Mumford and Sons Keyboardist on Phillip Phillips’ Home”: “Did We Do That?”

Members of the alt-folk band, Mumford and Sons, spoke to Rolling Stone about the striking similarities between Phillip Philips’ “Home” and the Mumford sound for the magazine’s latest cover story.

Keyboardist, Ben Lovett, claimed to be momentarily confused, “I was like, ‘What’s that? Did we do that?'”

But otherwise, Lovett doesn’t mind the sudden explosion of Mumford-like tunes, that includes songs by the Lumineers (“Ho Hey”). But copping Mumford’s sound as a career move? He’s not so sure.

“The only thing that makes me a bit sad about it is that if people think that it’s a good commercial move,” he said for a Rolling Stone cover story. “I think that’s just stupid. Because it’s not about the setup. It’s about the songs, how we’re expressing our songs with this kind of accidental selection of instruments. That’s not like a formula to go and sell records.”

Marcus Mumford added that he finds it “strange” to hear people talking about an American Idol winner imitating his band. “Because that’s kind of what we were reacting against,” he said. “When we started it was quite fun doing what we were doing ’cause no one else was doing it. It was like our little secret.”

Read more at Rolling Stone

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