Ratings Race: American Idol Bests The Voice and Masked Singer


Ratings Race: American Idol Key Demo Ratings Beat The Voice and Masked Singer

Ratings for the week of April 16-April 22:

Once again CBS’s Survivor on Wednesday beats them all with a 0.78 key demo rating and 5.2M viewers. The Masked Singer hit a season low the same night with a 0.48 rating and 3.4M overall viewers. However FOX aired a clip show that featured a couple of new performances but NO unmaskings.

American Idol took the Top 24 to Hawaii for performances, while The Voice kicked off the Knockout round. On Monday, ABC’s American Idol clearly won the ratings race with a 0.53 rating in the key demo–down a bit from the week before. NBC’s The Voice only rose a smidge, to a 0.45 from the previous week’s clip show. However, The Voice had more overall viewers 5.4M vs Idol’s 4.4M. That’s a million more viewers for The Voice! However, all that means is that Idol’s viewers are younger. And younger viewers are what appeals to advertisers. (The Voice demo share for Adults 50+ was 9.5, while American Idol was 7.3)

On Sunday, American Idol earned a 0.64 in the key demo up from the previous week’s 5.1. Notably, the episode got an assist from an NBA playoffs game that aired at 3 pm ET. (1.78 rating). American Idol nabbed the highest rating in primetime on both Sunday and Monday.

American Idol kicks off LIVE shows on Monday April 24, while The Voice will remain taped episodes until May 15. I expect that disparity between the two shows in live-vs taped episodes will hurt The Voice’s ratings in the long run.

ratings via showbuzzdaily.com

American Idol Season 21 Ratings

Air Date18-49 DemoViewers
Sun Feb 190.615.3M
Sun Feb 260.735.2M
Sun Mar 50.725.6M
Sun Mar 120.603.3M
Sun Mar 190.594.8M
Sun Mar 260.655.3M
Sun Apr 20.655.1M
Mon Apr 30.534.4M
Sun Apr 90.514.6M
Mon Apr 100.564.5M
Sun Apr 160.645.4M
Mon Apr 170.534.4M

The Voice Season 23 Ratings

Air Date18-49 DemoViewers
Mon Mar 60.696.4M
Tue Mar 70.505.1M
Mon Mar 130.747M
Tue Mar 140.505M
Mon Mar 200.646.5M
Tue Mar 210.465.3M
Mon Mar 290.606.3M
Tue Mar 300.505.2M
Mon Apr 30.545.4M
Tue Apr 40.434.4M
Mon Apr 100.444M
Mon Apr 170.455.4M

The Masked Singer 9 Ratings

Air Date18-49 DemoViewers
Wed Feb 150.633.7M
Wed Feb 220.613.8M
Wed Mar 10.553.7M
Wed Mar 80.654M
Wed Mar 150.684M
Wed Mar 220.543.68M
Wed Mar 290.653.9M
Wed Apr 50.603.7M
Wed Apr 120.513.8M
Wed Apr 190.483.4M
About mj santilli 35048 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!