Idol Twitterverse Update!

Thanks to girlygirl for putting this organized summary, so I don’t have to!

The Idols will be heading for Portland, OR tomorrow to begin preparing for their first American Idols Live! concert on July 5. But in the mean time, the Idols are relaxing and/or taking care of business.

Kris Allen is writing songs. Danny Gokey is taking meetings in Nashville (for a possible record contract perhaps?) Scott MacIntyre hit the beach, Michael Sarver hung out with his wife, Matt Giraud had dinner with his family. Anoop Desai is enjoying his last (today) before leaving for Portland, And, although not twittered, Perez Hilton sez Adam Lambert saw the Adele concert at the Hollywood Bowl last night….


  • #Workin on a killa song right now. It’s the hot diggity#about 16 hours ago from TwitterFon


  • #Just arrived in Nashville!!! Have 2 meetings tomorrow’ ¦..and by the way’ ¦.they have nothing to do with Sophia’s Heart Foundation! =)#about 16 hours ago from web .

More tweets after the JUMP…


  • #Hung out in Redondo Beach today..went to the carnival and checked out the waves:)#about 15 hours ago from txt
  • DISNEYLAND ALL DAY!!! Any suggestions?:)about 3 hours ago from txt


  • #Having a great day hanging out with my wife and some other family at Disney Land. #about 18 hours ago from TwitterFon .


  • #Just got done with with dinner with the fam..It’s been great seeing everyone but I’m about to pass out of exhaustion. haha need sleep. #about 14 hours ago from web .


  • #trying to enjoy the last day in LA before we (finally) get on the road!
About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!