One Direction continues to roll in the dough (I’m picturing Simon jumping into a swimming pool of ca$h like Scrooge McDuck). Another $15M from 3 concert – Kaching! Still, Beyonce and Jay Z raked in some pretty impressive numbers – perhaps One D won’t be the biggest touring act of 2014. Never mind, they just made it into the Guinness Book of World Records for being the first act to debut at number 1 with their first three albums. What kid doesn’t dream of getting in that book?
In other news, Queen+Adam Lambert and The Voice (Oz version) both report from the Perth Arena. This amazing venue has a very elastic size. Q+AL racked in an impressive $2M and The Voice can be proud of its numbers given the general suckitude of reality singing competition show tours this summer.
One Direction, 5 Seconds of Summer/Jamie Scott
Aug. 29-30, 2014: Chicago, Ill.; Soldier Field; 104,617 of 104,617 (2xSOLD-OUT): $9,446,247
Aug. 27, 2014: St. Louis, Mo.; Edward Jones Dome; 52,315 of 52,315 (SOLD-OUT): $4,281,608
Queen + Adam Lambert
Aug. 22, 2014: Perth, Australia ; Perth Arena; 13,285 of 13,285 (SOLD-OUT): $2,008,590
The Voice on Tour
July 27, 2014; Perth, Australia; Perth Arena; 1,883 of 2,074 (91%): $118,540