This is so sweet! Jessica Sanchez revealed in a U Stream chat with fans today that she and fellow American Idol Season 11 contestant, Deandre Brackensick, are dating. Aw.
“I got a secret and I want you guys to guess. I’ll nod if it’s no or yes,” teased Jessica.
And after a few wrong guesses, a fan typed “Got a Boyfriend” and Jessica answered, “Deandre,” answered Jessica, “Hahah. He’s my boyfriend. Love you guys. Byeeee!” and with that, two Idol fanbases were left stunned. Ha!
Check out the screen caps at JSanchezFan
Seventeen year old Deandre graduated from high school in May. Jessica, 16, has been home schooled.
The teen lovebirds are performing tonight with The Idols Live show in Portland Oregon.
UPDATE: Deandre confirms he and Jessica are dating via twitter
Me and jessica are officially dating:) Yes jessica is my girlfriend:)