Idol Headlines for 4/17/15

The Amazing Race continues at 8/7c pm on CBS.

‘American Idol’ Burning Questions: Should Rayvon Make the Top 5? Is Nick Still Tight With His Band? – It was an emotional evening of American Idol on Wednesday night, and it’s becoming clear that the top six are getting a little lonely. “We don’t have friends here. We don’t have family here. We have each other. That’s all we have,” Clark Beckham told Billboard backstage. So when the going gets tough, who do the Idols lean on for support? How is the Idol experience affecting their relationships outside the television bubble? And just how fab is it to have the stylists at their beck and call for the whole ride? Billboard has the answers to these burning questions below. – Read more at

Chris Daughtry Cosplay!

Chris Daughtry attended the Star Wars Celebration in Anaheim yesterday. He instagramed, “Had a blast walking the floor and interviewing fans at #starwarscelebration in Anaheim today! #chrisdarthtry #darthmaul #saynotodrugs”


Josh Groban on Kelly Clarkson ‘Phantom of the Opera’ Duet: ‘Her Voice Could Do It All’ – Josh Groban approached Kelly Clarkson to duet on his new album Stages feeling like “it was a little bit of a long shot, probably. She’s got a new baby. She’s got a new album. But I decided to reach out.” “I’ve been a fan of hers for awhile,” Groban told Billboard. “I just have always felt like her voice could do it all, and she certainly has proven that she likes to take risks. I was excited by her excitement; she loved theater and loved that song and wanted to take a crack at it. And, like, that night she sent me an iPhone demo of her singing it; she was like, ‘What about this? Is this gonna be OK?’ I thought, ‘Oh my God, people are gonna be shocked when they hear you really open up on this,’ because she can do it. – Read more at

Carrie Underwood Predators Gear

Carrie Underwood suited up in Nashville Predators gear to watch her husband, Mike Fisher, play. The Preds are competing in the Stanley Cup Playoffs. Unfortunately, the team lost that night to Chicago.


“American Idol” finalist Dexter Roberts sings live in studio – FORT MYERS, Fla.- “American Idol” finalist and up-and-coming country music star Dexter Roberts joins us live in the WINK News studio. He just released his CD and was in concert Thursday night at The Dixie Roadhouse. He’s back next weekend with some country legends for a three-day country music festival happening right here in Southwest Florida. – Watch the Video at WINKNews

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!