Lee DeWyze performed “Beautiful Like You” for The Hollywood Reporter’s as part of an interview with Shirley Halperin of the Idol Worship blog. Lee performed the tune on the Idol results show last Thursday.
You can read Lee’s candid interview with THR here. He talks about how the release day for his album back in November wasn’t very happy:
They didn’t release the album on time [because] there was some sort of a mix-up at iTunes — it was supposed to be out at midnight, it didn’t get released until three in the afternoon — and just as it’s about to come out, the Beatles release their full catalog. So it was like, “Wow. Really?” Almost every album above mine was the Beatles, which is cool, but I got a lot of flack.
People wanted to bash on me and I was, like, “I don’t really f—ing care.” I don’t. I’m gonna do what I do because I love doing it and for the people that like my music. So for me, the album release wasn’t my best day. It was pretty upsetting. Not because of where it was or how much it sold, there were just so many things going against it…
Lee also discusses meeting the Season 10 Idols and more.
Lee is probably have a better day today. His album, Live it Up re-entered the Billboard 200 at #96 with a 328% increase. “Beautiful Like You” sales increased a whopping 8, 068%, selling 22K copies.
Watch “Beautiful Like You” after the jump.
UPDATE: Also added “Sweet Serendipty” from today’s concert at 96.5 TIC’s Acoustic Cafe
“Sweet Serendipity” live at 96.5 TIC’s Acoustic Cafe.
Video Production by: The Robinson Media Group.