Hey guys, it’s SirMac. I’m the newest “guest blogger” here at MJ’s, as the large volume of competition reality shows created a little bit of a scheduling jam. Join me tonight as I recap the So You Think You Can Dance Top 4 show. I’m really excited to make my debut here tonight, and I hope you guys will enjoy.
Watch Eliana, Tiffany, Chehon, and Cyrus compete for the title of America’s Favorite Dancer.
This year, there are actually 2 winners, 1 guy and 1 girl, so we’re actually watching 2 different competitions. Will it be Eliana or Tiffany? Chehon or Cyrus? I have several friends who are friends with Tiffany (she’s from my hometown), and have taken dance classes with her, so I know they’re rooting for her tonight.
Cat takes the stage in a lovely red dress to remind us that it’s been 16 weeks. I wonder if that counts all the time off we had for the Olympics and July 4th? Each contestant will be dancing 5 times tonight. Holy…
The judges panel tonight is Nigel, Mary, and Rob Marshall (director of Chicago).
1st- Cyrus and Eliana- Paso Double (choreographer Jason Gilkyson)- The Game Has Changed (Daft Punk)
I’ve been waiting to see Cyrus challenged in the ballroom genre, and this will be a challenge for him. Most of his choreography seems dumbed down, as he does a lot of posing and not a lot of dancing. Because this dance is a strong partner dance, it means Eliana isn’t getting nearly enough moves to show off her amazing abilities. A very slow Paso Double. Cyrus is supposed to be a matador, commanding Eliana around. I don’t know…. Nigel says Eliana has “secured your place in this industry” and Nigel claims Cyrus “deserves to be here” but he needs to “lower his shoulders and straighten his legs.” They’re still grading him on a sliding scale. Mary acknowledges the difficulty of the paso double, and tells Cyrus that he delivered, and she could have done without the cartwheel. Mary tells Eliana that she was on fire and she loved her. Rob loved that Eliana knows how to throw the technique away and just tell a story.
Cyrus will be dancing with Twitch later.
2nd- Tiffany and Will Wingfield- Contemporary (choreographer Sonya)- The Time Is Now (Moloko)
I’m happy to see Will back on the show. he’s a strong dancer. Tiffany is handling the choreography quite well, but it seems to be a “storyless” routine, which sometimes don’t translate as well to the audience. She’s a beautiful dancer, and Will partners her well. Mary tells her she’s a star, and their partnership was made in heaven. Rob compliments Sonya’s choreography, and compliments Tiffany on her fearlessness. Nigel tells Will he’s matured into such a strong dancer, and compliments his presence. He tells Tiffany that she’s the girl next door, yet no one as amazing as her has ever lived next to him.
3rd- Chehon and Eliana- Ballet (choreographer Marat Daukayev)- The Nutcracker Suite- Pas De Deux
I had forgotten that both of these dancers are actually trained ballet dancers. This is phenomenal. Chehon is slaying this. Eliana is gorgeous. I’m not a huge fan of ballet, but this is ballet done well. My only complaint is that it didn’t last longer. Rob compliments them on their versatility, and Eliana on her extensions, and Chehon on his balance. Nigel gives us some background on Marat, who was previously a principle dancer in Kiev’s ballet company. Nigel is super excited that two ballet dancers made it to the finale. Nigel compliments Chehon on being a great support for Eliana. Mary says it’s a triumph for the show, and for the celebration of ballet.
4th-Cyrus and Tiffany- Lyrical Hip Hop (choreographer Tessendra Chavez)- Best Thing I Never Had (Beyonce)
Cyrus broke Tiffany’s heart, he feels bad, and wants to make up. They start the number on the floor, and it’s really strong from both of them. Cyrus looks most in his element in hip hop routines, but really Tiffany is attacking this with so much ferocity that it’s impossible to not watch her and think of Cyrus almost as an afterthought. Tiffany was amazing, Cyrus was good (but some really strong acting). Nigel compliments these two on never having been in the bottom, and says they’re both amazing in emotional routines. Mary expected Cyrus to kill it, and thought Tiffany was a beast. Mary hasn’t seen Tiffany hit it as hard as that before (neither have I). Rob compliments them on their reckless abandon, and how they could have dropped at any moment because they had given everything they had.
5th- Cyrus, Tiffany, Eliana, and Chehon- Group Number (choreographer Tyce Diorio)- Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (District 78 Remix)
All four dancers are conducting (some more sexily than others… Tiffany), and after they get rid of the music stand and the sheet music, they’re able to break out into their dance. HOLD UP! It’s a remix, complete with lasers! This isn’t your dad’s Nachtmusik. Cyrus pops, Chehon pirouettes, and Tiffany and Eliana get their sexy on. Finally, the music stand is back, and we’re reminded that they are conductors again. Really a cool dance.
6th- Eliana’s Solo- Passacaglia (Johann Johannson)
Eliana’s package talks about how excited she was to be with Cyrus, and how awesome it was to dance with Alex. She thinks people got to know her through those partners. Her solo is a beautiful little ballet piece, and the music is beautiful. She has lipstick on her teeth when she tries to get people to vote for her… poor child…
To Vote For Eliana: 1-855-GO HER 01 or text Eliana to 83676, or Fox.com/Dance, or the new SYTYCD app.
7th- Chehon and Allison- Contemporary (choreographer Stacey Tookey)- Leave (from Once: The Musical)
Beautiful song. Fantastic choreography, really emotional. Allison is killing it, but Chehon is going for the gold here. He’s the best male dancer this season, and his gigantic leaps in the air and effortless lifts remind us of that. He did a one hand lift. He’s so strong. The number ends with Chehon and Allison making out, and then Allison’s face… is perfect. Awesome. Standing ovation from the judges. Cat makes a big deal about the one hand lift. Mary screams. Mary tells Chehon how free he is in this piece, and compliments his extensions. Chehon keeps growing and growing. Rob calls Allison fierce, and Rob and Nigel talk about how she should be an actress. Step Up 5 maybe? lol. Sorry, too soon… Nigel says “wow, young man” and some other over the top complimentary stuff.
8th- Tiffany and Eliana- Broadway (choreographer Ray Leeper)- When You’re Good To Mama (from Chicago: the Musical)
Stripper pole! Expect Nigel to make inappropriate jokes. There’s something about this dance, and these two girls not being quite in sync together that bothers me. But it’s a super sexy dance, and Eliana can really work that pole. Standing ovation from the judges. I wonder what the director of the Oscar winning Chicago thinks. Nigel defers to Rob first. Rob says he’s trying to imagine Queen Latifah doing that. He calls Ray’s choreography extraordinary. Rob loved Eliana’s final pose on the pole. Mary loves the finish on the pole. Nigel realizes he can’t say anything that won’t get him in trouble, and says the last time he saw something like that he was with Randy Jackson.
9th- Cyrus’s Solo- Holy Ghost (Messinian)
Cyrus originally planned on being a basketball player. Cyrus’s lowest moment in Vegas was after Sonya’s piece, because he felt like he was reflecting her piece poorly. His highest point in Vegas was during his solos. Cyrus loves him some dubstep. It allows for all the popping that he’s so good at (or animation as he calls it). Standing ovation from Mary and Rob.
To Vote for Cyrus: 1-855-GO HIM 01 or Text CYRUS to 83676 (or vote at Fox.com/Dance, or using the SYTYCD app).
10th- Tiffany’s Solo- I Believe (Fantasia)
Tiffany had to go to choreography, and didn’t make it straight to Vegas. Tiffany cited ballroom as her turning point. She also noticed her lack of screentime in the auditions. She feels like her dance with Ade was the moment that America really saw who she was. It’s basically every contemporary solo ever performed on the stage. She dances it well, but it’s not particularly memorable.
To Vote for Tiffany- 1-855-GO HER 02 or text TIFFANY to 83676 (or vote at Fox.com/Dance, or using the SYTYCD App)
11th- Chehon and Cyrus- Jazz (choreographer Sonya)- Fangs (Little Red Lung)
Sonya says she’s not lightening the load for Cyrus. She says it’s time for him to step his game up. Cyrus is a fighter. He’s on stage with one of the most trained dancers in the history of the show, and he’s fighting to show everyone he deserves to be there. I’m a Cyrus fan, don’t get me wrong, but I never thought he’d make it this far. And against Chehon? This is tough. Both boys danced this number really well. Cyrus really attacked this number as much as he could. Nigel loved that Sonya choreographed it, and that she made Cyrus and Chehon come up a level. Nigel says that Cyrus is an inspiration, and his favorite person on the show. Nigel says Chehon is his favorite dancer, and says both are inspirational. Jennifer Beals is in the audience! Mary says each dancer has fought to get here, and that Cyrus has gotten much better technically as a dancer. Rob agrees, and comments on the brotherhood between Chehon and Cyrus, and how they help each other.
International B-Boy Sensation Jean Sok performs. He’s only got one leg, and dances with crutches, but he’s still fantastic. It’s amazing to see what people can do when given a challenge in life. He gets a standing ovation from all three judges.
After a REALLY LONG X-Factor promo…
12th- Chehon’s Solo- How It Ends (DeVotchKa)
Chehon decided to do the show to learn new styles. He cites the last day in Vegas, when he did his solo, as being his big moment. He says his best moment was when his mom came and saw the show. Chehon goes for an emotional solo, full of power moves, gigantic leaps, and stunts. Good job.
To Vote For Chehon- 1-855-GO HIM 02 or text CHEHON to 83676 (or vote at Fox.com/dance, or using the SYTYCD app)
13th- Eliana and Alex- Contemporary (choreographer Travis Wall)-Without You (Harry Nilsson)
There isn’t a lot of story in the package (they just talk about goofing off). It doesn’t matter, because with Travis’s choreography, you can always feel something being told. A story of love and heartbreak. Alex and Eliana are perfection together. One of the best dances of the evening, definitely. Rob calls it Poetry. There’s nothing Eliana can’t do, and compliments her extensions again. He says Alex is a gorgeous partner. Rob says Eliana just got lost in the routine. Nigel thinks it was his favorite of the night. He says it brought together his favorite things with Travis, Alex, and Eliana. Nigel says Eliana is his favorite OF ALL TIME ON THE SERIES. really? Mary compliments Alex on being here as an all-star, and tells Travis it’s one of her favorite numbers of the night. Mary compliments Eliana on her passion… oozing…oozing passion.
14th- Tiffany and Chehon- Rumba (choreographer Dmitry Chaplin)-Love Me Tender (Adam Levy and Norah Jones)
I’m so excited for this dance. Dmitry says it has to be so hot that it’s awkward to watch them. This is so gorgeous. Chehon paired with a girl means they have a strong partner, who can just fling them around with his pinky. The turns are so quick, the lifts are effortless, and each extension is flawless. Absolutely beautiful. Mary says it was beautiful, and compliments Dmitry. Mary didn’t buy the chemistry, but loved Chehon’s slide. Mary compliments Tiffany (who has also fallen victim to lipstick teeth). I’m guessing a makeup artist is getting axed tonight. Rob thought it was sexy, and he did feel a connection between them. Rob loves their abandon. Nigel says the dance was sexy, and wonders what happened to Chehon’s buttons on his shirt.
15th- Cyrus and Twitch- Animation (choreographer Christopher Scott)- Like A Criminal (District 78)
Alright. This is sick. The breakaway glass was a super cool trick. Since this is animation, which is not quite Twitch’s style, he’s allowing for Cyrus to look just as strong as him. This was probably the most fun routine to watch of the night. Standing ovation from the judges. Rob says it was crazy and calls them both superstars. Nigel compliments Twitch on adapting to the style, and says they’re both world class (which he heard from Christopher Scott). Nigel apologizes to Cyrus for not voting for him tonight, but he’s proud of Cyrus. Nigel understands why America will vote for Cyrus, but he’s voting for Chehon. Surprisingly… he wasn’t booed.
Some really strong routines tonight. I think Eliana and Tiffany are in a dead heat. Yes, Nigel has put tons of praise on Eliana, but there’s something to be said about Tiffany not being in the bottom… ever. And same with Cyrus (who also has never been in the bottom). Yes, Chehon is amazing, but America seems to love Cyrus. That last routine was killer. Who are you voting for? Sound off in the comments!
MJ says I’ll be back next week for the finale recap, so I’ll see you then. I hope I did justice to the live blog, and I hope you had a good time. I’d love to do this more often. ;)
Recapping Your Voting Numbers:
To Vote For Eliana: 1-855-GO HER 01 or text ELIANA to 83676, (or vote at Fox.com/Dance, or using the SYTYCD app).
To Vote for Cyrus: 1-855-GO HIM 01 or Text CYRUS to 83676 (or vote at Fox.com/Dance, or using the SYTYCD app).
To Vote for Tiffany- 1-855-GO HER 02 or text TIFFANY to 83676 (or vote at Fox.com/Dance, or using the SYTYCD App)
To Vote For Chehon- 1-855-GO HIM 02 or text CHEHON to 83676 (or vote at Fox.com/dance, or using the SYTYCD app)