Here are Monday’s ratings. Last night’s power outages and preemptions due to Hurricane Sandy make the numbers difficult to analyze. The Voice numbers are fantastic if they hold. Via TV By The Numbers
UPDATE: Revolution was adjusted down a tenth, The Voice was adjusted down two tenths, Dancing with the Stars was adjusted down four tenths and Castle was adjusted down five tenths among adults 18-49 versus Monday’s preliminary ratings. VIA TV By the Numbers
The numbers are STILL really good for The Voice
On NBC, The Voice earned a 5.0 rating, up 16% from a 4.3 for last week’s one-hour episode. Revolution scored a 3.1 down 6% from a 3.3 for its last episode on October 15.
On ABC, Dancing with the Stars scored a 2.7 adults 18-49 rating up 13% from a 2.4 for last week’s 1 hour episode.
8:00 NBC The Voice (8-10PM) 5.0/12 12.84
ABC Dancing with the Stars (8-10PM) 2.7/6 13.54
CBS How I Met Your Mother – R 2.4/6 7.26
FOX The X Factor – R (8-10PM) 1.0/2 2.67
CW 90210 – R 0.4/1 0.998:30 CBS Partners -R 1.8/4 5.537
9:00 CBS 2 Broke Girls – R 2.5/6 7.52
CW Gossip Girl – R 0.3/1 0.6659:30 CBS Mike & Molly -R 2.2/5 6.917
10:00 NBC Revolution 3.1/8 8.39
ABC Castle 2.7/7 11.95
CBS News Special – S 2.1/5 7.97
Half Hour Breakdown via Marc Berman
8:00PM – Dancing with the Stars
Viewers: 14.170 million, A18-49: 2.6/78:30PM – Dancing with the Stars
Viewers: 14.682 million, A18-49: 2.7/79:00PM – Dancing with the Stars
Viewers: 15.006 million, A18-49: 2.8/69:30PM – Dancing with the Stars
Viewers: 15.257 million, A18-49: 2.7/610:00PM – Castle
Viewers: 12.208 million, A18-49: 2.7/610:30PM – Castle
Viewers: 11.687 million, A18-49: 2.6/7———-
8:00PM – How I Met Your Mother (R)
Viewers: 7.260 million, A18-49: 2.4/68:30PM – Partners (R)
Viewers: 5.537 million, A18-49: 1.8/49:00PM – 2 Broke Girls (R)
Viewers: 7.518 million, A18-49: 2.5/69:30PM – Mike & Molly (R)
Viewers: 6.917 million, A18-49: 2.2/510:00PM – CBS News Special Report: Superstorm Sandy
Viewers: 8.889 million, A18-49: 2.3/610:30PM – CBS News Special Report: Superstorm Sandy
Viewers: 7.044 million, A18-49: 1.9/5———-
8:00PM – The Voice
Viewers: 12.194 million, A18-49: 4.6/128:30PM – The Voice
Viewers: 13.019 million, A18-49: 5.1/129:00PM – The Voice
Viewers: 13.030 million, A18-49: 5.2/129:30PM – The Voice
Viewers: 13.113 million, A18-49: 5.3/1210:00PM – Revolution
Viewers: 8.958 million, A18-49: 3.4/810:30PM – Revolution
Viewers: 7.820 million, A18-49: 2.8/7———-
8:00PM – The X Factor (R)
Viewers: 3.252 million, A18-49: 1.2/38:30PM – The X Factor (R)
Viewers: 2.640 million, A18-49: 1.0/29:00PM – The X Factor (R)
Viewers: 2.441 million, A18-49: 0.9/29:30PM – The X Factor (R)
Viewers: 2.329 million, A18-49: 0.9/2———-
8:00PM – 90210 (R)
Viewers: 1.038 million, A18-49: 0.4/18:30PM – 90210 (R)
Viewers: 0.933 million, A18-49: 0.4/19:00PM – Gossip Girl (R)
Viewers: 0.785 million, A18-49: 0.3/19:30PM – Gossip Girl (R)
Viewers: 0.545 million, A18-49: 0.2/1