Is Paula Abdul leaving Idol? According to OK Magazine she is:
Paula Abdul is planning to bow out of American Idol!
According to a source close to the reality judge, Paula, 45, who has been with the show for seven years, is developing new TV projects and is hoping to …transition out of the Fox hit.
With her fellow judge, Randy Jackson, telling friends that American Idol has lost its magic, another Paula insider explains, …She knows that every season could be her last. Now she got a new secret venture that she really excited about.
Uhm. No. I won’t believe this until it actually happens. Paula is loopy as hell, but I doubt she’s so stupid as to kill the goose that laid the golden egg.
Did y’all watch Paula’s reality show on Bravo? Probably not. Hardly anyone did. Taking one for the team, I watched each appalling episode. In between mental breakdowns, Paula constantly babbled about upcoming projects–none of which ever came to fruition.
I expect the gossip here to burble for a few days, until Paula makes a statement that’s something like, “Gosh, no. I love Idol! I’d never leave!”
In the meantime, some friends and family of Paula Goodspeed, the troubled ex-Idol contestant who killed herself in front of Paula’s house, exist in a pretty deep river of denial. The river in Egypt, and all that.
In the meantime, more information is seeping out to the media about Goodspeed–she left flowers at Paula’s door a week ago with a note that said, “”Hope you’re doing great. Here’s my new cell number.” It was signed “Love J.T.” When Paula contacted her ex-boyfriend J.T. Torregiani, and found out he hadn’t sent flowers or changed his cell phone, Paula assumed–correctly–that Goodspeed left the gift.
Also, Goodspeed changed her original name, Sandra, to Paula.
Lastly, ever on top of the important news, the crack Fox News team hired a firm to conduct a poll, and it the results are that American Idol fans don’t blame the judges or the show for Goodspeed’s suicide. That means–more crappy auditions for everyone!