The Top 10 taped a segment for Larry King in Duluth, GA this week, and it’s airing during the last half hour of the Larry King Live show on CNN. It’s being broadcast on the East coast right now. Bonus: Twitch and Kherrington perform their Prison Break routine at the end of the show. Random, I know.
This interview is great! For non-stop unintentional hilarity, that is. Can you say awkward? The Idols are openly laughing at Larry King’s stupid questions.
A few notable bits:
- Larry still can’t pronounce Syesha and Ramiele’s names properly. He seems to barely have a grasp on who these young people are, and why he is interviewing them. Something about a tour? Yeah.
- Larry’s first question to David Cook, “What’s this been like, have you enjoyed this or not?” David pauses and then laughs nervously. A couple of Idols laugh in the background. This exchange pretty much sets the tone for the rest of the interview.
- There are a series of questions, each directed at different Idols so they all get a the chance to answer. The questions are lame-ass and obvious. Larry reads them, awkwardly, off a piece of paper. During the second part of the interview, he begins asking the same questions, but directing them to different Idols. I begin to wonder if Larry grabbed the wrong piece of paper on break.
- Larry tells Archie that “Crush” is #1 on iTunes. “Wow” says Archie, all wide-eyed, “It still is?” Cute!
- Larry tells Jason, “Your hair is growing. You’re starting to look like Manny Ramirez.” Jason’s WTF? look is priceless.
- Lots of talk about “Mavid” sprinkled through the interview. Larry is clueless. “Please don’t stop the Mavid, ” Brooke sings. It cracks me up that all the contestants call the little finale dance between Michael and David “Mavid” just like the fans.
- “Is show business all you thought it would be?” Larry asks Michael. “I’ve been dancing since I came out of the womb, Larry…when you’ve got it, you’ve got it, I guess.” The rest of the Idols crack up. “So you have no thoughts of leaving the business?” Larry asks him. WTF?
- Larry asks Chikezie how the meet and greets are going. Chikizie’s answer, “I sign a lot of autographs…the rest are there too.” Chikezie is funny. Thank God for Chikezie
- When Larry asks Jason, “How’s the Ukulele going over?”, there’s more laughing in the background. “It’s going pretty good, I guess.” Jason answers. I mean seriously, a 5 year old could come up with better questions.
- When Larry cuts to break saying, “We’ll be right back with the American Idol winners, uh, finalists, don’t go away, ” Cookie just presses his forehead and shakes his head, like “OMG”.
- The entire top 10, not just David Cook, will be involved with the Stand Up to Cancer fundraiser, airing on many networks in September. Pretty much the only bit of news to be gleaned from the entire interview.
- Larry asks Archie if everyone gets along. Of course Archie says yes. “I know where you sleep, Archuleta, ” Michael mutters. The Idols crack up. Then Larry says, “Ok, you can tell me if you don’t like someone without saying who.” And the entire group looks into the camera like Larry has 3 heads.
- Random bit at the end of the interview: After the Idols say goodbye, Larry promotes the So You Think You Can Dance tour, and then introduces Twitch and Kherrington, who dance their Prison Break routine. They probably had the footage in the can and decided to tack it on, or maybe publicizing SYTYCD was part of the deal in order for CNN to get another interview with the Idols…
VIDEO is UP After the JUMP…
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Twitch and Kherington: