It was a little disappointing that Alec Baldwin did not return to Saturday Night Live this week to play Donald Trump. There was plenty to parody, from his Dark Night Rising inaugural speech, to the new president’s total meltdown over inaugural crowd numbers. It could have been YUUUGE. Bigly.
But I’ll take Beck Bennett as Russian President Vladimir Putin chiding his BFF Trump for a rocky first couple of days, while handing out a few propaganda tips to the newbie. Kate McKinnon plays a Russian woman who sings Putin’s praises from a script but then sneaks up behind him…Oh I won’t spoil it! Just watch it here.
After, guest host Aziz Ansari delivered a brilliant and spot on stand-up bit describing emboldened racists in the wake of Trump’s divisive campaign as “lowercase kkk.” He shares that his Muslim parents emigrated to southern United States. And when they had the opportunity to move, it was to North Carolina. “They aren’t going anywhere…” Ansari declared. “They love it here.”