Today Idol headlines after the jump ¦
Concert review: Glocksen proposal highlight of ‘Idols’ show
It was clearly Tinley Park native Gina Glocksen night Tuesday at the Allstate Arena in Rosemont.
Not only was she greeted with cheers throughout her …American Idols Live concert performance, her …biggest fan and boyfriend Joe Ruzicka used the show to pop the big question on stage in front of hundreds of screaming fans…..
Update on local ‘Idol’ hopefuls
Aspiring Idols Kerri Forrester, Carly Baldwin and Charly Pedersen are providing updates on how the “Idol” auditioning process is going. Read a profile of the three singers here….
‘Idol’ audition crowd thins out in the afternoon
The crowds converging on the Qwest Center Omaha on Wednesday mimicked the weather.
A deluge in the morning and a sprinkle in the afternoon.
An estimated 3, 000 to 5, 000 people lined up, some as early as 1:30 a.m., to be among the first to register for Friday’s “American Idol” auditions. By 8:45 a.m., the line was gone, leaving other aspiring Idols easy access throughout the afternoon……
‘Idol’ Contestant in Labor Nails Audition
A pregnant Idol contestant battled scorching heat, hotter competition and even labor pains to complete her “American Idol” audition at Texas Stadium on Monday.
Antoria Gillon, 20, went into labor right as she was getting ready to sing for the producers…..
‘Idol’ hopeful auditions first, then has baby boy
…As an ambulance pulled up midfield and panicky onlookers urged her to head for the hospital, “I said, ‘Well, I haven’t gotten my golden ticket yet, ‘ ” which would signal she made it to the next round.
Enduring intense contractions, she finished singing, got the familiar sheet of paper and only then climbed in.
Were producers swayed by her perseverance?
Gillon believes she made it to the second round with her vocal skills but admits, “They go by character and motivation, and I think I showed more than enough motivation.”
The baby’s name: Jamil Labarron Idol McCowan. “I just felt like it was more than appropriate, ” she says.
Idol’s Gina Rocks Engagement
Apparently he remembered to call her when he was sober.
American Idol finalist Gina Glocksen got engaged to longtime beau Joe Ruzicka Tuesday after he popped the question during his girlfriend’s hometown stop on the American Idols Live tour……
KC hopefuls head to Omaha to audition for ‹American Idol
Kelly Clarkson wasnt from Kansas City. Nor was Carrie Underwood.
Ruben Studdard? Fantasia Barrino? Taylor Hicks? Jordin Sparks?
Nope, nope, nope and nope.
But we have a very good feeling about the …American Idol auditions Friday in Omaha. Young people from all over the Midwest will be there, including more than a few from KC……
Thousands Line Up For ‘American Idol’ Auditions
Omaha One Of 7 Cities On Tryout Tour
Wednesday is the first of two registration days for “American Idol” auditions.
Those hoping to try out started showing up just after midnight at the Qwest Center. The plan was to start the line at about 6 a.m.
So many people showed up that organizers decided to allow people to get settled in line. As many as 15, 000 are expected to register for auditions before all is said and done……..
Thousands, Including Metro Singers, Arrive At American Idol Auditions
Rainy conditions and sticky temps didn’t keep thousands of aspiring singers from the American Idol auditions Wednesday in Omaha.
The Midwest auditions are the closest they’ve ever been to the Metro and by Wednesday evening 3, 000 people had registered for the chance to sing before Idol producers. Several Kansas City-area locals made the trip to see if they have Idol potential…….
Home is on the road
Chris Daughtry: Family guy turned rock star
Balding, married fathers rarely take their rock-superstar dreams farther than basement jam-session escapes, with the amps set to reasonable levels to keep angry neighbors at bay.
Thanks as much to his own tenacity and individuality as the unstoppable popularity force of …American Idol, Chris Daughtry is no longer a typical musically inclined, balding, married father…….
Jon Peter Lewis to star in CLO ‹Godspell
Redlands Civic Light Opera announces the casting of 2004 American Idol finalist Jon Peter Lewis in the starring role for their upcoming production of …Godspell.
Playing Sept. 13-23 at historic Clock Auditorium in Redlands, …Godspell will feature Lewis in the role of …Jesus. No stranger to the stage, Lewis sang his way into the …final ten in Idol’s third season alongside contest winner Fantasia Barrino and Academy Award winner Jennifer Hudson. Since then, he has released several hit singles including …Turn to Grey and …Man Like Me. He has also toured extensively since 2004 including the 50-city American Idols Live tour……
‘Idol’ singer has two families
Being part of the “American Idols Live!” tour is a bittersweet experience for singer Phil Stacey.
Stacey, who was voted off the sixth season of Fox’s “American Idol, ” is performing with “Idol” favorites Blake Lewis, Jordin Sparks, LaKisha Jones, Melinda Doolittle, Sanjaya Malakar and more.
“I’m having the time of my life, ” says Stacey. “We’re like a family.” The cast, he says, likes to keep it fresh, which often includes some onstage hi-jinks, so it’s unlikely anyone could see the same show twice……..
Volunteers needed for BalloonFest in Anderson
……Country music star and 2006 …American Idol finalist Bucky Covington will lead the event with a country concert on Aug. 31. A beach music concert and fireworks display are planned as well.
Constantine Maroulis battles with bandmate at NY concert
Some GaySocialites say they caught American Idol loser Constantine Maroulis and his bassist pushing each other around on stage on Tuesday night at Stereo in New York City.
We’re told that the fans were really into what ever is that Constantine does, but evidently his own band mates were not feeling the Idol reject…….
‹Hometown Pride Shared County Wide’ Aug. 8 to 12
…The 2007 theme is …Hometown Pride Shared County Wide.
This year’s featured concert is headlined by Blake Shelton and Josh Gracin of American Idol fame, who agreed to step in at the last minute after Billy Currington cancelled due to health reasons. Tickets are still available for the concert that will be held on the Scott Valley Bank Grandstand at 8 p.m. on Aug. 9…….
50 things to do in line for the ‘American Idol’ auditions
Before you become an Idol, you’ll have a lot of idle time. You could stand in line for hours to sing for 30 seconds. How long will it be? It’s hard to say, but indications are it will be longer than Justin Guarini’s career and smaller than Simon Cowell’s ego. To help you survive, try our 50 ways to pass the time…..