sees right through Scot and his controlling demeanor. She will let him believe she will be on his side, even though she has no plans to join him.

It’s time for the reward challenge. They must balance clay pots while holding down a beam with their foot. As well, they have a choice of what reward they can play for: food, letters from home, or an advantage in the game. They will also only have to compete against the other people who chose the same reward. The challenge begins, and going for food are Scot, Jason, and Michele. Competing for letters from home are Joe and Julia, and competing for an advantage are Tai, Cydney, and Aubry. Joe is the first to drop his pots, so Julia wins letters from home. Jason and Scot are the next to drop their clay pots, so Michele wins food (burger and fries). Cydney is the next to drop, so now it’s a showdown between Aubry and Tai for the advantage. After a strong gust of wind, Aubry drops her pots. Tai wins the advantage.

The tribe returns to camp after the reward challenge. Tai goes to tree mail to learn more about the advantage he won. He learns he won an extra vote at an upcoming tribal council that can be played until final people remain in the game. Meanwhile, Julia reads her letter from home. She gets encouragement from home and is motivated to play a good game. Julia goes to talk strategy with Michele and Aubry. She wants to flush idols out of the game, but she also wants to stay loyal to Scot and Jason. Julia suggests voting out Tai since he won an advantage and has a hidden immunity idol. In her confessional, Aubry notes that Julia is playing a good game and is someone she doesn’t want to last long in the game.

Later Aubry and Tai talk about the game while getting water. Aubry tells Tai that the girls are planning on taking out idols, and she wants to work with Tai. She tells him she is a free agent. After this conversation, Tai goes to Scot and Jason and tells him about his conversation with Aubry. Scot then says that they should target Aubry. However, Tai admits in his confessional that he is bothered about Scot and Jason’s demeanor. He’s starting to realize how controlling they are, and Tai feels like the outsider in the alliance. In his confessional, Scot is confident in his plan to vote out Aubry. He’s upset they won’t be able to take out Cydney, but he believes taking out Aubry would be the better game move.

It’s time for the immunity challenge. It’s an endurance challenge as they will have to hold discs against a pole on either side of them. The discs are tied to clay pots with ropes too. This requires them to have their arms outstretched, causing discomfort in their fingers and shoulders. Joe, Scot, and Julia are the first three to drop out. Tai is the next one to drop the discs, and he’s followed by Michele. Cydney is the next to drop her discs. It is now a showdown between Aubry and Jason. Jason tries to intimidate Aubry by telling her he’s not going anywhere, but Aubry is not bothered. They last an hour and fifteen minutes, but Aubry begins to struggle. She manages a nice save and the fierce battle between her and Jason continues. The discs slip and their arms are shaking, but it is Aubry who drops her discs. Jason wins immunity. 

After the immunity challenge, Jason, Scot, and Tai celebrate the fact Jason won immunity. Jason and Scot are thrilled about their plan to vote out Aubry. And since all three of them have idols, Jason is confident they all will be safe. Jason also points out that the super idol can be played after the votes are read. Later Julia talks to Scot and Jason about the girls’ plan to vote out Tai. They tell her they are fine with that since they want to go to the end with her. However, Scot and Jason are still planning on voting out Aubry tonight.

Cydney and Aubry talk strategy. Cydney really wants to blindside Scot. She’s also annoyed with Jason and Scot’s arrogance, especially since they would not have found that hidden immunity idol if it wasn’t for her. Aubry still wants to work with Tai, so she doesn’t want him gone either. Later Aubry approaches Tai. She tells him the plan, and she wants him to join her to vote out Scot. However, Tai is torn. His heart tells him to join Aubry, but his head tells him to stay loyal to Scot and Jason. He believes he can win the game if he’s sitting in the final 3 with Scot and Jason. Right before tribal council, Aubry tells Joe the plan is to vote out Aubry as Scot and Jason reconfirm their plan to vote out Aubry. Scot and Jason say that if Scot or Tai gets the most votes, then they will just use the super idol to save one of them.

At tribal council, there is talk about Scot and Jason’s confidence. Once again, Scot and Jason are certain they and Tai will be remaining in the game. As there is talk about the idols and where the vote will go, Scot and Jason continue to boast about the fact that they are safe. Jeff asks Tai’s thoughts. Tai says he does not boast in his real life, but he’s staying loyal. Jason says that Tai has stood up for them time and time again. Jason says it’s smarter to be on the right side, and everyone better join Scot, Jason, and Tai if they know what is best for them.

It’s time for the vote. We see votes for Scot, Tai, and Aubry, but who will be leaving tonight?

Before he reads the votes, Jeff asks if anyone wants to play a hidden immunity idol. Julia tells Tai to play his idol, but Scot and Jason tell Tai not to. Julia continues to urge Tai to play the idol as Scot and Jason urge him otherwise. Tai chooses not to play his hidden immunity idol.

Jeff reads the votes. The first vote is for…









Scot turns to Tai and asks for his hidden immunity idol so he can form the super idol to save himself. However, Tai does not give him the idol! He apologizes as Scot reluctantly stands up to get his torch. Scot is voted out and the fourth member of the jury!

And that wraps up tonight’s episode of Survivor: Kaoh Rong. Thanks for reading, post your thoughts of the episode in the comments section below, and come back next week for another live recap.

About Steven Curtis 562 Articles
Steven is a graduate of the University of West Florida with a bachelor's degree in communication arts. He enjoys watching reality competition shows, such as American Idol, Survivor, Big Brother, and The Amazing Race.