Randy Jackson Calls ‘The Voice’ Gimmicky

Have you been wondering what some of the folks connected to American Idol think of the voice? Randy Jackson offers his opinion to The Hollywood Reporter. He calls it “Gimmicky”:

“It’s a great thing when talent can be simple, honest and revered as opposed to spinning around with gimmicky chairs, ” Jackson tells The Hollywood Reporter. “Maybe Simon Cowell should have people opening doors. Like, ‘Knock, knock; Who’s singing? I can’t see you!'”

Jackson jabs, but it’s (mostly) in good fun. “Look, none of these other shows could exist without somebody forging the path before them, ” he says. “I’m happy to say that Idol did that and paved the way.”

Spinning chairs don’t worry Jackson as much as the glut of competition singing shows coming our way, “”My only fear is that with all these shows coming is that people don’t tire of the format, ” he adds. “I don’t know how much singing at you the public can take.”

Do you agree with Randy? Is The Voice gimmicky? I think it is, but it’s not necessarily a bad thing as long as the contestants have talent. On that point–the jury is still out.

About mj santilli 35171 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!